Thu, 24 December 2015
Merry Christmas and welcome to the first annual NOLAnerdcast Spectacular. With musical guests Robert Goulet, Sting, and U2!!..................................................... Oh. Nevermind. It's just Chris in a blisteringly hot house sweating his way through this weeks comics. Patsy Walker pretty great? Deadly Class back on the right track? Batman and Robin Eternal giving us some answers? You may be surprised at what I discover!
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Fri, 18 December 2015
This week Matt is gone so Chris is all alone again. He drinks water, talks about comics and says that Star Wars is good?!? Watch out these takes are so hot they'll burn your phone alive!
Fri, 11 December 2015
Well look what we have here.... Matt was supposed to type the episode all nice and pretty as is his nature but i guess his dumb "career" is more important. That's fine. I've got nothing better to do so I'll type my feelings out......Eh nevermind. Full show this week. Secret wars is great but has a problem? How much do we both enjoy Batman and Robins Eternal? And how much worse is it going to get for the kids in No Mercy? These questions and more will be answered as soon as you listen to our show!
Mon, 7 December 2015
December is upon us. Time to start looking forward to 2016 while still enjoying a great week of comics. This week brought us brand new Captain America: Civil War and Batman v Superman trailers as well as Netflix's new show Jessica Jones. But we are here to talk about comics, and what a great week it was! Marvel gave us FOUR brand new debuts and DC hit us with our favorite two hit combo of Midnighter and Prez. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Timely Update" Finneman and Chris "Nag Nag Nag" Robinson as they break it down with eloquence.
Books of the Week Matt: Totally Awesome Hulk #1 Chris: Daredevil #1
Top 5 Moments *The Choice (Midnighter #7) *DNA Hostages (Prez: Teenage President #6) *Cho Teams Up with She Hulk (Totally Awesome Hulk #1) *Iron Man's Pre-recorded Message (Invincible Iron Man #4) *Vision Goes Dark (Vision #2)
Email: 03m25s/
Action Comics #47: 08m11s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #9: 10m53s/
Batman Beyond #7: 13m30s/
Green Lantern #47: 16m13s/
Midnighter #7: 18m21s/
Prez: Teenage President #6: 21m28s/
Robin War #1: 23m51s/
Sensation Comics Wonder Woman #17: 27m38s/
All-New Avengers #2: 30m11s/
All-New Inhumans #1: 34m13s/
All-New X-Men #1: 37m23s/
Daredevil #1: 39m56s/
Doctor Strange #3: 42m14s/
Howard the Duck #2: 44m13s/
Invincible Iron Man #4: 46m11s/
Star Wars #13: 48m31s/
Totally Awesome Hulk #1: 50m14s/
Vision #2: 53m09s/
Paper Girls #3: 55m48s/
Plutona #3: 58m10s/
Wed, 25 November 2015
Matt's gone again and a major holiday is about to hit the US so I guess I'll stay and record the show about the million or so books that came out this week. No it's fine. I'm not complaining, I mean I didn't want to play Fallout 4 tonight anyway. So anyway here is the show. I'm not giving times because I'm busy doing important stuff and the show is only a half hour long so you can deal with not having the times.
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at
Fri, 20 November 2015
November sure is a month of plenty. Movies come back in full force. TV seasons are hitting their stride. Games are coming at a breakneck pace. And comics never seem to stop debuting and hitting us with massive weeks! This week we have everything from another week of Batman & Robin: Eternal to a Catman vs Aquaman fight to several Marvel debuts to a brand new Mark Millar debut and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Etrigan Putt Putt" Finneman and Chris "Star Wars Overload" Robinson as they do what they do best.
Books of the Week Matt: Ms. Marvel #1 Chris: Mighty Thor #1
Top 5 Moments *Badass Vader (Star Wars: Vader Down #1) *Ladies Ogling the Fight (Secret Six #8) *Alarm Cat's Opening Statements (Shutter #17) *Villain's Unite (Mighty Thor #1) *Headpat (All-New Wolverine #1)
Current Events: 01m21s/
Action Comics #46: 08m12s/
Batman 66 #29: 10m21s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #7: 11m21s/
Doctor Fate #6: 13m37s/
Earth 2: Society #6: 15m21s/
Green Lantern: Lost Army #6: 17m25s/
Secret Six #8: 19m35s/
Titans Hunt #2: 22m32s/
All-New Wolverine #1: 25m00s/
Extraordinary X-Men #2: 27m01s/
Mighty Thor #1: 29m56s/
Ms. Marvel #1: 32m46s/
New Avengers #3: 34m41s/
Spider-Gwen #2: 36m17s/
Star Wars #12: 38m07s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #12: 39m44s/
Star Wars: Vader Down #1: 41m11s/
Uncanny Inhumans #2: 43m02s/
Clean Room #2: 44m44s/
Beauty #4: 45m53s/
Huck #1: 47m25s/
Shutter #17: 50m11s/
Fri, 20 November 2015
NOLAnerd Matt is running solo this week, after being left all alone and abandoned because "Disney is fun and I need a vacation" is apparently a good excuse. Good thing there were comics to keep me warm and to help me feel loved! T_T Join NOLAnerd Matt "Lonely Hearts Club" Finneman as he tries to do the job of two men! Book of the Week Matt: Justice League: Darkseid War - Shazam #1 Top 5 Moments *Meeting the New Gods (Justice League: Darkseid War - Shazam #1) Email: 00m55s/ Batman #46: 01m48s/ Batman Beyond #6: 03m22s/ Batman & Robin: Eternal #6: 04m55s/ Batman/Superman #26: 06m32s/ Constantine: Hellblazer #6: 08m09s/ Justice League: Darkseid War - Green Lantern #1: 09m31s/ Justice League: Darkseid War - Shazam #1: 11m41s/ Starfire #6: 13m09s/ All-New Hawkeye #1: 14m38s/ All-New Avengers #1: 16m22s/ Secret Wars #7: 18m13s/ Secret Wars: Thors #4: 19m47s/ Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #7: 21m07s/ Birthright #11: 22m27s/ Codename: Baboushka #2: 24m10s/ Descender #7: 26m19s/ Wicked + the Divine #16: 27m46s/
Wed, 11 November 2015
This month there is little on news and a lot on game releases. That is the life we live in the holiday gaming rush! But we weren't bereft of gaming news. Sony debuted their first ever Paris Games Week conference with a slew of brand new game announcements and fresh showings for old standbys. We got new looks at Wild, a release date for No Man's Sky, the new game from David Cage, and much more! Game wise we saw a new Assassin's Creed, the launch of Halo 5, a ton of new Japanese offerings, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Life is Strange" Finneman and Chris "Master Locke" Robinson as they chat you up!
Gaming News October 2015 - 01m50s
Game Releases October 2015 - 20m50s
Ending/PS+/GwG - 40m00s
Thu, 5 November 2015
WHAT A MASSIVE WEEK in comics this was! Turns out November isn't just crazy for gaming. Marvel unleashed a ton of brand new number ones, and Image followed suit with one of the most heavily stacked weeks in recent memory. Everything from Black Racer Flash to Iron Man bro-fives to totally justified trials of Hank McCoy, this week has a little something for everyone! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Beast is the Worst" Finneman and Chris "Seriously, He is the Worst" Robinson as they do their best to navigate the giant stack of comics for your benefit!
Books of the Week Matt: Midnighter #6 Chris: Uncanny X-Men #600
Top 5 Moments *Iron Man and Doctor Strange's High Five (Invincible Iron Man #3) *Twist Ending (Midnighter #6) *Trial of Hank McCoy (Uncanny X-Men #600) *Drax' Thanos Rant (Drax #1)
Email: 02m01s/
Current Events: 05m16s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #5: 09m15s/
Detective Comics #46: 12m25s/
Green Lantern #46: 14m26s/
Justice League: Darkseid War - Flash #1: 16m35s/
Justice League: Darkseid War - Superman #1: 19m51s/
Midnighter #6: 22m17s/
Sensation Comics w/ Wonder Woman #16: 25m13s/
Doctor Strange #2: 27m08s/
Drax #1: 31m16s/
Uncanny X-Men #600: 34m35s/
Extraordinary X-Men #1: 39m08s/
Howard the Duck #1: 41m48s/
Invincible Iron Man #3: 45m05s/
Star Wars #11: 47m05s/
Vision #1: 48m08s/
Citizen Jack #1: 51m31s/
Lazarus #20: 54m54s/
Monstress #1: 58m04s/
Paper Girls #2: 1h01m31s/
Unfollow #1: 1h03m30s/
Velvet #12: 1h06m30s/
We Stand On Guard #5: 1h08m30s/
Thu, 29 October 2015
October now comes to a close, and the NOLAnerdcast is here to bring you the spoooookiest episode of the show yet! And by that I mean, we mention that it is Halloween. So...there's that. This week we get to welcome the newest Greg Rucka Image book, read a metric ton of DC comics, watch as God Batman wrecks Joe Chill's day, and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Sinestro" Finneman and Chris "Teth Adam" Robinson as these BFFs break it down for you!
