Thu, 14 April 2016
Join us for a special episode of the NOLAnerdcast! Featuring Dr. Cody Louviere PhD* of King Crow Studios, creators of the currently on Kickstarter game Quest of Souls, the NOLAnerds present one heck of an interview! We chat with Cody about his dream of devving for Nintendo, the origins of the dragon slaying Corgi, the ideas behind his twin stick shooter RPG, and how he was able to stay true to his Louisiana roots, and so much more! And that isn't all! The NOLAnerds also discuss comics, including the single most haunting issue of comics they have read in ages. They also discuss just what it will take for Nintendo to win them over with the NX. Matt tries to talk about VR, but he gets shot down until Dr. Cody PhD* jumps in to save the day!
*Cody is not a doctor. Why would we make that up? WHO KNOWS
Comics Time Stamps:
All-New X-Men #8: 42m24s/
Deadly Class #20: 44m52s/
No Mercy #9: 46m21s/
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