Thu, 29 May 2014
Welcome to the wide world of comic bookery! The NOLAnerds are here to once more take you by the hand and lead you down the path to comics awesomeness. This week the NOLAnerds tackle the unfortunate departures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, try out a new Image Comics debut, ruminate on the difference in quality among Green Lantern books, and visit the endings of two DC series. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Lantern Whore" Finneman and Chris "Not Stubborn. Stupid" Robinson as they talk shop for you all. Books of the Week
Matt: Red Lanterns #31
Chris: Aquaman #31
Current Events + Email: 0m18s/
Adventures of Superman #13: 13m50s/ Chris: 3.0/
All-Star Western #31: 15m27s/ Matt: 3.0/
Aquaman #31: 17m56s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batman #31: 20m19s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batman: Eternal #8: 23m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Flash #31: 27m18s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Justice League Dark #31: 34m02s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Larfleeze #11: 37m20s/ Matt: 1.0/
Nightwing #30: 40m20s/ Matt: 2.0/
Red Lanterns #31: 44m19s/ Matt: 4.0/
Suicide Squad #30: 46m50s/ Matt: 3.5/
Dead Boy Detectives #6: 50m21s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Ms. Marvel #4: 54m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Deadly Class #5: 57m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Mass Effect: Foundation #11: 1h00m10s/ Matt: 3.0/
Mega Man #37: 1h02m09s/ Matt: 3.0/
Trees #1: 1h04m31s/ Chris: 3.0/
Mon, 26 May 2014
This was a crazy week in comics folks! A metric ton of quality books rained upon us and our free time and wallets suffered so that we may regale you with talkings of the comics. I mean, we discuss the epic finale to Forever Evil, we welcome back the greatness that is Saga, enjoy more DC weekly action, conclude the first arc in Velvet, read a bunch of good things at Marvel, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Anti Monitor" Finneman and Chris "He Really Picked Unwritten" as they talk and talk and talk about comics!
Books of the Week
Matt: Forever Evil #7
Chris: Saga #19
Email: 02m40s/
Current Events: 05m53s/
Batman 66 #11: 11m40s/ Chris: 3.0/
Batman Beyond Universe #10: 13m08s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Batman: Eternal #7: 16m38s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Batman/Superman #11: 19m22s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/
Batwoman #31: 21m46s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Forever Evil #7: 24m03s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Future's End #3: 31m16s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Green Lantern: New Guardians #31: 35m27s/ Matt: 3.5/
Harley Quinn #6: 37m35s/ Chris: 3.0/
Justice League #30: 39m38s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Justice League of America #14: 43m10s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Pandora: Trinity of Sin #11: 45m55s/ Chris: 2.5/
Sinestro #2: 47m44a/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Wonder Woman #31: 50m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Unwritten: Apocalypse #5: 52m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/
Amazing Spider-Man #2: 55m36s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Amazing X-Men #7: 57m41s/ Chris: 2.5/
Daredevil #3: 59m37s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Original Sin #2: 1h01m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Thor: God of Thunder #22: 1h03m51s/ Chris: 3.5/
Uncanny X-Men #21: 1h05m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Adventure Time #28: 1h07m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Saga #19: 1h10m37s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Velvet #5: 1h14m39s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast, View us at www,
Thu, 15 May 2014
For the record, NOLAnerd Chris has the worst ideas for these little blurbs. He wanted to start it off with #Butts. I mean, come on. At least make it #Buttz. With a Z. Makes it seem edgier. Rookie move Chris. This week the NOLAnerds tackle finale week for our TV shows, welcome our weeklies, discuss why FBP requires a slower read to appreciate, and much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Hitting the Mark" Finneman and Chris "Its Arrow Watch Damnit" Robinson as they talk comics! Books of the Week Email: 00m31s/ Current Events: 02m39s/ Agents of SHIELD Watch: 10m29s/ Arrow Watch: 15m49s/ Batgirl #31: 19m17s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Batman: Eternal #6: 22m05s/ Matt: 3.0 CHris: 3.0/ Constantine #14: 24m20s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Future's End #2: 27m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern Corps #31: 31m30s/ Matt: 3.5/ Justice League United #1: 34m04s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Superman/Wonder Woman #8: 37m05s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Fables #140: 40m04s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ FBP: Collider #10: 44m05s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ All-New X-Men #27: 47m17s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Nightcrawler #2: 50m20s/ Chris: 3.0/ Afterlife with Archie #5: 53m23s/ Chris: 3.5/ Bounce #12: 56m57s/ Chris: 3.0/ Shutter #2: 59m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Think Tank: Fun with PTSD #1: 1h002m54s/ Matt: 3.5/
Fri, 9 May 2014