Books of the Week Matt: Batgirl #45 Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Top 5 Moments *Batgirl Breaks it Down to Grayson (Batgirl #45) *Batman Goes God Mode on Potential Criminals (Justice League: Darkseid War - Batman #1) *The American Apology Tour (Prez #5) *Sinestro & Black Adam are BFFs (Sinestro #16) *AIMs Lexus Incentive (New Avengers #2)
Email: 02m23s/
Current Events: 08m53s/
Aquaman #45: 14m05s/
Batgirl #45: 16m03s/
Batman 66 #28: 18m57s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #4: 20m39s/
Cyborg #4: 23m34s/
Flash #45: 25m59s/
Gotham by Midnight #10: 28m51s/
Grayson #13: 30m19s/
Justice League: Darkseid War - Batman #1: 33m51s/
Prez #5: 37m59s/
Sinestro #16: 42m45s/
Superman #45: 45m34s/
We Are Robin #5: 48m53s/
New Avengers #2: 51m58s/
Secret Wars: House of M #4: 54m22s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1: 56m33s/
Black Magick #1: 1h01m03s/
Sat, 24 October 2015
Welcome to another massive week of quality comics here at the NOLAnerds HQ! This week we are proud to bring you everything from a new entry in the classic in the making weekly Batman & Robin Eternal, a game changing Justice League, a return to Teen Titans form, a bevy of Image books, and a new Vertigo book by Gail Simone and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Robin Fan Club" Finneman and Chris "Inhuman Lover" Robinson as they chat you up for another week! Books of the Week
Matt: Batman & Robin: Eternal #3
Chris: Karnak #1
Top 5 Moments
*Red Hood vs Cassandra Cain (Batman & Robin: Eternal #3)
*Birth of the New New Gods (Justice League #45)
*Strix Learns Basketball (Secret Six #7)
*Karnak Fights (Karnak #1)
*Birth of Protoman (Mega Man #54)
Email: 01m58s/
Current Events: 04m19s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #3: 07m03s/
Black Canary #5: 10m25s/
Doctor Fate #5: 13m09s/
Green Lantern: Lost Army #5: 16m08s/
Justice League #45: 19m47s/
Secret Six #7: 22m46s/
Superman/Wonder Woman #22: 25m20s/
Titans Hunt #1: 28m06s/
Invincible Iron Man #2: 31m13s/
Karnak #1: 34m09s/
Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #5: 37m43s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #11: 39m30s/
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #4: 41m06s/
Uncanny Inhumans #1: 43m38s/
Beauty #3: 47m06s/
Clean Room #1: 49m22s/
Fade Out #10: 53m30s/
Mega Man #54: 56m44s/
Shutter #16: 59m09s/
The Tithe #6: 1h01m09s/
Wolf #4: 1h03m51s/
Sat, 24 October 2015
Well here we are folks. No new milestone to speak of today. No 200th episode. No 50th episode. Just an episode commemorating freaking Wobbuffet and some killer comics. This week we continue the weird amalgamation of Secret Wars tie ins alongside post Secret Wars relaunches. We enjoy some new Image debuts. We welcome a whole buncha Batman into our lives. And we continue our love affair with Starfire. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Sex Crimz" Finneman and Chris "Bloodstone" Robinson as they talk it up for you. Books of the Week
Matt: Ms. Marvel #19
Chris: Ms. Marvel #19
Top 5 Moments
*Spoiler Meets Grayson (Batman & Robin: Eternal #2)
*Starfire/Dolphin OTP (Starfire #5)
*Getrude Gets Violent (I Hate Fairyland #1)
*Alix Attempts Oral (Sex Criminals #13)
*Peter Quill Gets Propositioned (Guardians of the Galaxy #1)
Email: 02m03s/
Current Events: 03m35s/
Batman #45: 08m47s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #2: 12m45s/
Batman/Superman #25: 15m53s/
Constantine: Hellblazer #5: 18m24s/
Earth 2: Society #5: 21m53s/
Starfire #5: 24m41s/
Superman: Lois and Clark #1: 27m51s/
Guardians of the Galaxy #1: 30m16s/
Ms. Marvel #19: 34m20s/
New Avengers #1: 37m34s/
Secret Wars: A-Force #5: 41m51s/
Secret Wars: Civil War #5: 44m09s/
Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies #4: 46m38s/
Spider-Gwen #1: 48m39s/
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #3: 50m35s/
I Hate Fairyland #1: 53m11s/
Sex Criminals #13: 55m58s/
Switch #1: 59m27s/
Wicked + The Divine #15: 1h01m35s
Mon, 19 October 2015
NOlLAnerd Matthew and the NOLAnerds interview Breanna Bietz about her upcoming theater production of Terminator: The Musical. As proud sponsors of the event, we are very excited to see it in action and so should you!
Thu, 15 October 2015
September was a massive month for Sony. Between being the only console maker with a real presence at this year's Tokyo Game Show to releasing a ton of games to announcing its first price drop, to celebrating 20 years in America, this was a big month for them. This month gave us our first taste of the holiday gaming rush with Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain and Destiny: Taken King as well as a wealth of downloadable goodies. So join NOLAnerds Matt "LEGO-riffic" Finneman and Chris "Hates Fun and Joy" Robinson as they nerd it up. Gaming News September 2015: 01m51s/
Tokyo Game Show Breakdown: 13m55s/
Game Releases September 2015: 27m01s/
20 Years of Playstation: 41m51s/
Ending/PS+/Games with Gold: 47m21s/
Thu, 8 October 2015
Sure last week's 200th episode was a major milestone for us. But hey! The 50th episode of the 2.0 era is just as important! Right? Right. You get it. I could tell you were a smart cookie. This week was MASSIVE. We had the continuation of Secret Wars AND the premature relaunch of the Marvel universe. We had every single Star Wars book release on the same day. We had a volley of quality DC books, several new Image debuts, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Jughead" Finneman and Chris "Star Wars Overload" Robinson as they share their love of comics with you! Books of the Week
Matt: Jughead #1 Chris: Doctor Strange #1
Top 5 Moments
*Jughead's Game of Thrones Dream Sequence (Jughead #1)
*Cassandra Cain's Intro (Batman & Robin: Eternal #1)
*Midnighter and Grayson's Handcuff Fight (Midnighter #5)
*Ben Grimm's Realization (Secret Wars: Siege #4)
*Batman Beyond Goes Old School (Batman Beyond #5)
Email: 01m39s/
Current Events: 07m15s/
Action Comics #45: 09m29s/
Batman Beyond #5: 12m31s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #1: 14m43s/
Cyborg #3: 17m37s/
Detective Comics #45: 19m13s/
Green Lantern #45: 21m28s/
Midnighter #5: 23m44s/
Sensation Comics Wonder Woman #15: 26m38s/
Doctor Strange #1: 28m19s/
Invincible Iron Man #1: 34m35s/
Secret Wars #6: 37m49s/
Secret Wars: Old Man Logan #5: 41m25s/
Secret Wars: Siege #4: 43m41s/
Star Wars #10: 46m18s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #10: 47m24s/
Star Wars: Lando #5: 48m35s/
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #2: 50m49s/
Axcend #1: 52m55s/
Codename: Baboushka #1: 55m40s/
Jughead #1: 57m54s/
Paper Girls #1: 1h00m31s/
Plutona #2: 1h03m08s/
We Stand On Guard #4: 1h05m38s/
Mon, 5 October 2015
Something seems special about this week's comics show. Maybe it's because it's a fifth week? Fewer comics...more annuals... no, that doesn't sound right. Maybe it is because THIS IS THE NOLANERDCAST'S TWO HUNDREDTH COMICS EPISODE?? It's hard to believe it has been four years and some change since we began this little endeavor. So come and join NOLAnerds Matt "Craves a High Five" Finneman and Chris "Loves Pokemon Porn" Robinson as they celebrate this crazy milestone. Books of the Week
Matt: Justice League #44
Chris: Grayson Annual #2
Top 5 Moments
*Black Racer Flash (Justice League #44)
*Bruce Wayne's Beatdown (Batman Annual #4)
*Jughead Being Awesome (Archie #3)
*Sandman Comes Full Circle (Sandman: Overture #6) *Grayson and Superman (Grayson Annual #2)
Email: 04m21s/
Current Events: 08m30s/
Aquaman #44: 11m11s/
Batman Annual #4: 14m43s/
Grayson Annual #2: 20m17s/
Green Lantern Annual #4: 23m04s/
Justice League #44: 25m11s/
Secret Wars: Inferno #5: 28m57s/
Archie #3: 32m02s/
Sandman: Overture #6: 34m51s/
Fri, 25 September 2015
What a welcome relief this week was for our wallets! But don't confuse a lower total of comics as being indicative of lower quality. No sir! Or madam. This week we see Batgirl pop up three separate times, say goodbye to a trio of Secret Wars tie ins, begin the second arc of The Tithe and get introduced to its all too real premise, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Sexy Lobo" Finneman and Chris "Kanan Fan Boy" Robinson as they chat it up. Books of the Week
Matt: The Tithe #5
Chris: Grayson #12
Top 5 Moments
*Flash's Arm Shatter (Flash #44)
*Frankie's New Robot Pals (Batgirl #44)
*Grayson's Goodbyes (Grayson #12)
*Lobo's Finger Lop (Sinestro #15)
*Winter Soldier's Farewell (Secret Wars: Runaways #4)
Email: 01m36s/
Current Events: 04m56s/
Batgirl #44: 08m30s/
Batman 66 #27: 11m45s/
Flash #44: 13m38s/
Gotham by Midnight #9: 15m46s/
Grayson #12: 17m25s/
Sinestro #15: 19m23s/
We Are Robin #4: 22m10s/
Secret Wars: Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #4: 25m15s/
Secret Wars: Runaways #4: 27m44s/
Secret Wars: X-Men: Years of Future Past #5: 30m44s/
Invisible Republic #6: 35m15s/
The Tithe #5: 37m37s/
Wolf #3: 41m45s/
Thu, 17 September 2015
Here we are again comics fans! This week the real world and the comics world clashed with Prez being eerily prescient in its jokes and parodies about our political landscape. We also chat about DC TV vs DC film universes, bemoan the love of Ralph and Sue Dibny, prepare for the finale of several Image books, and much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Kanan-ical" Finneman and Chris "Clock Maker" Robinson as they break it all down for you! Books of the Week
Matt: Prez: Teenage President #4
Chris: Secret Wars: House of M #3
Top 5 Moments
*Strix vs Riddler (Secret Six #6)
*Scarlet Witch Demands an Audience (Secret Wars: House of M #3)
*Manga-riffic Evil Tentacle Vagina (Sex Criminals #12)
*Shutter Goes Meta (Shutter #15)
*Charlie vs Gil (Fade Out #9)
Email: 02m37s/
Current Events: 07m03s/
Black Canary #4: 11m21s/
Constantine: Hellblazer #4: 13m30s/
Doctor Fate #4: 16m30s/
Green Lantern: Lost Army #4: 18m47s/
Prez: Teenage President #4: 21m38s/
Secret Six #6: 25m11s/
Sensation Comics w/ Wonder Woman #14: 27m30s/
All-New Hawkeye #5: 28m39s/
Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #4: 30m28s/
Secret Wars: House of M #3: 33m52s/
Star Wars #9: 36m18s/
Star Wars: Lando #4: 38m51s/
Beauty #2: 41m04s/
Fade Out #9: 44m05s/
Mega Man #53: 46m19s/
Secret Identities #6: 48m43s/
Sex Criminals #12: 50m41s/
Shutter #15: 54m01s/
Southern Cross #5: 55m42s/
Thu, 10 September 2015
Shh! Did you hear that noise? That's the sound of a fresh week of comics sneaking up on us! This week the NOLAnerds welcome back the world of Bitch Planet, prepare to say goodbye to a few Secret Wars stories, and continue their love affair with the new Starfire. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Not a Jerkface" Finneman and Chris "Totes a Jerkface" Robinson as they talk it all up for your listening pleasure. Books of the Week
Matt: Secret Wars: Civil War #4
Chris: Starfire #4
Top 5 Moments
*Starfire's Girl Time (Starfire #4)
*The Blue's Invasion (Secret Wars: Civil War #4)
*Ms Marvel says Goodbye to Captain Marvel (Ms. Marvel #18)
*Red Skull's Finale (Secret Wars: Red Skull #3)
*Herpes Kids (Deadly Class #16)
Email: 02m51s/
Current Events: 05m11s/
Action Comics #44: 10m29s/
Batman #44: 13m51s/
Batman/Superman #24: 17m36s/
Earth 2: Society #4: 20m03s/
Gotham Academy #10: 22m57s/
Starfire #4: 24m50s/
Ms. Marvel #18: 28m07s/
Secret Wars: A-Force #4: 31m09s/
Secret Wars: Civil War #4: 33m27s/
Secret Wars: Red Skull #3: 36m37s/
Secret Wars: Siege #3: 39m04s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #9: 42m01s/
Star Wars: Shattered Empire #1: 43m58s/
Bitch Planet #5: 47m47s/
Deadly Class #16: 51m34s/
Injection #5: 55m55s/
Outcast #12: 58m44s/
Phonogram #2: 59m54s/
Wicked + the Divine #14: 1h01m53s/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 3 September 2015
It's comics time! We are in for a treat this week, with a bevy of Secret Wars tie ins as well as a ton of great Image books! Add to that the fact that Chris is apparently a lover of a certain World War 2 despot, and this has the makings of a classic NOLAnerd episode. So join NOLAnerds Matt "VR Torture" Finneman and Chris "Despot Lover" Robinson as they chat it up! Books of the Week
Matt: Daredevil #18
Chris: Daredevil #18
Top 5 Moments
*Batman's Backhand (Detective Comics #44)
*Midnighter's Hand Slice (Midnighter #4)
*Fin Fang Foom (Secret Wars: House of M #2)
*Uncanny's Brutal Finale (Uncanny Season 2 #6)
*VR Torture (We Stand On Guard #3)
Email: 02m01s/
Current Events: 05m31s/
Batman Beyond #4: 11m40s/
DC Comics Bombshells #2: 14m31s/
Detective Comics #44: 16m57s/
Green Lantern #44: 20m20s/
Midnighter #4: 22m51s/
Daredevil #18: 27m31s/
Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #3: 31m41s/
Secret Wars: House of M #2: 33m59s/
Secret Wars: Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #3: 37m10s/
Secret Wars: Thors #3: 39m39s/
Dark Corridor #2: 42m30s/
Dying and the Dead #3: 44m33s/
Lazarus #19: 48m07s/
Plutona #1: 51m52s/
Uncanny Season 2 #6: 54m19s/
We Stand On Guard #3: 56m15s/
Thu, 3 September 2015
Welcome one and welcome all! The summer drought is over! Soon we shall be awash in a sea of too many games. But until then, let us reflect on the month that graced us with quality mobile titles and indie games galore! This was also the month of Gamescom, and with Sony opting out this year, Microsoft stepped in to show them why 2016 will be a great year for the box that Halo built. We also discuss the pros and cons of the preorder culture that permeates the industry. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Indie Gamer" Finneman and Chris "Mobile Initiate" Robinson as they talk to you about stuffs! Gaming News August 2015: 01m57s/
Preorder Discussion: 26m56s/
Gaming Releases August 2015: 34m28s/
Ending/PS+/Games with Gold: 47m40s/
Thu, 27 August 2015
This was an oddly nostalgic week of comics for the NOLAnerds. It felt like it did back when we first began. A pull list chock full of DC comics with a handful of Marvel offerings. Not a single Image book or indie book in sight. It was a bit odd to tell the truth. But what a quality week it was! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Hank Johnson" Finneman and Chris "President Smiley" Robinson as they break it all down for you. Books of the Week
Matt: Secret Wars: Hank Johnson: Agent of Hydra #1
Chris: Secret Wars: Hank Johnson: Agent of Hydra #1
Top 5 Moments
*MODOK's Eulogy (Secret Wars: Hank Johnson: Agent of Hydra #1)
*Green Lantern's Boxing Gloves (JLA #3)
*Political Debate (Prez: Teenage President #3)
*Aquaman Meets Poseidon (Aquaman #43)
*Opening Sequence (Old Man Logan #4)
Email: 02m26s/
Current Events: 06m01s/
Aquaman #43: 12m25s/
Batgirl #43: 14m55s/
Batman 66 #26: 18m30s/
Cyborg #2: 20m09s/
Flash #43: 23m11s/
Gotham by Midnight #8: 25m26s/
Grayson #11: 27m33s/
JLA #3: 29m59s/
Prez: Teenage President #3: 32m41s/
Sinestro #14: 36m10s/
Superman #43: 38m39s/
We Are Robin #3: 41m40s/
Secret Wars: Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #3: 46m12s/
Secret Wars: Civil War #3: 47m57s/
Secret Wars: Hank Johnson: Agent of Hydra #1: 51m31s/
Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies #3: 55m16s/
Secret Wars: MODOK: Assassin #4: 57m17s/
Secret Wars: Old Man Logan #4: 1h00m21s/
Star Wars: Lando #3: 1h03m29s/
Thu, 20 August 2015
Well here we are again true believers. Back for another crazy week of comics! This week is chock full of goodness. Everything from Secret War tie-ins to another jaunt in Riverdale to the finale of the Mega Man/Sonic crossover and everything in between! So join NOLAnerds Matt "House Magnus" Finneman and Chris "Rocket Surgery" Robinson as they talk it up! Books of the Week
Matt: Birthright #10
Chris: Secret Six #5
Top 5 Moments
*Big Shot's Identity Reveal (Secret Six #5)
*Cyclops Was Right (Secret Wars: Inferno #4)
*Bucky and Valeria's Conversation (Secret Wars: Runaways #3)
*How Evil IS He? (Birthright #10)
*Darkseid vs Anti-Monitor Begins (Justice League #43)
Email: 02m54s/
Current Events: 05m27s/
Black Canary #3: 09m09s/
Doctor Fate #3: 12m25s/
Green Lantern: Lost Army #3: 15m32s/
Justice League #43: 17m58s/
Secret Six #5: 20m59s/
Sensation Comics with Wonder Woman #13: 23m41s/
Superman/Wonder Woman #20: 25m07s/
Secret Wars: Howard the Human #1: 28m25s/
Secret Wars: House of M #1: 30m45s/
Secret Wars: Inferno #4: 34m32s/
Secret Wars: Runaways #3: 37m08s/
Star Wars #8: 40m20s/
Star Wars: Kanan the Last Padawan #5: 41m51s/
Archie #2: 42m57s/
Birthright #10: 47m07s/
Mega Man #52: 50m12s/
Trees #12: 52m47s/
Wolf #2: 55m15s/
Thu, 13 August 2015
o boy! Talk about a massive week of comics. In one of the biggest weeks in recent memory, the NOLAnerds dive head first into a large selection of amazing and high quality comics. And in a week with so much greatness, it says a lot that one of the best was a brand new Image debut! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Booster Gold Erection" Finneman and Chris "Cat Thor" Robinson as they chat it up just for you! Books of the Week
Matt: Secret Wars: Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #2
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8
Top 5 Moments
*Kitty Pryde vs "New Mutants" (Secret Wars: Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #2)
*Loki Becoming Cat Thor (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl)
*Mr. Bloom Going Full Slender Man (Batman #43)
*Fake Editor Comments (Howard the Duck #5)
*Manga Interlude (Shutter #14)
Current Events: 01m10s/
Action Comics #43: 06m11s/
Batman/Superman #23: 08m39s/
Batman #43: 11m29s/
Constantine: Hellblazer #3: 16m09s/
DC Comics Bombshells #1: 19m08s/
Earth 2: Society #3: 20m58s/
Gotham Academy #9: 23m22s/
Starfire #3: 25m12s/
Howard the Duck #5: 27m38s/
Secret Wars #5: 31m13s/
Secret Wars: A-Force #3: 34m16s/
Secret Wars: Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #2: 36m42s/
Secret Wars: X-Men: Years of Future Past #4: 39m41s/
Star Wars: Lando #2: 41m38s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8: 44m20s/
The Beauty #1: 47m26s/
Descender #6: 50m30s/
Fade-Out #8: 52m31s/
Injection #4: 55m05s/
Phonogram #1: 57m43s/
Shutter #14: 59m54s/
Sonic the Hedgehog #275: 1h03m54s/
Uncanny Season 2 #5: 1h08m29s/
Velvet #11: 1h10m25s/
Thu, 6 August 2015
The NOLAnerds have returned once more for another week of quality comic booking! In an odd twist, DC represents the smallest amount of our books this week, with Marvel's Secret Wars and Image Comics topping the pile this time. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rin Tin Tin" Finneman and Chris "Red Skull" Robinson as they chat it up! Books of the Week
Matt: Midnighter #3
Chris: Secret Wars: Civil War #2
Top 5 Moments
*Electro's Death (Secret Wars: Red Skull #1)
*Lying Cat Cameo (Secret Wars: Siege #2)
*iPad of Hell (Wicked + the Divine #13)
*Midnighter's "Birthday" (Midnighter #3)
*Kitten Rescue (Ms. Marvel #17)
Email: 01m28s/
Current Events: 03m59s/
Batman Beyond #3: 10m09s/
Detective Comics #43: 13m25s/
Green Lantern #43: 16m13s/
Midnighter #3: 18m24s/
Ms. Marvel #17: 21m15s/
Secret Wars: Age of Apocalypse #2: 23m10s/
Secret Wars: Civil War #2: 25m41s/
Secret Wars: Little Avengers vs X-Men #3: 29m41s/
Secret Wars: Red Skull #1: 31m21s/
Secret Wars: Red Skull #2: 33m57s/
Secret Wars: Siege #2: 35m44s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #8: 39m29s/
Dark Corridor #1: 41m37s/
Kaptara #4: 44m01s/
Outcast #11: 46m03s/
We Stand On Guard #2: 48m40s/
Wicked + the Divine #13: 52m13s/
Thu, 6 August 2015
E3 has come and gone. Gamescom is weeks away. We are knee deep in the gaming drought of summer 2015. The only major release of note this summer has been Batman: Arkham Knight, but the majority of quality games this summer have arrived on the digital front. Games like Vanishing of Ethan Carter, King's Quest, Tembo the Badass Elephant, the Fall, and many more. We also got inundated with Dragon Quest news, sad farewell to an industry legend, and recoiled in horror at the evil empire named Konami. So join NOLAnerdcast members Matt "Dragon Quest OG" Finneman and Chris "King Graham" Robinson as they chat it up! Gaming News July 2015: 01m37s/
New Game Releases July 2015: 23m52s/
Ten Years of DLC: 33m10s/
Ending/PS+/Games with Gold: 39m25s/
Thu, 30 July 2015
It is a rare 5th week this time around on the NOLAnerdcast, but it certainly doesn't feel that way! Sure, DC is offering us the normal salvo of annuals, but with Secret Wars still going strong and with the return of both Lazarus AND Sex Criminals, Marvel and Image are bringing in the quality! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Ikari" Finneman and Chris "Sunkern" Robinson as they chit chat about comic book soup for the alcoholic soul! Books of the Week
Matt: Daredevil #17
Chris: Batgirl Annual #3
Email: 00m58s/
Current Events: 02m15s/
Batgirl #42: 07m10s/
Batgirl Annual #3: 09m54s/
Flash Annual #4: 13m06s/
Gotham by Midnight Annual #1: 15m12s/
Superman #42: 17m56s/
Daredevil #17: 21m53s/
Secret Wars: MODOK Assassin #3: 25m09s/
Secret Wrs: Thors #2: 27m54s/
Star Wars #7: 30m47s/
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #4: 32m31s/
Invisible Republic #5: 35m44s/
Lazarus #18: 38m17s/
Sex Criminals #11: 41m27s/
Sonic Boom #10: 46m04s/
Tithe #4: 49m23s/
Wolf #1: 53m07s/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 23 July 2015
The duo is back together! The team has returned! The band has reunited! For all of you sad to see the witty back and forth between us, rejoice! For all of you sad to see me return, my bad! The NOLAnerds are here to chat about more Secret War, the second month of the DC You, new debuts featuring Chris' favorite character...and of course, THE FINALE OF FABLES. You guys. It's over. For reals. The wait. Was it worth it? Join NOLAnerds Matt "Goldballs" Finneman and Chris "Vic Stone's Greatest Fan" Robinson to find out! Or, you know, read on. Books of the Week
Matt: Fables #150
Chris: Fables #150
Email: 02m17s/
Current Events: 04m19s/
Aquaman #42: 08m41s/
Batman 66 #25: 11m29s/
Cyborg #1: 13m01s/
Flash #42: 16m21s/
Gotham by Midnight #7: 17m59s/
Grayson #10: 20m06s/
Prez #2: 23m10s/
Sensation Comics w Wonder Woman #12: 26m41s/
Sinestro #13: 28m33s/
We Are Robin #2: 30m27s/
Fables #150: 33m31s/
All-New Hawkeye #4: 40m25s/
Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies #2: 42m13s/
Secret Wars: Old Man Logan #3: 44m11s/
Secret Wars: Star-Lord & Kitty Pryde #1: 47m37s/
Star Wars: Kanan the Last Padawan #4: 50m15s/
Uncanny X-Men #35: 52m52s/
Birthright #9: 55m47s/
Sonic Universe #78: 57m46s/
Thu, 16 July 2015
Matt's on vacation again so once again Chris is here doing the show all by his lonesome. Thankfully, there are some good books to ease his pain. This week Gail Simone hits her stride with Secret Six, Battleworld: Siege redeems the name, and Trees continues to baffle.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast View us at
Thu, 9 July 2015
Book of the week: Archie or Civil War. I can't decide or did I already on the show Listen to find out.
