We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Who's hyped for another full week of more of the nonsense you come to expect from us?!? Is it you?! Yay!!! This week comics, the first look at Far Cry Primal, Matt shuts off the recorder half way through, the usual stuff. Plus E-mails!! I don't think I've ever been happier. Except for that one time at the fireworks factory, that was top.

Comics times:

Aquaman: 13:13

Batman and Robin Eternal: 16:00

All New X-men: 25:03

Karnak: 28:16

Unbeatable Squirrel girl: 42:37

Saga: 48:14

E-mail us questions! Seriously! at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at

Direct download: Episode_8_fixed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:13pm EST

This week the NOLAnerds sit back, relax, and chat it up about a variety of stuff. Chris drones on about how much he loves Reggie from the new Archie comic, Matt laments his addicted to Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Digimon: Cyber Sleuth continues to dominate the mindshare, and so much more! Do we discuss the Daredevil Season 2 trailer? How about a brief review and discussion of Deadpool's new movie? Do we manage to find time to get to some comics before binge watching more episodes of Naruto: Shippuden? The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic "probably!"


Comics Time Stamps:


Sinestro #20: 11m07s/


Huck #4: 24m49s/


Sex Criminals #14: 39m07s/


Avengers: Standoff #1: 47m08s/

Direct download: Episode_7.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34am EST

When we first made episode 5, we were constrained by the technology of the era we made it in. Now that tehcnology has caught up with our vision, I am happy to present to you the new and improved episode 5. Including beloved characters digitally placed into frames, more lens flair, and 50% less white noise. A gift for you and for your family.

Direct download: Episode_5_remastered.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

Do you remember that episode of Clone High where Abe tries not to sleep to impress Cleo? Yeah picture Matt as sleepy Abe and then you have a clearer picture of what we are working with over here at NOLANerdHQ. Anyway we talk about comics, and Clone High and Digimon and just how startlingly tired Matt looks.


Comics time stamps:


Miss Marvel 4: 8:51

Avengers: 20:21

All New X-men 4: 23:17

Old Man Logan 2: 35:13

Batman 49: 41:28


E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at

Direct download: Episode_6.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST