Fri, 20 December 2013
Episode 110 son! Thats kind of a milestone right? I like to think so. If not, oh well. This episode was filled with quality comics as well as lots of good natured hating on NOLAnerd Chris. Because if there is one thing we love to do here at NOLAnerdcast, it's make fun of Chris for all of his mistakes. The jerk. This week we had a bevy of Marvel books, welcomed Harley Quinn to the lighter side of the New 52, as well as speculate on when the comic book film bubble will burst. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Totally Schooled Chris" Finneman, and Chris "Got Totally Schooled" Robinson as they tell you about all of that and more! Books of the Week Email: 01,47s/ Corporate Sponsors: 10m06s/ Current Events: 10m46s/ Animal Man #26: 15m11s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Batman 66 #6: 17m51s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #5: 20m31s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion #3: 23m27s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern New Guardians #26: 26m37s/ Matt: 3.0/ Harley Quinn #1: 28m56s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Pandora: Trinity of Sin #6: 32m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Vibe #10: 34m35s/ Matt: 3.0/ Wonder Woman #26: 37m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #20: 39m40s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Daredevil #34: 42m55s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk #17: 46m46s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Superior Spider-Man #24: 50m47s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #16: 53m11s/ Chris: 3.0/ Young Avengers #14: 54m49s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Adventure Time #23: 58m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Black Science #2: 1h00m41s/ Matt: 3.5/ Mass Effect: Foundation #6: 1h02m41s/ Matt: 2.5/ Saga #17: 1h05m47s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/
Wed, 18 December 2013
Welcome one and all to our third annual video game Game of the Year awards! This year was a big one for gaming, with the Wii U on its second year and the introduction of both the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One! Tons of high profile games came out, indie games continued their meteoric rise, handheld gaming stayed strong, and the console wars took on a new life. This episode also marks our first video live stream of a show via Twitch TV, and it went great! Thanks to all of our followers new and old that helped us get over 700 comments and questions that we got to answer live! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Last of Us" Finneman, Chris "Drop That Wub Wub" Robinson, Ronald "Hot Black Girl" Bienemy, Mason "Whip That Sexy Hair" Maldonado, and Zack "Loki Coat" St. Onge as they take you on a journey of the year that was. Congrats to Naughty Dog's Last of Us for winning Game of the Year 2013, and Saint's Row IV for runner up! Ridiculous Categories: 02m05s/ Misc. Categories: 08m18s/ Game Genre Awards: 57m08s/ Best of Console Awards: 1h10m43s/ Ending: 1h33m10s/
Thu, 12 December 2013
Holy crap guys. This week. THIS WEEK! Absurd. Not only were we graced with the mid season finales of Agents of SHIELD and Arrow, but we also have our new record for most books released in a single week. And yet we still managed to only go 10 minutes over our normal time. Go us! This week we tackle a triple threat of Justice League books, welcome back Lazarus and Uncanny, as well as say hello to a new WWE inspired digital comic. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Painful Back Spasm" Finneman and Chris "Complete Compliance" Robinson as they try their damndest to talk comics with you. Books of the Week Email: 02m05s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m59s/ Current Events: 06m39s/ SHIELD Watch: 10m43s/ Arrow Watch: 14m21s/ Batgirl #26: 17m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman #26: 19m58s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #9: 22m43s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Constantine #9: 25m49s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Arkham War #3: 28m48s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern Corps #26: 31m12s/ Matt: 2.5/ Justice League #25: 34m17s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Justice League of America #10: 36m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League 3000 #1: 40m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Nightwing #26: 43m37s/ Matt: 3.5/ Suicide Squad #26: 45m07s/ Matt: 3.5/ Superman/Wonder Woman #3: 47m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Coffin Hill #3: 50m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Collider: FBP #6: 51m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Cable and X-Force #17: 53m42s/ Chris: 2.5/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #6: 55m37s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Uncanny X-Men #15: 58m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #39: 1h01m34s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Alex + Ada #2: 1h04m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Lazarus #5: 1h07m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Mass Effect: Foundation #5: 1h11m56s/ Matt: 3.0/ Mega Man #32: 1h14m22s/ Matt: 3.5/ Uncanny #5: 1h17m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ WWE Superstars #1: 1h19m19s/ Chris: 2.5/ E-mail us at
Sun, 8 December 2013
It's December! Time to get the last of the year's books in before we start planning out our end of the year Best Of award episodes! Not much in blow away come from nowhere greatness this week, just a lot of solidly entertaining comics. We discuss the latest entries for Agents of SHIELD and Arrow as well as trio of Vertigo books and more. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Teen Loki" Finneman and Chris "Seeder" Robinson as they talk. And talk some more. Books of the Week Email: 02m02s/ Corporate Sponsors: 09m44s/ Current Events: 11m07s/ SHIELD Watch: 12m21s/ Arrow Watch: 14m57s/ Batman/Superman #6: 16m51/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Earth 2 #18: 20m56s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Arrow #26: 23m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern #26: 26m14s/ Matt: 2.5/ Movement #7: 28m53s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Phantom Stranger #14: 32m07s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Swamp Thing #26: 35m33s/ Chris: 3.5/ Fairest #21: 38m21s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Hinterkind #3: 41m54s/ Chris: 3.0/ Trillium #5: 43m46s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Amazing X-Men #2: 45m57s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk Annual #1: 49m58s/ Chris: 3.0/ Superior Spider-Man #23: 51m55s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Young Avengers #13: 54m45s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Think Tank #11: 57m46s/ Matt: 3.5/ Velvet #2: 1h00m32s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast. View us at
Wed, 4 December 2013