Eh......thats not happening this week. You'll see. You'll all see....
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 2 July 2015
The first month of the DC You is over. Secret Wars is still raging on. Mega Man and Sonic are still uniting worlds. But all of that pales in comparison to the fact that it is Canada Day! And what better day to debut Brian K Vaughn's latest comic about a future war between Canada and the USA? Crazy right? I love timing like that. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Fuck Sticks the Badger" Finneman and Chris "The Tithes Guild" Robinson as they chat it up! Books of the Week
Matt: We Stand on Guard #1
Chris: Action Comics #42
Top 5 Moments
*Superman's Punch (Action Comics #42)
*Six Killing Sounds (Midnighter #2)
*Doom Enters the Battleworld (Secret Wars #4)
*Ontario Bombing (We Stand on Guard #1)
*Thor's Phone Call (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7)
Email: 01m49s/
Current Events: 06m14s/
Action Comics #42: 11m01s/
Batman Beyond #2: 13m41s/
Detective Comics #42: 17m01s/
Green Lantern #42: 18m44s/
Midnighter #2: 20m58s/
Omega Men #2: 24m10s/
Secret Wars #4: 26m01s/
Secret Wars: A-Force #2: 29m28s/
Secret Wars: Little Avengers vs X-Men #2: 31m27s
Secret Wars: X-Men: Years of Future Past #2: 33m42s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #7: 35m35s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #5: 36m47s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #7: 38m07s/
No Mercy #4: 40m59s/
Outcast #10: 44m11s/
Sonic Boom #9: 45m57s/
Tithe #3: 48m10s/
Uncanny Season 2: 50m25s/
We Stand on Guard #1: 52m11s/
Wicked + the Divine #12: 55m39s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 25 June 2015
Here we are, another wonderful week of comics under our belt. This week we are treated to a delightful Chip Zdarsky two-fer, we get introduced to the Robin army, welcome the new status quo for Aquaman, Flash, the Green Lantern Corps, and more, as well as boring Chris to death with talk of Mega Man. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Renumber" Finneman and Chris "Glomps" Robinson as they break it all down for you. Books of the Week
Matt: We Are Robin #1
Chris: Kaptara #3
Top 5 Moments
*Jailbreak of Henry Allen (Flash #41)
*MODOK in Love (MODOK: Assassin #2)
*Peter Parker Meanmugging (Howard the Duck #4)
*The Abundant Gems (Howard the Duck #4)
*Smurfs Parody (Kaptara #3)
Email: 01m39s/
Current Events: 05m27s/
Aquaman #41: 10m37s/
Batgirl #41: 13m13s/
Batman 66 #24: 16m41s/
Flash #41: 18m55s/
Gotham by Midnight #6: 21m35s/
Grayson #9: 23m15s/
Green Lantern: Lost Army #1: 25m14s/
Superman #41: 30m18s/
We Are Robin #1: 32m45s/
Daredevil #16: 36m33s/
Howard the Duck #4: 39m24s/
Secret Wars: MODOK: Assassin #2: 42m54s/
Fade-Out #7: 44m56s/
Invisible Republic #4: 47m50s/
Kaptara #3: 49m47s/
Sonic Universe #77: 53m15s/
Southern Cross #4: 55m45s/
Sun, 21 June 2015
It's E3 week! That has nothing to do with comics, but damn if it isn't one of the coolest weeks of the year for us here at NOLAnerd HQ. We are continuing our coverage of the new wave of DC books in the wake of Convergence. On top of that, we are continuing to enjoy the heck out of Marvel's Secret Wars as well as the Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover. It is the summer of events! Add to that the finale of one of our favorite Image books, and you have a great week of comics! Join NOLAnerds Matt "Super Fighting Robot" Finneman and Chris "NSFW Sudowoodo" Robinson as they tackle the week that was. Books of the Week
Matt: Prez: First Teenage President #1
Chris: Thors #1
Email: 01m35s/
Current Events: 03m21s/
Black Canary #1: 05m35s/
Doctor Fate #1: 08m46s/
JLA #1: 11m01s/
Prez: First Teenage President #1: 14m31s/
Secret Six #3: 18m27s/
Sensation Comics Wonder Woman #11: 22m07s/
Superman/Wonder Woman #18: 26m50s/
Ms. Marvel #16: 29m11s/
Secret Wars: Old Man Logan #2: 31m16s/
Secret Wars: Runaways #1: 33m54s/
Secret Wars: Thors #1: 36m14s/
Alex + Ada #15: 38m37s/
Lazarus #17: 41m15s/
Mega Man #50: 43m59s/
Mega Man: World's Unite Battles #1: 48m19s/
Secret Identities #5: 49m39s/
Trees #10: 51m47s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 18 June 2015
This is it! The final press conference in an absolutely massive E3 2015! Like Bethesda before them, Square Enix is debuting their brand new conference to us. Did the company the RPG built make a comeback? Or did they continue their Capcom-esque slide into obscurity? Were mobile games all they talked about? Did Kingdom Hearts 3 show up in any significant capacity? What about Final Fantasy? Did 15 show up? Or anything new? What about Eidos' input? How awesome was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Just Cause 3? Were there any surprises? Any new IP?
Join NOLAnerds Matt "Keyblade" Finneman and Chris "He Didn't Ask for This" Robinson as they tackle the final E3 conference!
Thu, 18 June 2015
Another year, another Nintendo Direct pre recorded Nintendo conference! The NOLAnerds are back with part 6 of 7 in their E3 2015 coverage. So, how did Nintendo do? Coming in strong after a solid 2014 show and generating a ton of buzz during their Nintendo World Championship and the insane debut of actual Super Mario Maker gameplay, did Nintendo continue the hype train rolling? Did Zelda make a surprise appearance? What about Star Fox, their much discusses game of this year? Did smaller games like Fatal Frame and Devil's Third get the spotlight? What about their upcoming RPGs? Any new surprise games like Splatoon?
Join the NOLAnerds Matt "Metroid Martyr" Finneman and Chris "Star Fox Savant" Robinson as they let you know what they thought!
Thu, 18 June 2015
Welcome to part 5 of our E3 2015 coverage! This time we tackle one of the big dogs, Sony and the Playstation 4, a system with the most to prove since it has been enjoying first place since its launch. Can Sony continue that success? After dominating in 2013 and slipping a bit in 2014 with a snooze worthy Powers TV segment and a lackluster replacement for Jack Tretton, did Sony come back strong? Did they debut any new IPs? What about Uncharted 4? Did it continue to impress? Were the rumors true about them stealing Call of Duty from Xbox? Were there any surprises in store for us? Any megaton announcements? Why do people keep calling Sony 2015 the Wish Making Genie?
Join NOLAnerds Matt "Horizon" Finneman and Chris "No Man's Sky" Robinson as they explain it all. Like Clarissa, but nerdier.
Thu, 18 June 2015
We are back with part 4 of 7 in our ongoing E3 2015 coverage! This time the NOLAnerds are here to discuss and chat about the excellent Ubisoft conference! Last year Ubisoft ended with their traditional "one more thing" and gave us Rainbow Six: Siege. One year later, how is it faring? What about their delayed The Division? Is it still hype worthy? What about this year's "one more thing?" Did Aisha Tyler make an excellent host again? Did Assassin's Creed: Syndicate revive our passion for the franchise? Did Just Dance bring the show to a grinding halt again? Were there any surprises for us in store?
Join NOLAnerds Matt "Fractured" Finneman and Chris "But Whole" Robinson as they chat it up!
Thu, 18 June 2015
Welcome back to part 3 of the NOLAnerds 7 part E3 2015 coverage! This time the NOLAnerds check out and discuss EA's 2015 offering. Last year was an all time low for EA. Nothing to show. Announcements with not even a teaser trailer. Just footage of people talking about how they want to make a game. But it is one year later. EA is armed with some of gaming's most anticipated titles. Mass Effect. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst. Star Wars: Battlefront. How did they deliver? Were there any surprises for us? Did they redeem themselves from last year? How obnoxious were the sports segments?
Join NOLAnerds Matt "Yarny" Finneman and Chris "Pele" Robinson as they break it all down!
Thu, 18 June 2015
Welcome to the NOLAnerds' continuing coverage of E3 2015! Next up is part 2 of our 7 part show, where we detail Microsoft's conference! How did Microsoft do this year? Did they follow up on their solid 2014 performance? Was it once again all about the games? Did Phil Spencer deliver on his promise of this year being their best year ever? Did they branch out from the yearly cycle of Halo>Gears>Forza>Fables? What were the surprises this year? Any megaton announcements? What about Rare? What have they been up to? Find out all of this and more as NOLAnerds Matt "Cuphead" Finneman and Chris "Mugman" Robinson recap the show for you
Thu, 18 June 2015
Welcome to Part 1 of the NOLAnerds' 7 part epic coverage of the E3 2015 Press Conferences! First up we have Bethesda, with their first ever press conference! How was DOOM? What did we think about Dishonored 2's reveal? Did Elder Scrolls maintain a presence or was the only true reason to tune in Fallout 4? And speaking of Fallout 4, what did we think of the long time in the making reveal? Did the gameplay impress? Were there any surprises in store for us? Was it worth the wait?
