We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

Due to real life (!) intruding on the podcast, we were forced to record a day earlier than normal. So no new comics this week. I mean the last time we did this, it's not like Captain America came out as a Nazi right? ...Right?.....Anyway we delve into the gaming news of the week, discuss cosplay with our favorite award winning cosplayer Remy Symons! and I guess make fun of each other? It's kind of our schtick.


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Direct download: Episode_26a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm EST

The streaming age of NOLAnerdcast continues unabated! Undeterred by a never ending stream of technical issues, the NOLAnerds nonetheless trudge along, bringing you the comics and gaming news of the week! Rebirth #1s? We got em. Civil War tie in book hot takes? We got em. Mass Effect Andromeda info dumps? You betcha. NPD sales figures? You know it. Way more stuff than should be presented here? Yup!


Action Comics #1: 15m50s/


Aquaman #1: 18m40s/


Detective Comics #935: 21m07s/


Flash #1: 23m54s/


Wonder Woman #1: 25m10s/


Ms. Marvel #8: 27m35s/


Totally Awesome Hulk #7: 30m10s/

Direct download: Episode_25a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm EST

E3 is here! So get ready for a special extra length episode dedicated to all of the news and conferences that came out of gaming's largest celebration. But we haven't forgotten about comics! We chat about the new DC #1's and new Rebirth one shots, as well as the latest issue of Civil War II. But this week is all about the games. EA. Bethesda. Microsoft. Ubisoft. Sony. Nintendo. We tackle them all, in depth. Check it out!



 Batman #1: 11m30s

Green Arrow #1: 14m11s

Justice League #51: 17m40s

Superman #1: 19m12s

Titans: Rebirth #1: 21m25s

Civil War II #2: 22m46s


E3 Conferences


EA Conference: 21m53s

Bethesda Conference: 35m06s

Microsoft Conference: 44m00s
Ubisoft Conference: 1h10m05s
Sony Conference: 1h25m02s
Nintendo "Conference:" 1h47m06s
Direct download: Episode_24a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04pm EST

Welcome to the episode of the NOLAnerdcast where we find out firsthand two things: 1) Twitch difficulties make live streaming super difficult. 2) Our followers are awesome and will wait while we tried to fix it time and time again! This week we welcome Turtle Girl, the most intense lover of TMNT you'll ever meet! She breaks down her love of the turtles, ranks the movies and TV shows, and showers us in a ton of information that we never knew about. We also tackle the next round of DC Rebirth titles AND the unprecedented wave of pre E3 2016 gaming leaks!


Action Comics: Rebirth #1: 44m32s/


Aquaman: Rebirth #1: 46m44s/


Detective Comics: Rebirth #1: 49m11s/


Flash: Rebirth #1: 50m55s/


Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1: 52m46s/


Howard the Duck #8: 55m16s/


Rate and review us on iTunes. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast/ View us at or

Direct download: Episode_23a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09pm EST

Welcome to an episode all about Rebirth! This week we tackle two weeks worth of awesome comics, most notably tackling all of the new DC Rebirth issues! We might have had to say goodbye to Gail Simone's Secret Six, but we welcomed home Ollie the Green Arrow with open arms. Civil War II kicked off, and Deadly Class continued the Era of Upsetting Comics. We chat about the rumored new XBox consoles, new E3 leaks, and more!


Justice League #50/DC: Rebirth #1: 20m17s/


Secret Six #14: 27m20s/


Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8: 28m26s/


Batman: Rebirth #1: 30m17s/


Green Arrow: Rebirth #1: 32m41s/


Green Lantern: Rebirth #1: 35m00s/


Superman: Rebirth #1: 37m25s/


All-New Wolverine #9: 39m20s/


Civil War II #1: 41m19s/


Old Man Logan #7: 44m44s/


Deadly Class #21: 46m44s/

Direct download: Episode_22a.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:34pm EST