Fri, 18 May 2012
Welcome to the April 2012 Video Game Podcast by the Nola Nerds! TAKE TWO! Because Chris is a big ol' jerk face who deleted our first one back when, you know, it was actually the end of April and not smack dab in the middle of May. But here we are! Back! And neither better nor worse than before. This month we talk about the big games (of which there were few) and the big news (of which there were a good amount) in the video game world for the month of April. We also discuss and break down the shockingly fun yet rip-offy sounding Playstation Smash, I mean, All Stars Battle Royale. Who do we want to see appear? Who is in our dream roster? Check it out and find out! Items of note discussed within: Witcher 2, Walking Dead Ep 1, Fez, Tales of Graces, Microsoft's $99 Xbox 360, Call of Duty Black Ops II vs. Halo 4 (The November FPS THROW DOWN!), Prototype 2, Kinect Star Wars, and Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. The Nerds on deck this go round? Matt "I Love Sony Smash Bros" Finneman, Chris "I Want Resistance McResistancy in the Game" Robinson, Garrett "All I Play is Disgaea" Platner, Ronald "Still the Angry Black Gamer, But Now a Hardcore Tales Player" Bienemy, and Mason "I Love Sora and Leon Kennedy" Maldonado. E-mail us at NolaNerdPodcast. Follow us on Twitter @NolaNerdPodcast. Like us on Facebook at NolaNerdPodcast. View us on