Join Matt "Pip Boy" Finneman and Chris "Nuka Cola" Robinson and listen to the Bethesda recap!
Sun, 14 June 2015
Another week of summer has arrived! More Secret Wars. More DC debuts. More Image goodness. It may seem like more of the same but this week has so many quality releases it is kind of crazy. DC is once more proving that their new initiative of having a diverse range of books is a smart one, and Marvel is giving us the best event in ages from them. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Robo Batman" Finneman and Chris "Baby Cable" Robinson as they discuss it all! Books of the Week
Matt: Starfire #1
Chris: Chrononauts #4
Top 5 Moments
*Descent Down the Nine Levels (Constantine: Hellblazer #1)
*The Casualties (Saga #29)
*Battle of the Ages (Chrononauts #4)
*DC's Drax (Starfire #1)
*Baby Cable (Secret Wars: Inferno #2)
Email: 01m10s/
Current Events: 05m05s/
Batman #41: 10m26s/
Batman/Superman #21: 12m31s/
Detective Comics #41: 16m17s/
Constantine: Hellblazer #1: 18m22s/
Earth 2: Society #1: 20m47s/
Gotham Academy #7: 23m20s/
Starfire #1: 25m17s/
Secret Wars: Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1: 29m41s/
Secret Wars: Inferno #2: 32m15s/
Secret Wars: Marvel Zombies #1: 34m22s/
Spider-Gwen #5: 36m47s/
Star Wars: Kanan the Last Padawan #3: 40m18s/
Birthright #8: 42m31s/
Black Science #15: 45m13s/
Chrononauts #4: 47m16s/
Descender #4: 50m57s/
Injection #2: 53m13s/
Sonic the Hedgehog #273: 55m00s/
Saga #29: 58m28s/
E-mail us Follow mus on Facebook and Twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at
Fri, 5 June 2015
We have arrived at the new DC You! DC's new direction begins this week with a bunch of new releases covering all the bases. Lighthearted and fun? Check. Kid friendly? Check. Diverse? Check. Grimdark? Still present. Huge epics? Still here! Toss in an increasingly amazing Secret Wars installment and some great tie ins, add in great Image books, and we have one hell of a week for comics! So join NOLAnerds Matt "L'il Buddy" Finneman and Chris "MODOK //Kill//" Robinson as they chat you up! Books of the Week
Matt: L'il Avengers vs X-Men #1
Matt: MODOK Assassin #1
Top 5 Moments
*Persephone (The Wicked + The Divine #11)
*The Entire Damn Book (L'il Avengers vs X-Men #1)
*Han Solo's Wife (Star Wars #6)
*Coyote Kick (No Mercy #3)
*Midnighter's Rorschach Moment (Midnighter #1)
Email: 02m11s/
Current Events: 05m10s/
Action Comics #41: 10m23s/
Batman Beyond #1: 13m45s/
Green Lantern #41: 16m35s/
Justice League #41: 18m41s/
Midnighter #1: 22m19s/
Omega Men #1: 25m00s/
All-New X-Men #41: 29m36s/
L'il Avengers vs X-Men #1: 32m44s/
MODOK: Assassin #1: 35m31s/
Secret Wars #3: 38m07s/
Star Wars #6: 41m40s/
Star Wars; Darth Vader #6: 45m20s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #4: 45m59s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6: 47m06s/
X-Men: Years of Future Past #1: 49m34s/
Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #6: 52m00s/
Kaptara #2: 54m16s/
No Mercy #3: 56m04s/
Uncanny: Season 2 #3: 58m21s/
The Wicked + The Divine #11: 1h01m04s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Fri, 5 June 2015
Boy it sure has been a bit hasn't it? The NOLAnerds didn't do a dedicated show for April due to the lack of big news or big releases, but there was still enough that we decided to break it down in a rapid fire fashion during our May show! But none of that matters because we are SO CLOSE TO E3 2015! This episode the NOLAnerds pare down to the basics with the OG crew taking over as they discuss everything from the Nintendo Directs to the new Star Wars game, to the latest new marketing deals, to a joy filled discussion of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Gwent" Finneman and Chris "Actually Played Games" Robinson! Gaming News April 2015: 00m52s/
Gaming News May 2015: 16m19s/
New Games April 2015: 35m40s/
New Games May 2015: 40m21s/
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: 46m43s/
Ending/Playstation Plus/Games with Gold: 59m14s/
Fri, 29 May 2015
onvergence has ended! Did the DC event manage to stick the landing? Is the new status quo worth the effort and wait? What about the final wave of tie ins? And what of the ever increasing amounts of Secret Wars tie ins? What about the TRUE best event this summer, Archie Comics' Mega Man x Sonic event, World's Unite? How did we enjoy the season 1 finale of The Flash? Find out with the NOLAnerds Matt "Curses" Finneman and Chris "Tea Drinker" Robinson alongside guest host Dayna "Made of Fail" Abel as they chit chat about all kinds of stuff! Books of the Week
Matt: Convergence: Booster Gold #2
Chris: Secret Wars: Inferno #1
Top 5 Moments
*Return of Everything: The Anti Retcon (Convergence #8)
*GI Robots Activate (Convergence: Action Comics #2)
*Boosters Decade Long Plotline Finale (Convergence: Booster Gold #2)
*Maria's Bloody Rampage (Deadly Class #13)
*CURSES! (Convergence: Shazam! #2)
Email: 02m00s/
The Flash Finale: 04m33s/
Current Events: 12m51s/
Batman 66 #23: 17m45s/
Convergence #8: 19m15s/
Convergence: Action Comics #2: 27m19s/
Convergence: Blue Beetle #2: 30m20s/
Convergence: Booster Gold #2: 32m01s/
Convergence: Crime Syndicate #2: 36m30s/
Convergence: Detective Comics #2: 38m15s/
Convergence: Infinity Inc #2: 39m56s/
Convergence: Justice Society of America #2: 42m03s/
Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters #2: 43m50s/
Convergence: Shazam! #2: 45m27s/
Convergence: World's Finest #2: 47m54s/
Sandman: Overture #5: 50m39s/
All-New Hawkeye #3: 55m16s/
Secret Wars: Inferno #1: 56m57s/
Secret Wars: Old Man Logan #1: 1h00m51s/
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #3: 1h03m41s/
Deadly Class #13: 1h06m33s/
Invisible Republic #3: 1h08m40s/
Outcast #9: 1h10m45s/
Sonic Universe #76: 1h12m57s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Listen to Dayna at
Thu, 21 May 2015
The penultimate week of DC's Convergence is upon us! Has the event found an uptick in quality? Or has the premise worn thin for our intrepid heroes? What about Marvel's new wave of Secret War tie-ins? Or the continuing greatness of Image? Find out as NOLAnerds Matt "Up to 11" Finneman and Chris "Kamandi King" Robinson talk to you about comics! Books of the Week
Matt: Secret Identities #4
Chris: Fade Out #6
Top 5 Moments
*Turning it Up to 11 (Uncanny X-Men #34)
*Trees Landing (Trees #9)
*Kamandi Appears (Convergence: Adventures of Superman #2)
*Vampire Joker (Convergence: Wonder Woman #2)
*Hal Jordan Parallax vs Deimos (Convergence #7)
Email: 01m24s/
Current Events: 04m41s/
Convergence #7: 08m17s/
Convergence: Adventures of Superman #2: 11m51s/
Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #2: 13m33s/
Convergence: Flash #2: 15m05s/
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #2: 16m53s/
Convergence: Hawkman #2: 18m37s/
Convergence: Justice League of America #2: 20m11s/
Convergence: New Teen Titans #2: 22m39s/
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #2: 25m11s/
Convergence: Swamp Thing #2: 27m29s/
Convergence: Wonder Woman #2: 29m01s/
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #10: 31m25s/
A-Force #1: 33m57s/
Daredevil #15.1: 36m59s/
Star Wars #5: 39m06s/
Uncanny X-Men #34: 41m31s/
Fade Out #6: 44m31s/
Mega Man #49: 48m34s/
Injection #1: 50m01s/
Secret Identities #4: 52m10s/
Shutter #12: 55m04s/
Tithe #2: 56m55s/
Trees #9: 1h00m20s/
Wytches #6: 1h02m03s/
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Thu, 21 May 2015
So this is a late update isn't it? We don't even have fancy reasons for it. So instead let us jump right into it! Between the latest issue of Secret Wars and the newest wave of Convergence, both of the Big 2 are knee deep into their summer events! Alongside those we also have major reveals like who is Femme Thor, is Howard the Duck still good, and how awesome is Saga still? All this and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Blah" Finneman and Chris "Insert Witty Name" Robinson as they chit chat! Books of the Week
Matt: Howard the Duck #3
Chris: Secret Wars #2
Top 5 Moments
*High As Fuck (Saga #28)
*The Deadlands (Secret Wars #2)
*Gathering of Heroes (Convergence #6)
*Aquaman's Blood Shower (Convergence: Aquaman #2)
*Blue Beetle's Birthday Surprise (Convergence: Justice League International #2)
Email: 01m19s/
Current Events: 02m49s/
Convergence #6: 07m57s/
Convergence: Aquaman #2: 11m45s/
Convergence: Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2: 13m37s/
Convergence: Catwoman #2: 15m46s/
Convergence: Green Arrow #2: 17m30s/
Convergence: Green Lantern: Parallax #2: 19m26s/
Convergence: Justice League: International #2: 21m34s/
Convergence: Suicide Squad #2: 24m11s/
Convergence: Superboy #2: 25m45s/
Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #2: 28m15s/
Convergence: Superman: Man of STEEL #2: 30m22s/
Howard the Duck #3: 31m51s/
Ms. Marvel #15: 34m40s/
Secret Wars #2: 36m11s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #5: 40m24s/
Thor #8: 42m00s/
Birthright #7: 44m11s/
Black Science #14: 46m11s/
Chrononauts #3: 48m18s/
Saga #28: 51m11s/
Southern Cross #3: 53m12s/
Wed, 20 May 2015
This week on the TV watch, finale season hits us hard with both Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Arrow wrapping up. iZombie books its way towards its ending and Flash gives us a look at a greater future. E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Wed, 13 May 2015
After a sickness which completely wrecked Chris, we are back once again to talk about the tv of the week. We talk about the season finale of Gotham, the super-secret Age of Ultron tie in on Agents of SHIELD, and the Kingpin
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Sun, 10 May 2015
Do androids dream of electric sheep? Was that a set up only to make a Mareep joke since we seem incapable of dropping our dumb Pokemon naming scheme? Yes. Yes it was, and yes we are. Welcome to the start of not only the start of the final round of DC Convergence books, but ALSO the start of Marvel's Secret Wars, another major comics event that deals with different realities fighting each other. Man. DC and Marvel need to branch out! Join NOLAnerds Matt "Wedding Bells" Finneman and Chris "Squirrel Earl" Robinson as they chit chat about comics! Books of the Week
