Tue, 28 April 2015
So NolaNerdCast HQ is kind of a revolving door sometimes. Normally this is not a problem but this week someone started a conversation as soon as they walked in the door. As a result, I had to be up extra early so I could edit it out to provide a seamless audio version for our listeners. There's no real point to this, I just wanted to tell someone and I can tell that you are a good listener. The show itself? I mean we talk about Olicity (Several times), Law and Order: Marvel Style, and the wardrobe upgrade that joining the League of Assassins brings.
E-mail us at NolaNerdCast@gmail.com/ Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/Nolanerdcast
Thu, 23 April 2015
Week 3 of Convergence has begun, and DC is taking us back to the 80s for a Pre-Crisis Gotham City showdown! Revel in nostalgia as we discuss everything from Justice League Detroit, headband Supergirl, the Legion, atomic knights riding atop giant Dalmatians, and, according to Chris, the only good time period for Hawkman ever. Beyond that the NOLAnerds also discuss the new staus quo for Ice Man, tackle another Image debut, revel in the return of Velvet and Lazarus, and so much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Ice Man Cometh Out" Finneman, Chris "Loves Cyborg's Hot Pants" Robinson, and guest star Andy "Pandering" Nemo as they talk shop! Books of the Week
Matt: Deadly Class #12
Chris: Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Email: 01m01s/
Current Events: 05m37s/
Batman 66 #22: 12m17s/
Convergence #3: 14m17s/
Convergence: Adventures of Superman #1: 20m57s/
Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #1: 24m02s/
Convergence: Flash #1: 26m40s/
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1: 28m41s/
Convergence: Hawkman #1: 30m59s/
Convergence: Justice League of America #1: 33m46s/
Convergence: New Teen Titans #1: 36m40s/
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes #1: 38m41s/
Convergence: Swamp Thing #1: 41m40s/
Convergence: Wonder Woman #1: 44m18s/
All-New X-Men #40: 46m05s/
Black Vortex Omega #1: 52m22s/
Star Wars #4: 56m10s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4: 58m47s/
Deadly Class #12: 1h02m13s/
Kaptara #1: 1h04m15s/
Lazarus #16: 1h07m25s/
Velvet #10: 1h09m47s/
E-mail us at nolanerdcast@gmail.com/ Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Tue, 21 April 2015
Today is a momentous occasion for our little TV show podcast. For the first time, every single show we cover had a new episode that aired last week. An exciting and exhausting prospect to be sure. This week we talk the neutering of the "Calvary", that corridor fight from Daredevil, and the two part Atom crossover.
E-mail uis at NolaNerdCast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @ NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast.
Thu, 16 April 2015
It's week two of the massive DC Comics Convergence mega event! Last week we were treated to a pre Flashpoint Gotham City. This week welcomes us to the 90's era pre Zero Hour Metropolis! So beyond seeing what Aquaman, Superboy, the Suicide Squad, Green Lantern, and more were doing back in the 90s, this week the NOLAnerds also check out a whopping SIX Image books, including the return of the all star creative team of Think Tank on their brand new book, The Tithe! Add in some Marvel goodness and you have one hell of a week in comics! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Time Bandit" Finneman and Chris "Time Asshole" Robinson as they chit chat with guest star Andy "Kon El" Niemann about comics! Books of the Week
Matt: The Tithe #1
Chris: Chrononauts #2
Email: 0m57s/
Current Events: 03m23s/
Convergence #2: 07m17s/
Convergence: Aquaman #1: 10m34s/
Convergence: Catwoman #1: 15m45s/
Convergence: Green Arrow #1: 18m20s/
Convergence: Green Lantern - Parallax #1: 20m27s/
Convergence: Justice League International #1: 23m50s/
Convergence: Shadow of the Bat #1: 26m39s/
Convergence: Suicide Squad #1: 31m31s/
Convergence: Superboy #1: 34m55s/
Convergence: Supergirl Matrix #1: 37m39s/
Convergence: Superman - Man of STEEL #1: 40m31s/
Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman #9: 43m30s/
Legendary Star-Lord #11: 45m40s/
Ms. Marvel #14: 49m26s/
Thor #7: 52m48s/
Uncanny X-Men #33: 55m29s/
Chrononauts #2: 57m51s/
Fade-Out #5: 1h02m29s/
Mega Man #48: 1h05m23s/
Sabrina (Chilling Adventures of) #2: 1h06m58s/
Secret Identities #3: 1h10m55s/
Shutter #11: 1h13m17s/
The Tithe #1: 1h16m34s/
E-mail us at NolaNerdCsst@gmail.com/ Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Tue, 14 April 2015
Despite all the DC shows taking a break this week, we still found plenty to talk about for the TV show. This week we talk about how Chris was wrong about iZombie, the effects on Powers and the season premiere of Daredevil.
