We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Holy crap guys. This week. THIS WEEK! Absurd. Not only were we graced with the mid season finales of Agents of SHIELD and Arrow, but we also have our new record for most books released in a single week. And yet we still managed to only go 10 minutes over our normal time. Go us! This week we tackle a triple threat of Justice League books, welcome back Lazarus and Uncanny, as well as say hello to a new WWE inspired digital comic. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Painful Back Spasm" Finneman and Chris "Complete Compliance" Robinson as they try their damndest to talk comics with you.

Books of the Week
Matt: Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6 
Chris: Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6

Email: 02m05s/

Corporate Sponsors: 05m59s/

Current Events: 06m39s/

SHIELD Watch: 10m43s/

Arrow Watch: 14m21s/

Batgirl #26: 17m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

Batman #26: 19m58s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/

Batman: Li'l Gotham #9: 22m43s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/

Constantine #9: 25m49s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/

Forever Evil: Arkham War #3: 28m48s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/

Green Lantern Corps #26: 31m12s/ Matt: 2.5/

Justice League #25: 34m17s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/

Justice League of America #10: 36m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/

Justice League 3000 #1: 40m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/

Nightwing #26: 43m37s/ Matt: 3.5/

Suicide Squad #26: 45m07s/ Matt: 3.5/

Superman/Wonder Woman #3: 47m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

Coffin Hill #3: 50m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

Collider: FBP #6: 51m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/

Cable and X-Force #17: 53m42s/ Chris: 2.5/

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6: 55m37s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/

Uncanny X-Men #15: 58m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

Wolverine and the X-Men #39: 1h01m34s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

Alex + Ada #2: 1h04m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/

Lazarus #5: 1h07m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/

Mass Effect: Foundation #5: 1h11m56s/ Matt: 3.0/

Mega Man #32: 1h14m22s/ Matt: 3.5/

Uncanny #5: 1h17m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/

WWE Superstars #1: 1h19m19s/ Chris: 2.5/

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