Matt: Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #2
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5
Top 5 Moments
*Captain America Decides Democracy is OK Again (Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5)
*Question and Batwoman's Kiss (Convergence: Question #2)
*Nightwing and Oracle's Happy Ending (Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #2)
*Deathstroke's Baby Hands (Convergence: Atom #2)
*Punisher vs. Villains (Secret Wars #1)
Email: 01m51s/
Convergence #5: 06m01s/
Convergence: Atom #2: 10m37s/
Convergence: Batgirl #2: 14m53s/
Convergence: Batman and Robin #2: 17m21s/
Convergence: Harley Quinn #2: 19m04s/
Convergence: Justice League #2: 21m20s/
Convergence: Nightwing and Oracle #2: 23m19s/
Convergence: Question #2: 25m23s/
Convergence: Speed Force #2: 27m57s/
Convergence: Superman #2: 30m10s/
Convergence: Titans #2: 32m33s/
Rocket Raccoon #11: 34m23s/
Secret Wars #1: 36m10s/
Spider-Gwen #4: 42m01s/
Star Wars: Kanan the Last Padawan #2: 44m40s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #5: 47m10s/
Afterlife with Archie #8: 50m45s/
Descender #3: 53m00s/
No Mercy #2: 54m55s/
Uncanny Season 2 #2: 56m57s/
Wicked and the Divine #10: 58m30s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Tue, 5 May 2015
For our 4th consecutive year, the NolaNerds made their prescence known at BSI Comcss during the annual free Comic Book Day event. We sat around and chatted with local artists and writers, looked at the most recent offerings from the Big 2 and other companies and Chris interviewed a "new Matt" to replace the old one. We also talk about Avengers: Age of Ultron so spoilers I guess? Judging from the box office you've already seen it so it just doesn't even matter. Listen and enjoy! E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtu.comnolanerdcast
Tue, 5 May 2015
We have reached the halfway point for Convergence! Join us for Episode Xatu as we delve not only into the final round of Convergence tie in debuts, but also another bevy of quality Image titles. And that's not all! We also tackle the epic finales to the DC arcs of Batman, Multiversity, AND Justice League! It is an action packed episode you don't want to miss. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Metron" Finneman and Chris "Chappie" Robinson as they gently ease you into their world. Books of the Week
Matt: Justice League #40
Chris: Convergence: Justice Society of America #1
Top 5 Moments
*Batman vs Joker Fight (Batman #40)
*Booster Gold Meets Himself (Convergence: Booster Gold #1)
*Talking Tawny's Return (Convergence: Shazam! #1)
*Red One vs The Carpenter (Red One #2)
*Bitch Planet's Peeping Tom (Bitch Planet #4) Email: 01m34s/
Current Events: 03m25s/
Batman #40: 05m37s/
Convergence #4: 08m14s/
Convergence: Action Comics #1: 10m11s/
Convergence: Blue Beetle #1: 12m41s/
Convergence: Booster Gold #1: 14m52s/
Convergence: Detective Comics #1: 17m51s/
Convergence: Infinity Inc #1: 20m20s/
Convergence: Justice Society of America #1: 23m20s/
Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters #1: 26m20s/
Convergence: Shazam! #1: 28m22s/
Convergence: World's Finest #1: 31m03s/
Justice League #40: 33m17s/
Multiversity #2: 36m38s/
Daredevil #15: 39m54s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #3: 42m51s/
Alex + Ada #14: 44m22s/
Bitch Planet #4: 46m15s/
Invisible Republic #2: 49m39s/
Red One #2: 52m21s/
Outcast #8: 55m28s/
Tue, 28 April 2015
So NolaNerdCast HQ is kind of a revolving door sometimes. Normally this is not a problem but this week someone started a conversation as soon as they walked in the door. As a result, I had to be up extra early so I could edit it out to provide a seamless audio version for our listeners. There's no real point to this, I just wanted to tell someone and I can tell that you are a good listener. The show itself? I mean we talk about Olicity (Several times), Law and Order: Marvel Style, and the wardrobe upgrade that joining the League of Assassins brings.
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Thu, 23 April 2015
Week 3 of Convergence has begun, and DC is taking us back to the 80s for a Pre-Crisis Gotham City showdown! Revel in nostalgia as we discuss everything from Justice League Detroit, headband Supergirl, the Legion, atomic knights riding atop giant Dalmatians, and, according to Chris, the only good time period for Hawkman ever. Beyond that the NOLAnerds also discuss the new staus quo for Ice Man, tackle another Image debut, revel in the return of Velvet and Lazarus, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Ice Man Cometh Out" Finneman, Chris "Loves Cyborg's Hot Pants" Robinson, and guest star Andy "Pandering" Nemo as they talk shop! Books of the Week
Matt: Deadly Class #12
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Email: 01m01s/
Current Events: 05m37s/
Batman 66 #22: 12m17s/
Convergence #3: 14m17s/
Convergence: Adventures of Superman #1: 20m57s/
Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #1: 24m02s/
Convergence: Flash #1: 26m40s/
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1: 28m41s/
Convergence: Hawkman #1: 30m59s/
Convergence: Justice League of America #1: 33m46s/
Convergence: New Teen Titans #1: 36m40s/
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes #1: 38m41s/
Convergence: Swamp Thing #1: 41m40s/
Convergence: Wonder Woman #1: 44m18s/
All-New X-Men #40: 46m05s/
Black Vortex Omega #1: 52m22s/
Star Wars #4: 56m10s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4: 58m47s/
Deadly Class #12: 1h02m13s/
Kaptara #1: 1h04m15s/
Lazarus #16: 1h07m25s/
Velvet #10: 1h09m47s/
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Tue, 21 April 2015
Today is a momentous occasion for our little TV show podcast. For the first time, every single show we cover had a new episode that aired last week. An exciting and exhausting prospect to be sure. This week we talk the neutering of the "Calvary", that corridor fight from Daredevil, and the two part Atom crossover.
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Thu, 16 April 2015
It's week two of the massive DC Comics Convergence mega event! Last week we were treated to a pre Flashpoint Gotham City. This week welcomes us to the 90's era pre Zero Hour Metropolis! So beyond seeing what Aquaman, Superboy, the Suicide Squad, Green Lantern, and more were doing back in the 90s, this week the NOLAnerds also check out a whopping SIX Image books, including the return of the all star creative team of Think Tank on their brand new book, The Tithe! Add in some Marvel goodness and you have one hell of a week in comics! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Time Bandit" Finneman and Chris "Time Asshole" Robinson as they chit chat with guest star Andy "Kon El" Niemann about comics! Books of the Week
Matt: The Tithe #1
Chris: Chrononauts #2
Email: 0m57s/
Current Events: 03m23s/
Convergence #2: 07m17s/
Convergence: Aquaman #1: 10m34s/
Convergence: Catwoman #1: 15m45s/
Convergence: Green Arrow #1: 18m20s/
Convergence: Green Lantern - Parallax #1: 20m27s/
Convergence: Justice League International #1: 23m50s/
Convergence: Shadow of the Bat #1: 26m39s/
Convergence: Suicide Squad #1: 31m31s/
Convergence: Superboy #1: 34m55s/
Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #1: 37m39s/
Convergence: Superman - Man of STEEL #1: 40m31s/
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #9: 43m30s/
Legendary Star-Lord #11: 45m40s/
Ms. Marvel #14: 49m26s/
Thor #7: 52m48s/
Uncanny X-Men #33: 55m29s/
Chrononauts #2: 57m51s/
Fade-Out #5: 1h02m29s/
Mega Man #48: 1h05m23s/
Sabrina (Chilling Adventures of) #2: 1h06m58s/
Secret Identities #3: 1h10m55s/
Shutter #11: 1h13m17s/
The Tithe #1: 1h16m34s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Tue, 14 April 2015
Despite all the DC shows taking a break this week, we still found plenty to talk about for the TV show. This week we talk about how Chris was wrong about iZombie, the effects on Powers and the season premiere of Daredevil.
E-mail us at, Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 9 April 2015
The NOLAnerds "converge" on each other to discuss the massive debut of the company wide major comics event, DC's Convergence! Old is new again as the NOLAnerds relive their favorite pre-New 52 heroes in their original glory. But DC isn't the only game in town, as a massive five Image books flood the discussion with their quantity AND quality. We discuss everything from the history of Saga's Marko, to the over saturation of Rocket Raccoon, to how glorious it is to have Greg Rucka writing Renee Montoya again, and so much more! So join NOLnerds Matt "Converging" Finneman and Chris "Muppet" Robinson and guest star Andy "Instigator" Niemann as the talk comics! Books of the Week
Matt: Birthright #6
Chris: Saga #27
Email: 03m00s/
Current Events: 06m18s/
Convergence #1: 11m31s/
Convergence: Atom #1: 18m07s/
Convergence: Batgirl #1: 21m53s/
Convergence: Batman and Robin #1: 24m57s/
Convergence: Harley Quinn #1: 26m31s/
Convergence: Justice League #1: 28m29s/
Convergence: Nightwing & Oracle #1: 30m59s/
Convergence: Question #1: 34m40s/
Convergence: Speed Force #1: 36m46s/
Convergence: Superman #1: 39m20s/
Convergence: Titans #1: 42m00s/
All-New Hawkeye #2: 44m35s/
Howard the Duck #2: 47m03s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #4: 50m59s/
Birthright #6: 53m30s/
Descender #2: 56m32s/
ODY-C #4: 59m07s/
Saga #27: 1h02m54s/
Southern Cross #2: 1h05m33s/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Tue, 7 April 2015
Everything is going on hatus again and life is misery!! Before that happens we have a full week of discussion including why Powers effects are so bad, the lack of secret identities on the CW, and how Chris was wrong about iZombie.
