Thu, 2 July 2015
The first month of the DC You is over. Secret Wars is still raging on. Mega Man and Sonic are still uniting worlds. But all of that pales in comparison to the fact that it is Canada Day! And what better day to debut Brian K Vaughn's latest comic about a future war between Canada and the USA? Crazy right? I love timing like that. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Fuck Sticks the Badger" Finneman and Chris "The Tithes Guild" Robinson as they chat it up! Books of the Week
Matt: We Stand on Guard #1
Chris: Action Comics #42
Top 5 Moments
*Superman's Punch (Action Comics #42)
*Six Killing Sounds (Midnighter #2)
*Doom Enters the Battleworld (Secret Wars #4)
*Ontario Bombing (We Stand on Guard #1)
*Thor's Phone Call (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7)
Email: 01m49s/
Current Events: 06m14s/
Action Comics #42: 11m01s/
Batman Beyond #2: 13m41s/
Detective Comics #42: 17m01s/
Green Lantern #42: 18m44s/
Midnighter #2: 20m58s/
Omega Men #2: 24m10s/
Secret Wars #4: 26m01s/
Secret Wars: A-Force #2: 29m28s/
Secret Wars: Little Avengers vs X-Men #2: 31m27s
Secret Wars: X-Men: Years of Future Past #2: 33m42s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #7: 35m35s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #5: 36m47s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7: 38m07s/
No Mercy #4: 40m59s/
Outcast #10: 44m11s/
Sonic Boom #9: 45m57s/
Tithe #3: 48m10s/
Uncanny Season 2: 50m25s/
We Stand on Guard #1: 52m11s/
Wicked + the Divine #12: 55m39s/
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