What's this? What do we mean by saying episode 25.2? What is this madness? Well dear friends, this month is a special month. A month eight years in the making. This month not only saw the usual assortment of gaming news and the massive amounts of games November always brings, but this time we also were graced by TWO major next gen system releases. This month brought out the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One along with a full assortment of launch games. So that is why we are splitting our show into two episodes this month. In this, part 2 of our show, we discuss the games of the month. The Playstation 4 launch games. The Xbox One launch games. And all of the other games of the month. So join NOLAnerds Matt "A Link Between the Past" Finneman, Chris "Mario Party Afficionado" Robinson, and Ronald "Ms. Zurkon" Bienemy as they break it all down for you. Playstation 4 Launch Games: 01m34s/ Xbox One Launch Games: 23m36s/ Games Releases of November 2013: 40m57s/ Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds: 1h00m43s/ Ending Thoughts: 1h04m49s/ E-mail us at
Wed, 4 December 2013
What's this? What do we mean by saying episode 25.1? What is this madness? Well dear friends, this month is a special month. A month eight years in the making. This month not only saw the usual assortment of gaming news and the massive amounts of games November always brings, but this time we also were graced by TWO major next gen system releases. This month brought out the Playstation 4 and the Xbox One along with a full assortment of launch games. So that is why we are splitting our show into two episodes this month. The first, this one, is all about the gaming news of November as well as our initial impressions of the next generation of video game consoles. Everything from the massive Persona announcement to the Sony launch day press event is covered. We talk Blizzcon news, why Bungie seems to prefer Sony nowadays, and even the current state of baseball. So join NOLAnerds Matt "XBox On. XBox On! Fuck it, I'll Press a Button" Finneman, Chris "Hates Nostalgia" Robinson, and Zack "Bungie Theorist" St. Onge as they bring you part one of November. Gaming News of November 2013: 01m36s/ Next Gen Console Impressions: 50m09s/ Ending Thoughts, PS+ and Games with Gold Offerings: 1h14m31s/ E-mail us at
Fri, 29 November 2013
Happy Thanksgiving NOLAnerds! This episode is going up a bit later than usual due to our insistence that we actually spend time with our families. I know right? Bunch of suckers. But fear not! There are plenty of books to discuss. Books such as a triple helping of X-Men, the return of, girl, the ongoing cesspool of suck that is Larfleeze, the end of the Geoff Johns Aquaman era, and many more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Zelda Addict" Finneman and Chris "What Was Blank Doing During Zero Year?" Robinson as they talk comics and junk and stuff. Books of the Week Email: 01m17s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m30s/ Current Events: 06m53s/ Adventures of Superman #7: 08m22s/ Chris: 3.5/ All-Star Western #25: 10m30s/ Matt: 3.5/ Aquaman #25: 12m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Flash #25: 15m40s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: ARGUS #2: 17m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Team #6: 20m35s/ Matt: 2.0/ Justice League Dark #25: 22m12s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Larfleeze #5: 24m19s/ Matt: 1.0/ Red Lanterns #25: 25m46s/ Matt: 3.5/ Talon #13: 28m38s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #19: 31m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Hawkeye #14: 34m41s/ Matt: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #16: 37m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Superior Spider-Man #22: 39m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men Annual #1: 43m07s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #38: 45m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Saga #16: 49m44s/ Matt: 3,5 Chris: 3.5/
Mon, 25 November 2013
This week, the week of episode 106, will henceforth be known as the week that DC decided to buck tradition and produce a fun for funs sake non children's comic. This week ladies and gentlemen, we got Harley Quinn #0. And so very much more. This week was crazy big with books. Everything from DC Zero Year and Forever Evil tie ins, to Marvel Young Avengers and XMen goodness, to the first of the final countdown of Fables books, to the crazy awesome Sex Criminals. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Fourth Wall" Finneman and Chris "Not a Man but a Monster" Robinson as they do their best to keep their show at a manageable length. Books of the Week Email: 01m10s/ Corporate Sponsors: 10m35s/ Current Events: 11m10s/ Shield Watch: 14m51s/ Arrow Watch: 17m58s/ Animal Man #25: 19m57s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman 66: #5: 22m16s/ Chris: 3.5/ Batman Beyond Universe #4: 23m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batwoman #25: 26m33s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion #2: 28m51s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #25: 30m51s/ Matt: 3.5/ Harley Quinn #0: 34m25s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Pandora: Trinity of Sin #5: 39m45s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Wonder Woman #25: 41m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Fables #135: 44m34s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Cable and X-Force #16: 47m07s Chris: 3.0/ Daredevil #33: 48m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk #15: 52m07s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.0/ Uncanny X-Men #14: 54m35s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Young Avengers #1: 57m30s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Adventure Time #22: 59m54s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Afterlife with Archie #2: 1h01m40s: Chris: 3.5/ Mega Man #31: 1h04m28s/ Matt: 3.0/ Sex Criminals #3: 1h07m07s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ E-mail us at
Fri, 15 November 2013
Episode 105 is upon us! aka the episode that should be in a home. This episode, let's just jump right in shall we? This week we discussed of the new X-Men status quo, Superman meeting Wonder Woman's family, hate on the forced integration of Zero Year, tackle a double dose of Spider-Man, and enjoy the uptick in Vertigo quality. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Timid as SHIELD" Finneman and Chris "The Zero Year of People" Robinson as they talk comics bro. Books of the Week Email: 01m00s/ Corporate Sponsors: 07m35s/ Current Events: 09m13s/ SHIELD Watch: 15m27s/ Arrow Watch: 17m43s/ Batgirl #25: 19m38s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.0/ Batman #25: 22m11s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman: L'il Gotham #8: 26m01s/ Matt: 3.0/ Constantine #8: 2825s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Arkham War #2: 31m44s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern Corps #25: 34m46s/ Matt: 1.5/ Justice League of America #9: 36m59s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Nightwing #25: 40m11s/ Matt: 3.0/ Suicide Squad #25: 42m56s/ Matt: 3.0/ Superman/Wonder Woman #2: 45m26s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Vibe #9: 48m00s/ Matt: 2.5/ Coffin Hill #2: 50m25s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Collider: FPB #5: 52m39s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #18: 55m03s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Superior Spider-Man #21: 59m01s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5: 1h00m40s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Thor God of Thunder #15: 1h04m36s/ Chris: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at www,
