Fri, 20 May 2016
Welcome to another episode of the NOLAnerdcast, brought to you in both audio AND video over on the Youtubes! This week we tackle a bunch of great comics, ranging from the finale of Sinestro, to the beginning of Marvel's Civil War II, to the ending of the first arc of Jughead, to the debut of the omega crossover Future Quest, and more! We also chat games and the gaming industry, discussing Uncharted 4, what could have been with Fable 4, thoughts on how to improve Xbox in America, among many other topics! So join the NOLAnerds as we chit chat the night away!
Sinestro #23: 23m20s/
All-New Wolverine #8: 24m51s/
Civil War II #0: 28m37s/
Spider-Man #4: 31m30s/
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #5: 34m49s/
Future Quest #1: 36m35s/
Jughead #6: 39m35s/