Thu, 27 March 2014
Man. These weeks are always a mixed blessing. I am always thrilled there are so many good books to read, but my wallet always hurts afterwards. What's a nerd to do but just soldier on? This week we say goodbye to several books, close out several Forever Evil tie ins, applaud Charles Soule for being awesome, and much more. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Larfleeze For Life" Finneman and Chris "Outrageous" Robinson as tey discuss an unhealthy amount of books in record time. Books of the Week Email: 01m40s/ Current Events: 06m43s/ Arrow Watch #13m34s/ Adventures of Superman #11: 14m41s/ Chris: 3.0/ All-Star Western #29: 16m11s/ Matt: 3.0/ Aquaman #29: 18m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Flash #29: 20m37s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: ARGUS #6: 22m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion #6: 24m49s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Justice League Dark #29: 27m23s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Larlfeeze #9: 30m15s/ Matt: 1.0/ Red Lanterns #29: 30m59s/ Matt: 4.0/ Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller #1: 33m07s/ Matt: 3.0/ Talon #17: 34m54s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Dead Boy Detectives #4: 36m58s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Fables #139: 39m20s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Sandman: Overture #2: 41m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Amazing X-Men #5: 45m04s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Guardians of the Galaxy #13: 48m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Hawkeye #18: 51m07s/ Matt: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk #20: 52m30s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 2.0/ Superior Spider-Man #30: 54m17s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Alex + Ada #5: 56m57s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Bounce #11: 59m19s/ Matt: 3.0/ Deadly Class #3: 1h00m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Mass Effect: Foundation #9: 1h02m37s/ Matt: 3.5/