We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

This, the 29th gloriously consecutive comics episode of the Nola Nerd Podcast, contains a single book with the single greatest pun in all of comics history. Which book is it? Who knows? We do, that's who! But you? The listener? You must earn that knowledge. By listening to a group of nerds chitchat about comics! Bwahahaha! Ahem. This week, the Nerds include Matt "Nothing Notable This Week" Finneman, Chris "Still Is the Bully Who Deletes Podcasts" Robinson, Scott "Second Mason" Brehm, Barbie "Brought a Friend" Cure, and Andy "New Scott" Niemann. We talk shop, talk comics, and talk about the most random shit we can think of. Join us!

Email: 02m35s/

Corporate Sponsors - 07m10s/

Current Events - 10m27s/

Dancer #1 - 15m40s/

Hardcore #1 - 18m10s/

Batwoman #9 - 21m04s/

Green Lantern Corps #9 - 25m55s/

Justice League #9 - 31m18s/

Nightwing #9 - 36m58s/

Shade #8 - 41m20s/

Wonder Woman #9 - 44m14s/

Avengers Academy #30 - 47m59s/

Avengers vs. X-Men #4 - 51m02/

Avengers vs. X-Men Versus #2 - 56m12s/

Daredevil #13 - 1h00m54s/

Uncanny X-Men #12 - 1h03m55s/

Saga #3 - 1h07m36s/

Adventure Time #4 - 1h14m25s/

Birds of Prey #9 - 1h17m21s/

Blue Beetle #9 - 1h21m04s/

Avengers #26 - 1h23m55s/

Catwoman #9 - 1h25m50s/

Invincible Iron Man #517 - 1h28m45s/

Red Hood and the Outlaws #9 - 1h32m10s/

Scarlet Spider #4 - 1h36m20s/

Supergirl #9 - 1h39m45s/

Fatale #2 - 1h41m22s/

Secret Service #2 - 1h42m53s/

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Direct download: Episode_29.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EDT

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