Fri, 8 July 2016
The NOLAnerds return with another round of absurdity, comic book discussion, and game chatter. However this time they are joined by the creators of the local comic property Goofy Froot! What do you get when you mix gangsta grapes, weed addicted chili peppers, a banana CEO, and more? A whole lot of ridiculousness. So join us as we interview them, talk new Rebirth comics and Marvel Civil War tie ins, and talk about the gaming news that came out over the week.
Aquaman #2: 36m15s/
Batman #2: 39m38s/
Green Arrow #2: 43m05s/
Green Lanterns #2: 44m51s/
Justice League: Rebirth #1: 47m59s/
Superman #2: 49m49s/
Captain Marvel #6: 53m03s/
Spider-Man #5: 55m02s/
Totally Awesome Hulk #8: 57m10s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9: 58m51s/
Uncanny Inhumans #11: 1h00m01s/
X-Men: Civil War II #2: 1h04m40s/
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