We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Welcome to the 75th annual Hunger Games! Wait, that doesn't sound right at all. But it sounds way cooler than "Welcome to the episode of the NOLAnerdcast Comics Podcast that would be equivalent to Ledyba from Pokemon Gold/Silver. God. What a lame Pokemon. This week the NOLAnerds tackle the Multiversity Guidebook, read another Image Comics first, say farewell to Unwritten (sniff), and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Little League" Finneman, Chris "Ginger Apologist" Robinson, and Andy "Academy" Niemann as they talk about the biggest week of comics in 2015 so far.

Books of the Week
Matt: Batman #38
Chris: Unwritten: Apocalypse #12
Email: 01m32s/
Current Events: 04m57s/
Aquaman #38: 07m53s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Batman #38: 11m00s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Batman: Eternal #43: 14m42s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #17: 17m23s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Flash #38: 19m43s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #39: 22m30s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Gotham Academy #4: 25m28s/ Chris: 3.0/
Gotham by Midnight #3: 27m57s/ Chris: 3.0/
Justice League Dark #38: 30m22s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 2.0/
Multiversity Guidebook #1: 32m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Red Lanterns #38: 39m44s/ Matt: 2.0/
Sinestro #9: 42m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Unwritten: Apocalypse #12: 44m44s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/
Thor #4: 48m53s/ Chris: 3.5/
Uncanny X-Men #30: 52m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Adventure Time #36: 56m09s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Alex + Ada #12: 59m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Bitch Planet #2: 1h02m14s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Dying & The Dead #1: 1h05m39s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Sex Criminals #10: 1h11m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
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Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EST

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