We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

She's back folks! For a bit at least. Newest NOLAnerd correspondent Ashley has returned, and brings with it a fresh outlook on a lot of ongoing books. Just how easy is it to jump into a series in the middle of a story? She helps us find out! Also on the docket, a tribute and a fond farewell to the Geoff Johns era of Green Lantern which ended this week after over 100 issues and nearly a decade of good times. The finale is here, and the other books bring us nice epilogues. This is also one of the biggest weeks we have ever had, with well over 20 books to review! It got crazy up in here folks! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Goodbye Hal" Finneman, Chris "Surly As Fuck" Robinson, and Ashley "Leaving for...Reasons" Butler as they try and tackle the biggest storm of books they have ever done! And completely out of our normal order due to the fact that Ashley had to leave early.

Books of the Week
Matt: Green Lantern #20
Chris: Green Lantern #20
Ashley: Young Avengers #5

Daredevil #26: 04m04s/ Matt: 9.0 Chri: 8.5 Ashley: 8.5/

Superior Spider-Man #10: 10m33s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 8.0/

Young Avengers #5: 17m30s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Ashley: 9.5/

Uncanny X-Men #6: 23m52s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5 Ashley: 6.5/

All-Star Western #20: 29m32s/ Matt: 7.5/

Aquaman #20: 31m53s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5 Ashley: 6.0/

Batman Beyond Unlimited #16: 36m24s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 5.0/

Flash #20: 40m36s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/

Justice League #20: 44m23s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 8.0/

Justice League Dark #20: 51m50s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 7.0/

Green Lantern #20: 58m06s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/

Green Lantern Corps #20: 1h09m52s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/

Green Lantern: New Guardians #20: 1h12m04s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/

Red Lanterns #20: 1h14m36s/ Matt: 8.0/

Green Team #1: 1h17m41s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/

Talon #8: 1h22m55s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/

Teen Titans #20: 1h25m42s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.5/

Unwritten #49: 1h28m20s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/

Adventure Time #16: 1h31m10s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5/

Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake #5: 1h34m41s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0/

Ghostbusters #4: 1h37m45s/ Chris: 6.5/

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:48pm EST

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