Fri, 15 July 2016
We once again welcome a new guest, Michelle Badeaux from a neighboring podcast called the Nerdy Gras! We ask her about how she started her show, what it's all about, and discover all the awesome things she loves that our own Chris doesn't because he isn't as cool apparently. We also discuss the worldwide addiction that is Pokemon GO, brand new comic debuts from DC's Rebirth line, Marvel's own horribly upsetting Vision series, and more!
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth: 1h06m05s/ New Super-Man: Rebirth: 1h09m33s/ Nightwing: Rebirth: 1h13m57s/ Civil War II #3: 1h15m55s/ Vision #9: 1h20m49s/ Old Man Logan #8: 1h27m22s/ Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #6: 1h32m39s/
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