Thu, 7 November 2013
Welcome to another wonderful week of comics from the NOLAnerdcast HQ! This week saw a few high profile new series launch, as well as new entries in a couple quality Vertigo books and a slew of new DC titles including a brand new entry in the Forever Evil series! The NOLAnerds tackle new emails from fans, current events, and break down the latest episodes of Agents of SHIELD and Arrow. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Passive Aggressive Silence" Finneman, Chris "Frothy" Robinson as they talk comics, man. Books of the Week Email: 01m27s/ Corporate Sponsors; 09m01s/ Current Events: 09m58s/ SHIELD Watch: 15m08s/ Arrow Watch: 16m42s/ Batman/Superman #5: 18m21s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Earth 2 #17: 21m47s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 2.5/ Forever Evil #3: 25m06s: Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Green Arrow #25: 29m03s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern #25: 32m06s/ Matt: 3.0/ Movement #6: 34m03s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Phantom Stranger #13: 37m49s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Superman Unchained #4: 41m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Swamp Thing #25: 45m13s/ Chris: 3.0/ Hinterkind #2: 47m37s/ Chris: 3.0/ Trillium #4: 49m51s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.0/ Amazing X-Men #1: 53m36s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Alex + Ada #1: 58m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Ghosted #6: 1h02m53s/ Matt: 3.0/
Tue, 5 November 2013
The holiday video game season is officially in full swing! Major titles released this month, filling our time with tons to play. This month also was devoid of major game conferences, meaning the news itself of the month wasn't terribly notable, but hey. When next gen is mere weeks away, can you blame people for focusing on that alone? This month we discuss the major hitters, Batman Arkham Origin and Pokemon X/Y as well as explain why we aren't discussing several of this month's highest profile releases. Between all of that, talks on Titanfall, game resolutions, and depressing game delays, we had plenty to discuss! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Phoenix Wright Pun Aficionado" Finneman, Chris "HD Remake Hater" Robinson, Ronald "The Dark Knight" Bienemy, and Zack "The Beta Whisperer" St. Onge as they talk games, man. Gaming News October 2013: 01m14s/ Game Releases October 2013: 39m36s/ Batman: Arkham Origins: 55m39s/ Pokemon X/Y: 1h07m31s/ Ending: 1h22m17s/
Thu, 31 October 2013
It's that time of year fans! No, not Halloween. Fifth week comics! That magical time of month when the selection drops to a few books and our bank accounts don't hate us for a Wednesday. This week we tackle the latest round of DC annuals, say goodbye to the X-Men Battle of the Atom crossover, and welcome to glorious return of Neil Gaiman's Sandman to comics. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "It's on the Left" Finneman and Chris "Has no Idea What Left Means" Robinson as the welcome Halloween week in comics in style! Well, maybe not style. Or class. Or grace. Shut up guys. Books of the Week Email: 0m50s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m44s/ Current Events: 07m10s/ Arrow Watch: 16m32s/ Aquaman Annual #1: 19m51s/ Matt: 3.5/ Forever Evil: ARGUS #1: 22m42s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern Annual #2: 25m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Nightwing Annual #1: 29m02s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Swamp Thing Annual #1: 31m22s/ Chris: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #20: 33m47s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ X-Men: Battle of the Atom #2: 36m56s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Sandman: Overture #1: 40m52s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Saga #15: 45m22s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ E-mail us at
Fri, 25 October 2013
Welcome to a book heavy week here at the NOLAnerdcast home! This week the NOLAnerds bring you the latest in Arrow and Agents of SHIELD as well as tackle the big question - what Pokemon would superheroes use? The NOLAnerds also break down a ton of quality books from Marvel and DC, as well as enjoy the debut issue of Brubaker's Velvet and the next installment of Sex Criminals. Between all of that, a hate filled review of Larfleeze, the latest in X-Men Battle of the Atom, and the pure joy of Mega Man, this episode has something for everyone! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Larfleeze Lover" Finneman and Chris "Grass is Always Green Team-er" Robinson, as they talk about nothing and everything. Email: 02m05s/ Corporate Sponsors: 08m00s/ Current Events: 10m11s/ Agents of SHIELD Watch: 11m40s/ Arrow Watch: 17m38s/ Adventures of Superman #6: 19m57s/ Chris: 3.0/ All-Star Western #24: 22m36s/ Matt: 3.5/ Aquaman #24: 24m08s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Flash #24: 26m40s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Team #5: 29m35s/ Matt: 2.5/ Justice League #24: 32m56s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Justice League Dark #24: 35m27s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Larfleeze #4: 39m27s/ Matt: 0.5/ Red Lanterns #24: 40m52s/ Matt: 3.5/ Talon #12: 43m56s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Unwritten #54: 46m21s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Daredevil #32: 49m11s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #14: 52m25s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Ultimate Comics Spider Man #28: 54m35s/ Chris: 3.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #37: 57m01s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Young Avengers #11: 1h00m25s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Mega Man #30: 1h03m49s/ Matt: 3.5/ Sex Criminals #2: 1h06m02s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Uncanny #4: 1h10m03s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Velvet #1: 1h12m14s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Thu, 17 October 2013
