We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Join the Nola Nerds on another thrilling and wonderful journey into a week of awesome comics! Matt and Chris are joined once more by their esteemed guest and friend of the show Scott "The Looks" Brehm, and also by newcomer (but frequent email sender) Barbie "The Brilliant."  We break down this weeks books as well as wax nostalgic on some from yester-week. We also give our two cents about current events going down in the comics world, such as the internet-freakout-inducing Before Watchmen, and the renaming of Captain Marvel. Time break downs as follows:

6m45s - Before Watchmen Discussion/

14m10s - DC Writer Shake-Up/

15m20s - Action Comics #6/

19m14s - Animal Man #6/

22m05s - Justice League International #6/

24m55s - Stormwatch #6/

29m44s - Swamp Thing #6/

36m12s - Avengers Academy #25/

39m34s - Punisher #8/

42m30s - Uncanny X-Force #21/

46m06s - Uncanny X-Men #6/

52m02s - Batwing #6/

55m48s - Green Arrow #6/

59m44s - Wonder Woman #5 Retro by Barbie/

1h04m55s - Red Lanterns #6/

1h09m15s - Detective Comics #6/

1h13m10s - Suicide Squad #1 Retro by Barbie/

1h18m47s - OMAC #6/

1h22m02s - Detective Comics #1 Retro by Scott/

1h23m40s - Static Shock #6 + Discussion of Cancellation/

1h29m10s - Renaming of Captain Marvel/

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Direct download: episode_14.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

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