E-mail us at NolaNerdCast@gmail.com, Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Thu, 9 April 2015
The NOLAnerds "converge" on each other to discuss the massive debut of the company wide major comics event, DC's Convergence! Old is new again as the NOLAnerds relive their favorite pre-New 52 heroes in their original glory. But DC isn't the only game in town, as a massive five Image books flood the discussion with their quantity AND quality. We discuss everything from the history of Saga's Marko, to the over saturation of Rocket Raccoon, to how glorious it is to have Greg Rucka writing Renee Montoya again, and so much more! So join NOLnerds Matt "Converging" Finneman and Chris "Muppet" Robinson and guest star Andy "Instigator" Niemann as the talk comics! Books of the Week
Matt: Birthright #6
Chris: Saga #27
Email: 03m00s/
Current Events: 06m18s/
Convergence #1: 11m31s/
Convergence: Atom #1: 18m07s/
Convergence: Batgirl #1: 21m53s/
Convergence: Batman and Robin #1: 24m57s/
Convergence: Harley Quinn #1: 26m31s/
Convergence: Justice League #1: 28m29s/
Convergence: Nightwing & Oracle #1: 30m59s/
Convergence: Question #1: 34m40s/
Convergence: Speed Force #1: 36m46s/
Convergence: Superman #1: 39m20s/
Convergence: Titans #1: 42m00s/
All-New Hawkeye #2: 44m35s/
Howard the Duck #2: 47m03s/
Star Wars: Darth Vader #4: 50m59s/
Birthright #6: 53m30s/
Descender #2: 56m32s/
ODY-C #4: 59m07s/
Saga #27: 1h02m54s/
Southern Cross #2: 1h05m33s/
E-mail us at nolanerdcast@gmail.com/ Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Tue, 7 April 2015
Everything is going on hatus again and life is misery!! Before that happens we have a full week of discussion including why Powers effects are so bad, the lack of secret identities on the CW, and how Chris was wrong about iZombie.
E-mail us at NolaNerdCast@gmail.com/ Follow us on twitter and facebook @ NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Thu, 2 April 2015
What happened to episode 22? That is an excellent question, and one I have no answer for. Apparently we forgot to upload it. Too bad too, it was a doozy with two dozen comics reviewed and discussed! MAYBE ONE DAY! Until then, enjoy the final week before DC throws everyone a curve ball with Convergence. In fact, this was a week full of endings and one new beginning courtesy of another quality Image debut. We say goodbye to two of our DC weeklies, the final round of DC books, but we welcome our new summer event overlord as well. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Clue Master" Finneman and Chris "Talon's Back" Robinson as they break it down for you all nice like. Books of the Week
Matt: Batman: Eternal #52
Chris: Batman: Eternal #52
Email: 03m00s/
Current Events: 06m39s/
Batman: Eternal #52: 11m04s/
Batman/Superman Annual #2: 15m27s/
Batwoman Annual #2: 18m34s/
Convergence #0: 21m41s/
Earth 2: World's End #26: 24m39s/
Future's End #48: 28m34s/
Sinestro Annual #1: 31m05s/
Cyclops #12: 34m17s/
Rocket Raccoon #10: 36m57s/
Spider-Gwen #3: 39m40s/
Star Wars: Kanan - The Last Padawan #1: 43m10s/
The Dying & The Dead #2: 46m29s/
No Mercy #1: 51m07s/
Uncanny Season 2 #1: 55m00s/
E-mail us at nolanerdcast@gmail.com. Follow us on twitter and facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Thu, 2 April 2015
To the surprise of none of us, March was once again a major powerhouse in gaming. "The Spring Holiday" I like to call it when no one is listening so they won't make fun of me. This year, March takes on a special significance since it marked the release of what many are calling the first "true next gen must have game" with the release of the PS4's Bloodborne. But this month was also chock full of gaming news from GDC 2015, the shock that Nintendo is going mobile, and the release of a ton of insanely high quality indie games. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Axiom Verge-tastic" Finneman, Chris "Next Time On" Robinson, Garrett "Salty" Platner, Mason "Revelations Master" Maldonado, Ronald "BloodBorn for This" Bienemy, Doug "Ori" Rosenthal, Andy "Last Gen Holdout" Niemann and Dolly "Half Life 3 Confirmed" Pop as they break it all down! Gaming News March 2015: 00m54s/
New Game Releases March 2015: 40m22s/
Ori and the Blind Forest: 1h04m51s/
Bloodborne: 1h11m20s/
Ending Chats, Look Forwards, Games with Gold, PS+ : 1h20m26s/
E-mail us at nolanerdcast@gmail.com. Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast
Wed, 1 April 2015
Between the roast of Justin Bieber and the events of the weekend, a low key team gathers to talk television. This week we discuss Barry's terrible no good very bad day, the charm of Izombie and how crazy competent Ray Palmer is. E-mail us at Nolanerdcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolanerdCast. View us at www.youtube.com/nolanerdcast