Well, our 100th episode is now in the rearview mirror, and the NOLAnerds find themselves striving to make the next 100 episodes even better. And they begin that vow with this, episode 101. We are cutting the fat from our shows, trying to bring them down to more acceptable times, as well as periodically add more features to see what sticks. But this week we find ourselves without a Shield Watch or Arrow Watch, but we make it up with a series of quality DC books and some excellent Marvel ones as well. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Tie Fighter" Finneman, and Chris "Hat Car" Robinson as they discuss, talk about, and ridicule the books of the week. Books of the Week Email: 01m39s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m01s/ Current Events: 07m08s/ Animal Man #24: 13m03s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman 66 #4: 17m14s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #3: 19m21s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman/Superman #4: 23m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batwoman #24: 26m17s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Forever Evil: Rogue's Rebellion #1: 30m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #24: 32m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League of America #8: 35m34s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Trinity of Sin: Pandora #4: 39m11s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Vibe #8: 41m36s/ Matt: 3.0/ Wonder Woman #24: 44m16s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Fables #134: 46m56s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Cable and X-Force #15: 51m19s/ Chris: 3.0/ Hawkeye #13: 54m39s/ Matt: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk Special #1: 56m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Superior Spider-Man #19: 58m58s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Uncanny X-Men #13: 1h00m27s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Adventure Time #21: 1h04m43s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/
Fri, 11 October 2013
Good news bad news here folks. Good news first. WE HIT EPISODE 100! That's legit crazy pants. A huge milestone! One which should be celebrated in a spectacular fashion! But alas, that is the bad news. Do to an abrupt and surprising death in the family of one of the NOLAnerds, there was no time to make those lofty plans come to fruition. They still will, just not for this show sadly. But moving on! This week the NOLAnerds tackle the return of proper DC books, welcome the return of Arrow, check out the premiere of Coffin Hill and Superman/Wonder Woman, and much more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "The Hood" Finneman and Chris "One Horn Beast" Robinson as they talk and bullshit each other for an hour. Books of the Week Email: 01m21s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m22s/ Current Events: 05m00s/ Arrow Watch: 08m31s/ Shield Watch: 10m21s/ Batgirl #24: 12m35s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Batman #24: 16m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #7: 21m48s/ Matt: 3.0/ Constantine #7: 23m25s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil: Arkham War #1: 26m10s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern Corps #24: 29m40s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Nightwing #24: 32m41s/ Matt: 3.5/ Phantom Stranger #12: 35m31s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Suicide Squad #24: 38m45s/ Matt: 3.5/ Superman/Wonder Woman #1: 42m13s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Coffin Hill #1: 46m31s/ Mayy: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Collider: FBP #4: 50m38s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Avengers A.I. #4: 53m43s/ Matt: 3.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #12: 56m33s/ Chris: 3.0/ X-Men #6: 58m44s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Afterlife with Archie #1: 1h03m54s/ Chris: 4.0/ Ghostbusters #8: 1h06m48s/ Chris: 3.5/ Ghosted #4: 1h08m29s/ Matt: 3.0/ Think Tank #10: 1h12m03s/ Matt: 3.5/
Thu, 3 October 2013
One more folks. ONE MORE EPISODE. What are we going to do to celebrate episode 100? I have no clue. Like, at all. But hey, that's a problem for future NOLAnerdcast. This week we celebrate the glorious return of normal comic books at DC, as the gimmick Villain's Month is finally over. We also enjoy a trio of solid Vertigo titles as well as several enjoyable Marvel titles as per the norm. So join this week's NOLAnerds, Matt "Forever" Finneman and Chris "Matrix of Leadership" Robinson as they discuss the week that was. Books of the Week E-Mail: 00m47s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m06s/ Current Events: 06m16s/ Shield Watch Episode 01x02: 07m47s/ Earth 2 #16: 10m39s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil #2: 12m47s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Green Arrow #24: 17m36s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern #24: 19m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Movement #5: 23m57s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 1.5/ Swamp Thing #24: 29m33s/ Chris: 3.0/ Fairest #20: 31m56s/ Matt: 3,0 Chris: 3.0/ Hinterkind #1: 35m41s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.0/ Trillium #3: 38m57s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ All-New X-Men #17: 41m31s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ All-New X-Men Special #1: 45m03s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #4: 48m21s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Lazarus #4: 51m27s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/
Thu, 3 October 2013
The long lull is over folks! Let's welcome the 2013 edition of the Holiday Gaming Rush! This month the NOLAnerds tackle the ton of news from September, as well as discuss the biggest games of the month. Topics ranging from the Tokyo Game Show, to the sudden appearance of quality Wii U games, to the glut of new Pokemon X/Y info, and to the greatest Kickstarter game of all time. Not to mention a little known game called Grand Theft Auto V. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Mighty No 9" Finneman, Chris "Trevor" Robinson, Ronald "Franklin" Bienemy, and Zack "Michael" St. Onge as they talk games and game related stuff and junk. Gaming News Sept 2013: 01m53s/ Pokemon X/Y News: 28m39s/ Vita TV: 33m25s/ Steam Announcements: 37m31s/ Games of Sept 2013: 41m34s/ Wii U Line Up: 49m37s/ Grand Theft Auto V: 57m00s/ Ending: 1h07m33s/ e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast, View us at
Fri, 27 September 2013
We are so damn close to episode 100 now... maybe we could celebrate being so close to this giant milestone with a surprise guest star? Maybe an old NOLAnerd who moved away? Maybe that guys name could be Andy? Hmm. That seems like it could work! This week we bid farewell to DC's Villains Month, enjoy another installment of Battle of the Atom, and gush all over Matt Fraction's newest creator owned comic. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Poking the Bear" Finneman, Chris "Write and the Arting" Robinson, and guest starring Andy "I'm Here" Niemann as they break it all down. Books of the Week Email: 01m00s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m13s/ Current Events: 03m07s/ Shield Watch: 11m53s/ Adventures of Superman #5: 17m40s/ Chris: 4.0/ Aquaman #23.2: 20m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman #23.4: 24m21s/ Chris: 2.0/ Action Comics #23.4: 27m13s/ Chris: 1.5/ Batman and Robin #23.4: 29m54s/ Matt: 3.0/ Batman/Superman #3.1: 32m54s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batman Dark Knight #23.4: 36m24s/ Matt: 3.0/ Detective Comics #23.4: 39m41s/ Chris: 0.5/ Green Lantern #23.4: 41m19s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League #23.4: 43m46s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Andy: 3.0/ Justice League of America #7.4: 49m07s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0 Andy: 4.0/ Superman #23.4: 53m13s/ Chris: 2.5/ Wonder Woman #23.2: 55m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Unwritten #53: 58m18s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Wake #4: 1h00m54s/ Chris: 3.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #36: 1h02m38s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Andy: 4.0/ Young Avengers #10: 1h07m42s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5 Andy: 4.0/ Empowered Special #5: 1h10m34s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Mass Effect: Foundation #3: 1h13m53s/ Matt: 3.0/ Saga #14: 1h15m44s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Sex Criminals #1: 1h19m59s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Andy: 3.5/ Super #1: 1h23m54s/ Andy: 3.0/
Sun, 22 September 2013
We are so precariously close to episode 100 it is starting to border on the absurd. We have no idea how to even honor such an occassion...but we still have three weeks left to worry, so that is a problem for Future Matt and Future Chris. This week brings us to the penultimate week of DCs villains month, as well as showing us several high quality Marvel books and a great issue of Fables. We talk Dickwolves. We talk Black Dynamite. And we talk comics. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rogue Lover" Finneman and Chris "McCoy Hater" Robinson as they talk about stuff and junk. Books of the Week Email: 02m35s/ Corporate Sponsors: 08m51s/ Current Events: 09m34s/ Action Comics #23.3: 12m00s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman '66 #3: 13m05s/ Chris: 3.5/ Batman #23.3: 16m10s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman and Robin #23.3: 17m22s/ Matt: 2.5/ Batman Dark Knight #23.3: 18m59s/ Chris: 2.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #2: 21m13s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Detective Comics #23.3: 23m58s/ Matt: 2.5/ Flash #23.3: 26m01s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Green Lantern #23.3: 29m45s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League #23.3: 32m45s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 1.5/ Justice League of America #7.3: 35m21s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League Dark #23.2: 37m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Superman #23.3: 41m28s/ Chris: 1.0/ Swamp Thing #23.1: 44m26s/ Chris: 3.0/ Teen Titans #23.2: 46m08s/ Matt: 2.5/ Wonder Woman #23.1: 48m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Fables #133: 50m46s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Cable and X-Force #14: 53m10s/ Chris: 3.0/ Daredevil #31: 55m33s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #18: 58m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Thor God of Thunder #13: 1h00m33s/ Chris: 3.0/ Uncanny X-Men #12: 1h03m40s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Adventure Time #20: 1h07m51s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Bounce #5: 1h10m42s/ Matt: 3.0/ Mega Man #29: 1h12m31s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 13 September 2013
This week continues both the slog through the DC Villain's Month and the slog towards our 100th episode! We discuss several Villains Month books that we'd rather not have, but also revel in the joy of finding a few diamonds in the rough. How did we respond to the newest crisis from DC editorial? The NOLAnerds also discuss a few Marvel books, but for the most part this was a fairly light week. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Crime Syndicate" Finneman and Chris "Mongul Quality" Robinson as they tackle the week that was. Books of the Week Email: 01m37s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m30s/ Current Events: 08m12s/ Action Comics #23.2: 15m05s/ Chris: 3.0/ Aquaman #23.1: 17m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman #23.2: 20m21s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman and Robin #23.2: 22m35s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman: Dark Knight #23.2: 25m14s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #6: 28m19s/ Matt: 3.5/ Detective Comics #23.2: 31m56s/ Matt: 2.5/ Earth 2 #15.2: 35m21s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.0/ Flash #23.2: 37m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern #23.2: 42m38s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 2.0/ Justice League #23.2: 45m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League of America #7.2: 48m55s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Superman #23.2: 51m55s/ Chris: 3.0/ Teen Titans #23.1: 54m33s/ Matt: 1.5/ FBP #3: 57m48s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Indestructible Hulk #13: 1h00m54s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ X-Men #5: 1h05m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Ghosted #3: 1h09m47s/ Matt: 3.0/
Sat, 7 September 2013
Another week chock full of releases, another week of two nerds breaking it all down. This week marks the start of our countdown to EPISODE 100 (Say WHAAAA) as well as the start of Villain's Month, another in a trend of DC gimmick month. So what do the NOLAnerds have to say about the 3D covers? About the Forever Evil kick off issue? About the choice of villains? What about over at Marvel land where the X-Men have begun their first Marvel NOW crossover? All of these questions and more will be answered by the least professional podcasters around. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Villain Lover" Finneman and Chris "Futurama Hater" Robinson as they talk shop with you. Books of the Week Email: 03m09s/ Corporate Sponsors: 09m57s/ Current Events: 10m29s/ Action Comics #23.1: 12m41s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman #23.1: 14m59s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.0/ Batman and Robin #23.1: 18m34s/ Matt: 3.0/ Batgirl #23.1: 21m17s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Detective Comics #23.1: 23m52s/ Chris: 3.5/ Earth 2 #15.1: 25m56s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Flash #23.1: 28m22s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Forever Evil #1: 31m45s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Green Arrow #23.1: 36m44s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern #23.1: 38m37s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League #23.1: 42m04s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Justice League of America #7.1: 45m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League Dark #23.1: 48m16s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Superman #23.1: 50m57s/ Chris: 3.0/ Fairest #19: 53m15s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Trillium #2: 56m05s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Avengers A.I. #3: 59m06s/ Matt: 3.0/ X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1: 1h03m00s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ All-New X-Men #16: 1h07m35s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Superior Spider-Man #17: 1h11m38s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #3: 1h14m57s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ e-mail us at follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on FB Nola Nerd Cast. View us at Rate and review us on itunes.
