We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

The NOLAnerds have returned with yet another look at the week's superhero comic TV shows. So strap yourselves in, because it's about to get chatty! This week the NOLAnerds discuss the Flash and Arrow two part crossover epic and try to put into words exactly what it is about Agents of SHIELD that doesn't resonate. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Team Flarrow" Finneman, Chris "Dozer Sad" Robinson, and Andy "NBC Death Watch" Niemann as they talk about stuff.

Arkham Origins (Gotham) NO NEW EPISODE
Agents Assemble (Agents of SHIELD)
Rogue's Gallery (Flash)
Under the Hood (Arrow)
Raising Hellblazer (Constantine)
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Category:general -- posted at: 8:48pm EST