Welcome to the week that was in comics folks! The NOLAnerds are here to break it all down for you once more with their signature charm, wit, rampant professionalism, and thinly veiled agression towards each other. This week the NOLAnerds welcome back one of their own, discuss the dickery of Bob Kane, witness the end of The Watcher, board the magic schoolbus into Batman's brain, and enjoy two ongoing DC weeklies. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Cyclops Solo Skeptic" Finneman, Chris "Throwin' S.H.A.D.E." Robinson, and Andy "Prodigal Son" Niemann as they talk shop and talk comics. Books of the Week Email: 00m57s/ Current Events: 09m39s/ Agents of SHIELD Watch: 15m17s/ Arrow Watch: 19m06s/ Aquaman and the Others #2: 21m46s/ Matt: 3.0/ Batman: Eternal #5: 25m01s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman/Superman #10: 27m48s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Earth 2 #21: 31m15s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Future's End #1: 33m46s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0 Andy: 3.0/ Green Arrow #31: 37m45s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern #31: 40m35s/ Matt: 3.5/ Phantom Stranger #19: 42m00s/ Chris: 2.5/ Swamp Thing #31: 44m48s/ Chris: 3.5/ Fairest #26: 47m32s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Cyclops #1: 49m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0 Chrfis: 3.0/ Iron Fist #2: 54m37s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Loki: Agent of Asgard #4: 57m04s/ Chris: 3.0/ Original Sin #1: 59m09s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5 Andy: 4.0/ Punisher #5: 1h03m44s/ Matt: 3.5/ She-Hulk #4: 1h05m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Ultimate Comics: Miles Morales #1: 1h07m32s/ Chris: 3.0/ Alex _ Ada #6: 1h10m08s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast. View us at
Thu, 8 May 2014
Welcome to the 3rd Annual NOLAnerdcast Free Comic Book Day LIVE Podcast, sponsored by BSI Comics! Join us as we interview comic fans both old and young on what they nabbed, chat with local artists, talk shop with the owner of BSI, and of course, review a ton of Free Comic Book Day books! We tackle kid friendly favs like Rocket Raccoon, Teen Titans GO, and Mega Man. We also review the big boys such as Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy primer and the BIG BOY of them all, DC's premiere issue of the new weekly Future's End. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Want a Doughnut" Finneman and Chris "Terrible At Interviews" Robinson as they awkwardly discuss the magic of the pause button! E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 1 May 2014
Fifth Week is here! The week where we get showered with annuals and books that slpped from normal scheduling. It is also the week where we are once more greeted to Peter Parker as Spider-Man, Lord Superman, crazy Poison Ivy, an acid fueled murder trip to Las Vegas, the origins of DOC Robot, as well as the finale to the Batwoman/DEO storyline. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Devils Advocate" and Chris "Rule Is In Effect" Robinson as they talk comics, featuring a guest appearance by Remy Dee! Books of the Week Email: 04m31s/ Current Events: 10m56s/ Agents of SHIELD Watch: 21m13s/ Arrow Watch: 23m28s/ Adventures of Superman #12: 26m05s/ Matt: 3.5/ Batgirl Annual #2: 27m48s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman 66 #10: 30m24s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman: Eternal #4: 32m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #9: 36m21s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Batwoman Annual #1: 40m00s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Flash Annual #3: 42m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lanterns: New Guardians Annual #2: 45m12s/ Matt: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #26: 47m26s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Amazing Spider-Man #1: 49m35s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Black Science #6: 54m55s/ Matt: 3.0/ Deadly Class #4: 57m34s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Mega Man #36: 1h00m47s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 1 May 2014
*** CORRECTIONS *** Since the day after we filmed this episode, Microsoft announced Saints Row 3, NOT Tomb Raider would be the 360 Games for Gold offering, and Activision surprised everyone by releasing Amazing Spider-Man 2 on X1 after saying they would not. Sorry for the confusion.
April has come and gone, and the NOLAnerds are here with another video game episode to help you make sense of it all. From news to games, we are there for you. This month we discuss how we would 'fix' the problems of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony if we were in charge, talk about the problems that cropped up for the Xbox One in April, chat about Final Fantasy XIV, and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Vita Advocate" Finneman, Chris "Spy Puncher" Robinson, Ronald "MMO-ing It Up" Bienemy, Garrett "PC Gamer" Platner, Mason "Waifu" Maldonado, and Zack "Destined for Destiny" St. Onge as they talk about it all for you. Intros and Emails: Start Gaming News of April 2014: 28m30s/ Xbox One Coverage: 52m41s/ Games of April 2014: 1h03m16s/ Closing and PS+/G4G: 1h17m46s/ *** CORRECTIONS *** Since the day after we filmed this episode, Microsoft announced Saints Row 3, NOT Tomb Raider would be the 360 Games for Gold offering, and Activision surprised everyone by releasing Amazing Spider-Man 2 on X1 after saying they would not. Sorry for the confusion.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at