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook @ NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 2 April 2015
What happened to episode 22? That is an excellent question, and one I have no answer for. Apparently we forgot to upload it. Too bad too, it was a doozy with two dozen comics reviewed and discussed! MAYBE ONE DAY! Until then, enjoy the final week before DC throws everyone a curve ball with Convergence. In fact, this was a week full of endings and one new beginning courtesy of another quality Image debut. We say goodbye to two of our DC weeklies, the final round of DC books, but we welcome our new summer event overlord as well. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Clue Master" Finneman and Chris "Talon's Back" Robinson as they break it down for you all nice like. Books of the Week
Matt: Batman: Eternal #52
Chris: Batman: Eternal #52
Email: 03m00s/
Current Events: 06m39s/
Batman: Eternal #52: 11m04s/
Batman/Superman Annual #2: 15m27s/
Batwoman Annual #2: 18m34s/
Convergence #0: 21m41s/
Earth 2: World's End #26: 24m39s/
Future's End #48: 28m34s/
Sinestro Annual #1: 31m05s/
Cyclops #12: 34m17s/
Rocket Raccoon #10: 36m57s/
Spider-Gwen #3: 39m40s/
Star Wars: Kanan - The Last Padawan #1: 43m10s/
The Dying & The Dead #2: 46m29s/
No Mercy #1: 51m07s/
Uncanny Season 2 #1: 55m00s/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 2 April 2015
To the surprise of none of us, March was once again a major powerhouse in gaming. "The Spring Holiday" I like to call it when no one is listening so they won't make fun of me. This year, March takes on a special significance since it marked the release of what many are calling the first "true next gen must have game" with the release of the PS4's Bloodborne. But this month was also chock full of gaming news from GDC 2015, the shock that Nintendo is going mobile, and the release of a ton of insanely high quality indie games. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Axiom Verge-tastic" Finneman, Chris "Next Time On" Robinson, Garrett "Salty" Platner, Mason "Revelations Master" Maldonado, Ronald "BloodBorn for This" Bienemy, Doug "Ori" Rosenthal, Andy "Last Gen Holdout" Niemann and Dolly "Half Life 3 Confirmed" Pop as they break it all down! Gaming News March 2015: 00m54s/
New Game Releases March 2015: 40m22s/
Ori and the Blind Forest: 1h04m51s/
Bloodborne: 1h11m20s/
Ending Chats, Look Forwards, Games with Gold, PS+ : 1h20m26s/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Wed, 1 April 2015
Between the roast of Justin Bieber and the events of the weekend, a low key team gathers to talk television. This week we discuss Barry's terrible no good very bad day, the charm of Izombie and how crazy competent Ray Palmer is. E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolanerdCast. View us at
Mon, 23 March 2015
TV is back baby! We are back! Happy days are here again! A full week of TV and a new premiere? It's an embarrassment of riches! This week we talk zombies, the awfulness of Barry and Iris' relationship and how everyone on Powers, except for the villains, kinda suck E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast/ View us at
Fri, 20 March 2015
Despite the mascot of this episode being that terrible abomination of a Pokemon Pichu, this was a great week for comics! We got an unprecedented triple release of Image debuts, the final pre-Convergence issues of a handful of DC titles, Batman: Eternal's big bad was finally unveiled, Squirrel Girl continued to dominate our hearts, Future's End broke our hearts, and so much more went down! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Brother Eye" Finneman, Chris "Two Calls" Robinson, and Andy "Silk the Shocker" Niemann as they chitchat their way into your hearts! Books of the Week
Matt: Red One #1
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3
Email: 01m20s/
Current Events: 04m14s/
Batgirl #40: 08m36s/
Batman: Eternal #50: 11m11s/
Batman/Superman #20: 14m48s/
Batwoman #40: 16m55s/
Earth 2: World's End #24: 18m53s/
Future's End #46: 22m33s/
Green Lantern: New Guardians #40: 24m34s/
Sensation Comics #8: 27m31s/
All-New X-Men #39: 29m47s/
Guardians Team Up #3: 32m59s/
Silk #2: 35m19s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #2: 37m24s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3: 40m18s/
Alex + Ada #13: 45m31s/
Chrononauts #1: 47m27s/
Invisible Republic #1: 51m22s/
Outcast #7: 54m31s/
Red One #1: 57m07s/
Secret Identities #2: 1h01m22s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Mon, 16 March 2015
The NolaNerds are here to chew bubblegum and review TV and we are all out of bubblegum. We discuss why Sif isn't on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the talkiness of Powers, and the merits of Sharlto Copley. E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 12 March 2015
This week, our Pokemon numbering scheme actually kinda relates to comics! It's Lanturn week. Get it? Lanturn? Like...Green Lantern? But with the Pokemon name? Nothing? Hello...? Is this thing on? No matter! This week the NOLAnerds discuss another brand new Image debut, revel in the end games of the DC weekly trinity, enjoy the most absurd Marvel Comics debut in ages, and begin our fond farewell to the New 52 as we know it. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Spider Bing" Finneman, Chris "Lady Thor" Robinson, and guest star Andy "Star War" Niemann as they chit chat into your earholes. Books of the Week
Matt: Howard the Duck #1
Chris: Howard the Duck #1
Email: 01m07s/
Current Events: 05m46s/
Batman: Eternal #49: 11m24s/
Constantine #23: 14m09s/
Earth 2: World's End #23: 16m50s/
Future's End #45: 19m23s/
Green Lantern Corps #40: 23m13s/
Suiciders #1: 26m49s/
All-New X-Men #37: 30m59s/
Howard the Duck #1: 34m51s/
Ms. Marvel #13: 38m51s/
Spider-Gwen #2: 41m58s/
Star Wars #3: 45m00s/
Thor #6: 47m48s/
Shutter #10: 50m36s/
Southern Cross #1: 53m30s/
Mon, 9 March 2015
Hey! It's he tv show! We are here but where are the shows? This week we talk about the only things that happened in our shortest episode ever. We talk about powers in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, the imminent departure of Fish Mooney and .... I guess that's it. i mean really there were only two shows this week. So enjoy!
Mon, 9 March 2015
t's a lighter comics week finally, allowing the NOLAnerds' wallets to relax a bit. This week we bid a fond farewell to the final Charles Soule DC offering, welcome Princess Leia to the Marvel universe, and enjoy a double helping of Jeff Lemire premieres. Or Jeff "Premieres" if you will. Man I am hilarious. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rogue Jordan" Finneman, Chris "Secret Grayson Organization" Robinson and guest starring Andy "Star Wars" Niemann as they welcome the week that was. Books of the Week
Matt: Future's End #44
Chris: Saga #26
Email: 01m00s/
Current Events: 10m38s/
Batman: Eternal #48: 14m54s/
Earth 2 #32: 19m14s/
Earth 2: World's End #22: 22m28s/
Future's End #44: 26m10s/
Grayson #8: 29m59s/
Green Lantern #40: 32m43s/
Lobo #6: 36m47s/
Swamp Thing #40: 40m24s/
All-New Hawkeye #1: 43m11s/
Rocket Raccoon #9: 48m41s/
Star Wars: Princess Leia #1: 51m15s/
Black Science #12: 54m55s/
Descender #1: 57m42s/
Saga #26: 59m57s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Wed, 4 March 2015
Well the comics show got a 2.0 revamp name, why not the gaming? This is officially episode 40, but that's all in the past! This month the NOLAnerdcast crew gathered together once more to pay tribute to the month that came before us. This month we discuss things like the Rock Paper Shotgun interview with Peter "Hype Man" Molyneux, the polarizing release of Majora's Mask 3D, the even more polarizing release of The Order: 1886, Batman going mature, the mere possibility of a Legend of Zelda Netflix show, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Sir Galahad" Finneman, Chris "Dying Dead Island Light" Robinson, Andy "Banjo Lover" Niemann, Mason "Resident Evil World Champ" Maldonado, Doug "Late to the Mordor" Rosenthal, and Dolly "Deku" Pop as they break it all down for you! Gaming News: 01m45s/
New Game Releases: 36m07s/
The Order: 1886: 53m03s/
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D: 1h02m14s/
Ending Discussion/Games with Gold: 1h11m45s
Tue, 3 March 2015
In a truly shocking turn, nobody is on assignment this week!! Which would be great if all the shows didn't decide to enter their spring break. This week we talk about Fiash Mooney, the end of Agent Carter, and the mysteries of Nanda Parbat.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Fri, 27 February 2015
This episode brought to you later than usual courtesy of the south having absolutely no idea what to do when roads ice over! Our comics arrived a day late to BSI, so we are making due with what we can! This was another big week, bringing us the long awaited debut of Spider-Gwen, Rob Guillory making a splash at Marvel, Guy Gardner fighting a baby, a belated Valentine's Day with Ms. Marvel, and much much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rapid Fire" Finneman and Chris "Speed Demon" Robinson with guest host Andy "Hop to It" Niemann as the NOLAnerds try and race through the show! Books of the Week
Matt: Daredevil #13
Chris: Star Wars: Darth Vader
Email: 01m00s/
Current Events: 04m50s/
Aquaman #39: 10m44s/
Batman 66 #20: 14m04s/
Batman: Eternal #47: 15m22s/
Batman #39: 18m07s/
Earth 2: World's End #21: 26m48s/
Future's End #43: 24m45s/
Flash #39: 26m33s/
Gotham Academy #5: 29m59s/
Gotham By Midnight #4: 33m09s/
Justice League Dark #39: 35m43s/
Red Lanterns #39: 38m35s/
Sinestro #10: 41m16s/
All-New X-Men #38: 43m30s/
Daredevil #13: 46m01s/
Ms. Marvel #12: 48m45s/
Spider-Gwen #1: 50m37s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #2: 53m44s/
Thor Annual #1: 57m16s/
ODY-C #3: 1h00m17s/
The Wicked + The Divine #8: 1h02m34s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast View us at
Tue, 24 February 2015
Matt is back but Andy went on assignment. Maybe I should go on assignment to. No respect no respect at all. Anyway we talked about Gotham's issues, the awesomeness of The Flash and why Peggy Carter is better than Agents of Shield (part 1 million). Arkham Origins (Gotham)
Agents Assemble (Agent Carter)
Rogues Gallery (Flash)
Under the Hood (Arrow)
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast and View us at
Thu, 19 February 2015
Welcome to the latest installment of the NOLAnerdcast's 2.0 initiative, brought to you by comics nerds and unnecessary Pokemon references. This is episode Ariados! Hey, they can't all be winners. This week the NOLAnerds tackle an absolutely monstrous week of releases. We cover everything from the penultimate issue of Fables, to the latest Image offerings (including a brand new #1!), a new Grant Morrison Multiversity tale, the debut of Marvel's Silk, the finale of Charles Soule's She-Hulk, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rundown" Finneman and Chris "Overman" Robinson and guest starring Andy "Silk the Shocker" Niemann as they talk and talk! Books of the Week
Matt: Secret Identities #1
Chris: Lazarus #15
Email: 02m18s/
Current Events: 05m10s/
Batgirl #39: 08m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batman: Eternal #46: 13m50s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batman/Superman #19: 17m37s/ Chris: 3.0/
Batwoman #39: 19m36s/ Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #20: 22m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #42: 25m38s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Green Lantern: New Guardians #39: 28m35s/ Matt: 1.5/
Justice League #39: 32m11s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Multiversity: Master Men #1: 35m43s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Sensation Comics w/ Wonder Woman #7: 40m59s/ Chris: 3.5/
Fables #149: 43m16s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Black Vortex: Legendary Star-Lord #9: 49m11s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Rocket Raccoon #8: 51m51s/ Chris: 3.5/
She-Hulk #12: 54m07s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/
Silk #1: 57m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Uncanny X-Men #31: 1h00m09s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #4: 1h03m47s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Bitch Planet #3: 1h06m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/
Deadly Class #11: 1h10m28s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Lazarus #15: 1h13m33s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Mega Man #46: 1h16m02s/ Matt: 3.5/
Secret Identities #1: 1h18m27s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
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Mon, 16 February 2015
Matt is still on assignment so Andy and Chris continue the good fight without him. This week the finale of Constantine (forever?), the strong character work of Gotham and Arrow and why Barry Allen is the worst love interest ever. Arkham Origins (Gotham)
Agents Assemble (Agent Carter)
Rogues Gallery (Flash)
Under the Hood (Arrow)
Raising Hellblazer (Constantine)
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 12 February 2015
What's that? NOLAnerds have officially entered (albeit 15 weeks late...) into the vaunted 2.0 era?!? THAT'S RIGHT! We, much like the comics we love, have decided to arbitrarily relaunch, rename, and renumber ourselves! Because why not? So welcome to 2.0 episode 16, codename Spinarak! This week we discuss the megaton of Spider-Man in the MCU, the newly announced books of DC's Divergence, welcome back the heavily delayed Secret Six, tackle the latest Black Vortex space saga entry, and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Ghost Hater" Finneman and Chris "Pants Ripper" Robinson as they talk shop! Books of the Week Matt: Secret Six #2
Chris: Thor #5
Email: 01m47s/
Current Events: 07m21s/
Batman: Eternal #45: 21m45s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.5/
Constantine #22: 25m00s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #19: 27m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #41: 31m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/
Green Lantern Corps #39: 35m24s/ Matt: 2.0/
Secret Six #2: 39m36s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
All-New X-Men #36: 45m50s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Darth Vader #1: 48m57s/ Chris: 4.0/
Guardians of the Galaxy #24: 53m01s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/
Thor #5: 57m31s/ Chris: 4.0/
Shutter #9: 1h00m56s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Mon, 9 February 2015
DO NOT ADJUST YOUR DIALS! With Matt away on "important" business. Andy and Chris are running the show! This is the best time for superhero television so join us as we talk about it.