Sat, 7 September 2013
THE DROUGHT IS OVER MOFOS! This month was a welcome shock to the system, as evidenced by the unusually long episode today. I mean, we got a little bit of everything this month. We had gaming news in spades courtesy of several Nintendo Directs and the gigantic news filled Gamescom. We had game releases that kept us playing all month, everything from the eagerly anticipated Saints Row 4 Prez Game of the Year, to the Wii U's first salvo of holiday goodness, to a handful of high quality Japanese games for the PS3, and much more. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Xilliphiliac" Finneman, Chris "Saints Row 5eva" Robinson, Scott "Holy Shit He's Back" Brehm, Ronald "3DS Bound" Bienemy, and Zack "Question Man" St. Onge as they tackle the games and news of August 2013! Gaming News August 2013: 03m03s/ Gamescom Breakdown: 47m21s/ Games of August 2013: 58m30s/ Tales of Xillia: 1h28m15s/ Saints Row IV: 1h32m30s/ Ending Thoughts: 1h44m18s/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at nola nerd cast. Rate and review us on itunes
Fri, 30 August 2013
The long slow towards episode 100 continues with another riveting installment of the NOLAnerdcast! This week the nerds tackle the reality of a Ben Affleck Batman, discuss the merits of a newly redesigned Lobo, break down the ending of Trinity War, and hate some more on the fact that Villains Month is interrupting every book they read from DC. Sprinkle in a double dose of XMen books and a stellar issue of Lazarus and you have the makings of a quality podcast. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Chris Instigator" Finneman and Chris "Has No Strong Feelings for Marvel" Robinson on this wonderful comics filled journey. Books of the Week Email: 01m51s/ Corporate Sponsors: 10m28s/ Current Events: 11m15s/ Adventures of Superman #4: 18m07s/ Chris: 4.0/ All-Star Western #23: 21m02s/ Matt: 4.0/ Aquaman #23: 23m48s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Batman/Superman #3: 27m36s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Flash #23: 30m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Team #4: 33m21s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League #23: 36m39s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Larfleeze #3: 41m35s/ Matt: 1.5/ Red Lanterns #23: 44m06s/ Matt: 3.0/ Talon #11: 46m24s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Collider: FBP #2: 50m47s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Unwritten #52: 53m45s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Thor: God of Thunder #12: 56m41s/ Chris: 4.0/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #26: 1h01m31s/ Chris: 3.0/ Uncanny X-Men #11: 1h03m14s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #35: 1h07m11s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Young Avengers #9: 1h11m22s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Lazarus #3: 1h15m34s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Mass Effect: Foundation #2: 1h18m57s/ Matt: 3.5/ ThinK Tank #9: 1h21m55s/ Matt: 3.5/ Uncanny #3: 1h24m20s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follows us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebokk at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Thu, 22 August 2013
Man these big weeks of comics really sneak up on you huh? This week the NOLAnerds tackle a wide variety of books, and tackle a whole bunch of different issues. What are our thoughts on Villains Month? How do we feel about the birth of a new God? What about that Ice King? All the feels am I right? How does Mark Waid make such angsty characters so fun loving? Will Jubilee ever stop being a terrible stupid Vampire? Answers to some of these burning questions, right here in this podcast! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Hates Campy Batman" Finneman and Chris "Gimmick Month" Robinson on our latest episode! Books of the Week Email: 01m24s/ Corporate Sponsors: 07m44s/ Current Events: 08m30s/ Animal Man #23: 09m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman '66 #2: 15m50s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman and Robin #23: 18m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #1: 21m56s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Batwoman #23: 26m21s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #23: 28m21s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Justice League Dark #23: 31m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Superman Unchained #3: 36m13s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Trinity of Sin: Pandora #3: 39m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Vibe #7: 42m44s/ Matt: 3.0/ Wonder Woman #23: 47m36s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Fables #132: 51m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Cable and X-Force #13: 55m04s/ Chris: 3.0/ Daredevil #30: 57m35s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #12: 1h00m58s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #16: 1h04m50s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ X-Men #4: 1h09m46s/ Matt: 3.0/ Adventure Time #19: 1h12m51s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Bounce #4: 1h16m28s/ Matt: 3.0/ Bravest Warriors #11: 1h19m00s/ Matt: 3.0/
Thu, 15 August 2013
Just Two Best Friends this week, yup. A regular Team 4 Star of quality. Two Nostalgia Critics. Why am I name dropping famous internet personalities? Because why not? It's hard coming up with new things to type in here every week. Like, super hard bro. But that's ok, because I can always fall back and discuss comics! Like the return of the always amazing Saga! Or a new entry into Trinity War! And other stuff. Because you know, comics. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Solo Butt Shot" Finneman and Chris "DC's Bishop" Robinson as they meander around topics and basically bullshit their way through another week of books! Books of the Week Email: 01m02s/ Corporate Sponsors: 10m31s/ Current Events: 12m05s/ Batgirl #23: 19m06s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 2.5/ Batman #23: 24m31s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #5: 33m04s/ Matt: 3.0/ Constantine #6: 36m48s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Demon Knights #23: 41m02s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern Corps #23: 45m52s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League of America #7: 49m54s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Nightwing #23: 54m32s/ Matt: 3.5/ Suicide Squad #23: 57m54s/ Matt: 3.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #11: 1h00m22s/ Chris: 4.0/ Uncanny X-Men #10: 1h03m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #34: 1h10m30s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Ghosted #2: 1h14m37s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Saga #13: 1h17m19s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Email us at Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @nolanerdcast and Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 9 August 2013
This was a good week for Marvel folks. DC wasn't too shabby but Marvel knocked it away this week. This whole Marvel NOW thing has done for them what the New 52 did for DC - it got us reading books we never would have and we are now buying more from them than ever before. Also this show is no nonsense. We don't have time to waste with tangents and wise cracking. No sir. Not this week. Not when that brand new copy of Tales of Xillia for our PS3s were calling out to us. So this episode is dedicated to Tales of Xillia, for getting us in under the hour mark with a bunch of books to discuss. So join Matt "Xillia-Phile" Finneman and Chris "Grey Beard Hair" Robinson as they give it to you like it is. Books of the Week Email: 00m36s/ Corporate Sponsors: 01m06s/ Current Events: 02m53s/ Earth 2 #15: 03m52s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Arrow #23: 07m09s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern #23: 10m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Movement #4: 13m08s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Phantom Stranger #11: 16m51s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 2.5/ Swamp Thing #23: 22m13s/ Chris: 3.0/ Fairest #18: 24m02s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Trillium #1: 7m20s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #15: 32m34s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Avengers AI #2: 37m41s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Cable and X-Force #12: 40m21a/ Chris: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #15: 43m37s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2: 47m09s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Mega Man #28: 51m03s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 9 August 2013
The month of July is a funny month. It is the last bastion of the summer drought, but without the massive E3 news blowout that June has. However July does have one thing going for it - San Diego Comic Con, or as we like to call it, the E3 of the Masses. The two intrepid hosts of the NOLAnerdcast headed on over to Comic Con to get their hands on all the biggest upcoming games, as well as to try out the brand new PS4 and XBox One consoles. Between that, a handful of game releases and a smattering of gaming news, July gave us enough to talk about to fill up a nice show for you all! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "21-3" Finneman, Chris "Saints Row 4 Pres" Robinson, Ronald "Saints Row 4 Pres GOTY" Bienemy, Mason "Japanophile" Maldonado, and introducing sit in guest star Zack "WoW" St. Onge as they discuss games and game related shenanigry. Gaming News July 2013: 02m28s/ Comic Con Hands On Breakdowns: 34m12s/ Game Releases July 2013: 54m12s/ Shin Megami Tensei IV Discussion: 1h04m43s/ Ending Talks: 1h12m08s/ E-mail us at View us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola nerd Cast
Sun, 4 August 2013
Are you ready for some AAAAAANNNNNUUUUUAAAAALLLLSSSS? Ahem. Annuals. Are you? Cause this is a 5th week of the month for comics, and that means Annuals. Great ones this time though! And quality Marvel comics. And the finale of the Mega Man/Sonic crossover. And more! Woo! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Annual Lover" Finneman and Chris "Hates Good Art" Robinson as they celebrate their 90th episode! Books of the Week Email: 00m54s/ Corporate Sponsors: 01m31s/ Current Events: 02m30s/ Adventures of Superman #3: 07m31s/ Chris: 4.0/ Animal Man Annual #2: 10m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Batman Annual #2: 13m54s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman/Superman #2: 18m00/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Flash Annual #2: 23m33s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Red Lanterns #22: 28m06s/ Matt: 2.5/ Pandora: Trinity of Sin #2: 30m35s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Collider #1: 34m02s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Daredevil #29: 37m57s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #11: 41m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ X-Men #3: 45m05s/ Matt: 2.5/ Uncanny X-Men #9: 48m42s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Adventure Time Summer Special #1: 53m14s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 3.0/ Sonic the Hedgehog #251: 59m18s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at
Sun, 28 July 2013
Did you miss us? I sure missed us. But I promise we had a great reason to skip last week's show! That reason? San Diego Comic Con suckas! That's right! The NOLAnerds were out in San Diego living life, spending money, and being absolutely nerdy. Also this week after a brief hiatus we welcome back Ashley to the show! And she actually read books! CRAZY! This week we discuss Comic Con happenings, talk a bevy of indie books, enjoy the third entry in Trinity War, and talk random things all over the place. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Larfleeze Sadness" Finneman, Chris "Doesn't Get Green Team" Robinson, and Ashley "I Can Read" Butler for this weeks episode! Books of the Week Email: 02m12s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m18s/ Current Events: 05m34s/ All-Star Western #22: 20m14s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Aquaman #22: 23m19s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 3.5/ Flash #22: 28m13s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 2.5/ Green Team #3: 35m48s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League Dark #22: 42m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5 Ashley: 4.5/ Constantine #5: 47m56s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 3.5/ Larfleeze #2: 53m06s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 1.0/ Talon #10: 57m07s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Teen Titans #22: 1h00m33s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 1.0/ Unwritten #51: 1h06m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Hawkeye Annual #1: 1h09m57s/ Matt: 3.5 Ashley: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #14: 1h14m23s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5 Ashley: 3.0/ Superior Spider-Man Team Up #1: 1h20m28s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 3.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #33: 1h24m15s/ Matt: 3,5 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 4.0/ Young Avengers #8: 1h28m56s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 4.0/ Bounce #3: 1h33m26s/ Matt: 3.5 Ashley: 4.0/ Ghostbusters #6: 1h36m49s/ Chris: 3.0/ Lazarus #2: 1h38m19s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 4.5/ Mass Effect: Foundation #1: 1h44m14s/ Matt: 3.0/ Uncanny #2: 1h46m55s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0 Ashley: 3.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at
Sun, 14 July 2013
A killer week of comics is before you my friends! We have a slew of incredibly entertaining Marvel books as well as the explosive opening issue of the DC Trinity War event! Between all of that we also found time to enjoy new entries in several Batman family titles as well as try out a new Image series and continue to fall in love with the Mega Man/Sonic crossover! So sit back, relax, and allow the NOLAnerds Matt "Ruins Chris' Day" Finneman and Chris "I Love the Fact" Robinson to serenade you with the song of our people! Books of the Week Email: 02m04s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m58s/ Current Events: 07m58s/ Batgirl #22: 08m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Batman #22: 13m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Batman: L'il Gotham #4: 16m38s/ Matt: 3.0/ Demon Knights #22: 18m57s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Green Lantern Corps #22: 21m59s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League #22: 26m05s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Nightwing #22: 31m20s/ Matt: 4,0 Chris: 3.0/ Suicide Squad #22: 35m03s/ Matt: 3.5/ Supermain Unchained #2: 37m41s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Daredevil #28: 41m17s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Hawkeye #12: 44m18s/ Matt: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #10: 47m05s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Superior Spider-Man #13: 49m53s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Uncanny X-Men #8: 53m30s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Young Avengers #7: 57m37s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Ghosted #1: 1h02m39s/ Matt: 3.5/ Mega Man #27: 1h05m54s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast
Thu, 4 July 2013
After last weeks absurd deluge of titles, we get a brief reprieve. This week granted us FOUR brand new title launches all of high quality stuff. We debate the merits of a Geoff Johns-less Green Lantern universe as well as the continuing adventures of Green Arrow and the Earth 2 Wonders. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Robot Masters" Finneman and Chris "DoomBot Hater" Robinson as they talk comics, man. Books of the Week Email: 01m04s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m14s/ Current Events: 06m45s/ Earth 2 #14: 11m54s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Arrow #22: 15m18s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 3.5/ Green Lantern #22: 19m24s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Movement #3: 23m44s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Pandora: Trinity of Sin #1: 27m27s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Phantom Stranger #10: 31m28s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Swamp Thing #22: 35m42s/ Chris: 3.0/ Fairest #17: 38m10s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Avengers AI #1: 42m58s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1: 48m12s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake #6: 51m47s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 2.0/ Sonic the Hedgehog #250: 55m09s/ Matt: 4.5/ Uncanny #1: 58m47s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/
Wed, 3 July 2013
It is upon us! The hallowed month of June, the Month of E3! Not a major month for releases, but the single largest month for news ever! The NOLAnerds are here to take it all in, and break it all down, for you - our loving public. Or maybe you're just a random listener. Who knows? YOU DO! So join us on this journey as we discuss everything from the XBox One debacle all the way to its infamous 180 on the entire issue. We discuss every major E3 conference from Microsoft to Sony to EA to Ubisoft to Nintendo. We talk PS4 megaton announcements to Microsofts lofty exclusives to EA surprise reveals to the Ubisoft Game of Show. We also talk games that we played including a discussion on one of the greatest games of the year, The Last of Us! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Clicker" Finneman, Chris "Bloater" Robinson, Ronald "Runner" Bienemy, and Mason "Stalker" Maldonado as they talk all games, all the time! Gaming News Pre E3: 01m01s/ Microsoft E3 Conference: 13m19s/ EA E3 Conference: 35m59s/ Ubisoft E3 Conference: 40m01s/ Sony E3 Conference: 48m22s/ Nintendo E3 Conference: 59m10s/ Gaming News Post E3: 1h04m00s/ Game Releases of June 2013: 1h07m42s/ Last of Us Discussion: 1h19m55s/ Finale: 1h29m00s/
Sat, 29 June 2013
Holy Tons of Comic Books Batman! This is hands down the most filled week of comics we have ever seen. Seriously. Our wallets hurt afterwards. Our minds were drained from reading them for hours on end. It was epic my friends. Epic. This week saw everything from a major DC launch title, to practically every Marvel book we actually read, to one of the greatest crossovers ever, all the way to a brand new comic straight from the Greg Rucka House of Amazing. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Pizza Dog" Finneman, Chris "No Feels" Robinson, and Ashley "Booty Call" