Thu, 25 April 2013
Welcome to another installment in what we like to call, the NOLAnerd OG Saga! That is where we cut out the riff raff and only shower you with the dulcet tones of the original co-creators of the NOLAnerdcast! Prepare to be amazed! Or at least, relieved. Because with only two of us the show really kind of moves along at a brisk pace. It's almost refreshing. This week we bid farewell to the Before Watchmen saga, lament the lack of a lot of competition in 4th week books, discuss the simply horrendous new animated Iron Man movie: Rise of the Technovore, and more! So join the OG NOLAnerds, Matt "Loki-isms" Finneman, and Chris "Die Hard Flash" Robinson and take this journey with us! Books of the Week Email: 01m03s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m15s/ Current Events: 05m46s/ Before Watchmen: Comedian #6: 12m16s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.5/ All-Star Western #19: 15h50s/ Matt: 8.0/ Flash #19: 19m12s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Justice League Dark #19: 22m58s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Red Lanterns #19: 27m03s/ Matt: 7.5/ Talon #7: 30m26s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0/ Teen Titans #19: 33m20s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0/ Unwritten #48: 38m14s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #22: 41m10s/ Chris: 8.5/ Uncanny X-Men #5: 44m05s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #28: 48m56s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.5/ Young Avengers #4: 54m27s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at