We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Special Leap Year Edition! Introducing NolaNerdPodcast's FIRST MOVIE REVIEW OF ALL TIME EVER! We review and discuss Justice League: Doom, the newest of the DC Animated movies. We also try and tackle the thorny subject of the depiction of women in comics as well as answer a slew of fan emails. Several guest stars join us this week. Join Matthew "Failure to Moderate" Finneman, Chris "Meanwhile" Robinson, Scott "I've Been Drinking Since 6" Brehm, Barbie "I Thought the Drunk Show Was Next Week" Cure, and introducing Kevin "Why are There 65 Cheetahs?" Blackwell and Chelsea "Left Us Halfway" St. Juniors. Time stamps below:

Emails: 01m22s/

Fake Corporate Sponsors: 23m28s/

Current Events: Women In Comics: 26m00s/

Justice Leage: Doom Movie Review: 39m00s/

Moon Knight #10: 55m00s/

Tiny Titans #49: 56m43s/

Batman Beyond Unlimited #1: 59m00s/

Justice League #6: 1h05m00s/

Shade #5: 1h09m55s/

Unwritten #34.5: 1h12m28s/

DC Universe Legends #24: 1h15m10s/

Legion: Secret Origin #5: 1h17m46s/

Angel & Faith #6: 1h19m35s/

Uncharted #4: 1h22m00s/

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Direct download: Episode_18.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11am EST

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