Arkham Origins (Gotham) Rogues Gallery (Flash) Agents Assemble (Agent Carter) Under the Hood (Arrow) Raising Hellblazer (Constantine) E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 5 February 2015
Another crazy week of comics has descended upon us! The NOLAnerds have returned once again, with a new numbering scheme in tow! Not content to just be episode 166, we are now on NOLANERDCAST 2.0! Episode 15 to be exact. True to our recent Pokemon naming conventions, we are in the Gold/Silver era, so we are renumbering, comics style! This week we welcome back Squirrel Girl, get amazed by Birthright, say hello to our dear friend Saga, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Sexy Lobo" Finneman and Chris "Unbeatable" Robinson! Books of the Week
Matt: Birthright #5
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2
Email: 01m30s/
Current Events: 03m45s/
Batman 66 #19: 07m11s/ Chris: 3.5/
Batman: Eternal #44: 11m40s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/
Earth 2 #31: 15m18s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 3.0/
Earth 2: World's End #18: 18m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #40: 21m05s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Grayson #7: 24m21s/ Chris: 3.5/
Green Lantern #39: 26m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Lobo #5: 29m34s/ Matt: 3.5/
Swamp Thing #39: 32m08s/ Chris: 3.5/
Black Vortex #1: 35m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Hawkeye #21: 40m57s/ Matt: 3.5/
Ms. Marvel #11: 43m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Star Wars #2: 46m57s/ Chris: 4.0/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #2: 50m15s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/
Birthright #5: 54m26s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Mega Man #45: 57m16s/ Matt: 3.5/
Saga #25: 59m47s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Velvet #9: 1h02m51s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Wytches #4: 1h05m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebokk @ NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 5 February 2015
2015 is here! After a year that could only be described as "tumultuous," the fresh year has arrived, promising a truly epic 365 days of gaming. However, in true January fashion, not much actually happened this month. While sparse on news AND game releases, the NOLAnerds nonetheless do what they do best: arguing back and forth about things of no great importance! This show we chat about Nintendo's inane naming schemes, Microsoft's Xbox plans with Windows 10, the release of Saints Row 4's swan song, and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Grim Fandango" Finneman, Chris "Saints Row 5ever" Robinson, Ronald "Handheld Hater" Bienemy, Mason "Tank Controls" Maldonado, Zack "Handsome Jack" St Onge, Andy "Majora's Teet Sucker" Niemann, Dolly "Epileptic Gamer" Pop, and Scott "He Was There?" Brehm as they chat you up! Gaming News: 07m37s/
New Gaming Releases: 36m40s/
Gat Outta Hell: 46m10s/
Ending Sequence/Games with Gold/Playstation Plus: 53m09s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Thu, 5 February 2015
The shows are BACK BABY! Midseason breaks are over, and all of our shows have returned in glorious form. And we even got a new show to boot, the excellent Agent Carter, subbing in for the inconsistently enjoyable Agents of SHIELD show.
This week we chat about Gotham, Agent Carter, the awesomeness of Flash and Arrow, and Constantine. It's a doozy!
Arkham Origins (Gotham)
Agents Assemble (Agent Carter)
Rogues Gallery (Flash)
Under the Hood (Arrow)
Raising Hellblazer (Constantine)
Thu, 29 January 2015
Welcome to the 75th annual Hunger Games! Wait, that doesn't sound right at all. But it sounds way cooler than "Welcome to the episode of the NOLAnerdcast Comics Podcast that would be equivalent to Ledyba from Pokemon Gold/Silver. God. What a lame Pokemon. This week the NOLAnerds tackle the Multiversity Guidebook, read another Image Comics first, say farewell to Unwritten (sniff), and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Little League" Finneman, Chris "Ginger Apologist" Robinson, and Andy "Academy" Niemann as they talk about the biggest week of comics in 2015 so far. Books of the Week
Matt: Batman #38
Chris: Unwritten: Apocalypse #12
Email: 01m32s/
Current Events: 04m57s/
Aquaman #38: 07m53s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Batman #38: 11m00s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Batman: Eternal #43: 14m42s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #17: 17m23s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Flash #38: 19m43s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #39: 22m30s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Gotham Academy #4: 25m28s/ Chris: 3.0/
Gotham by Midnight #3: 27m57s/ Chris: 3.0/
Justice League Dark #38: 30m22s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 2.0/
Multiversity Guidebook #1: 32m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Red Lanterns #38: 39m44s/ Matt: 2.0/
Sinestro #9: 42m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Unwritten: Apocalypse #12: 44m44s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/
Thor #4: 48m53s/ Chris: 3.5/
Uncanny X-Men #30: 52m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Adventure Time #36: 56m09s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Alex + Ada #12: 59m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Bitch Planet #2: 1h02m14s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Dying & The Dead #1: 1h05m39s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Sex Criminals #10: 1h11m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Mon, 26 January 2015
The shows are BACK BABY! Midseason breaks are over, and all of our shows have returned in glorious form. And we even got a new show to boot, the excellent Agent Carter, subbing in for the inconsistently enjoyable Agents of SHIELD show.
This week we chat about TWO episodes of Gotham, THREE episodes of Agent Carter, the return of Flash and Arrow, and TWO episodes of Constantine. It's a doozy!
Arkham Origins (Gotham)
Agents Assemble (Agent Carter)
Rogues Gallery (Flash)
Under the Hood (Arrow)
Raising Hellblazer (Constantine)
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Sun, 25 January 2015
BOOM! Episode Noctowl in the house son. Or daughter. Whichever, we don't discriminate here. The NOLAnerds are back for another week full of comic book goodness, so sit back, relax, and soak in our dulcet tones. This week we discuss Chris' apparent hate for golden age weirdness, Batman with super powers, fall more in love with Tooth & Claw's bizarre world, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Fables Theorist" Finneman and Chris "Kandor Bullet" Robinson as they talk shop! Books of the Week
Matt: Fables #148
Chris: Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #3
Email: 00m59s/
Current Events: 03m40s/
Batman: Eternal #42: 06m17s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Batman/Superman #18: 08m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batwoman #38: 12m56s/ Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World;s End #16: 15m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/
Future's End #38: 18m15s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Green Lantern: New Guardians #38: 20m35s/ Matt: 3.0/
Justice League #38: 22m55s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Sensation Comics #6: 26m04s/ Chris: 3.0/
Fables #148: 27m44s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
All-New X-Men #35: 36m30s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Rocket Raccoon #7: 39m22s/ Chris: 3.5/
Autumnlands: Tooth & Claw #3: 41m35s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Wicked + The Divine #7: 44m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Sat, 17 January 2015
Episode HootHoot son! 2015 is chugging along, and this was a fairly light week for the NOLAnerds all things considered. We chatted about religion in comics, why Batgirl deserved a proper reboot, the return of Star Wars to Marvel, and much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Batgirl #1" Finneman and Chris "Butt Stomach" Robinson as they talk comics, man. Books of the Week
Matt: Lazarus #14
Chris: Star Wars #1
Email: 01m26s/
Current Events: 07m51s/
Batgirl #38: 14m00s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Batman: Eternal #41: 16m51s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Constantine #21: 19m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #15: 22m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #37: 25m00s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Grayson #6: 27m06s/ Chris: 3.5/
Green Lantern Corps #38: 30m07s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Daredevil #12: 32m35s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Star Wars #1: 35m20s/ Chris: 4.0/
Lazarus #14: 39m44s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Shutter #8: 43m36s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/
E-mail us at Follow us on Tiwtter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Sat, 10 January 2015
Welcome to a brand new year! The first week of 2015, and the NOLAnerds couldn't be happier. After a two week break due to comics day falling on both Christmas Eve AND New Years Eve, we have a lot to catch up on! This week the NOLAnerds dive into the DC weeklies, another dose of Rick Remender's life, a great new installment of Fade Out, and the debut of a hilarious new Marvel book that is sure to charm all comers. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Unbeatable" Finneman and Chris "Headcanon" Robinson as they discuss everything you need to know! Books of the Week
Matt: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1
Email: 04m49s/
Current Events: 07m33s/
Batman: Eternal #40: 14m44s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Earth 2 #30: 17m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/
Earth 2: World's End #14: 19m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Future's End #36: 22m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Green Lantern #38: 24m57s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Lobo #4: 27m47s/ Matt: 3.5/
Swamp Thing #38: 29m22s/ Chris: 3.5/
Fairest #33: 31m41s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1: 37m57s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.5/
Birthright #4: 43m07s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Deadly Class #10: 45m45s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Fade Out #4: 48m40s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
ODY-C #2: 52m46s/ Chris: 3.5/
Trees #8: 54m58s/ Chris: 3.5/
e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Sat, 10 January 2015
Pay no attention to the fact that this episode came out well after 2014. We had to make room for our epic live streamed Twitch Game of the Year show! (Check it out on Youtube!) But now we are back with all the news and all of the (admittedly few) games of December. We chat Geoff Keighley's Game Awards show, the 20th Anniversary Playstation Experience conference, Bienemy's love affair with Guilty Gear Xrd, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Drake Lover" Finneman, Chris "Arkham Knight" Robinson, Ronald "Ky Kiske" Bienemy, Andy "New Order" Niemann, and introducing Dolly "Majora's Mask" Pop as they break down the month for you! Gaming News December 2014 - 01m27s/
Game Releases December 2014 - 46m23s/
Playstation Experience 2014 - 55m33s/
Ending Stuff/PS+/Games with Gold - 1h14m56s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at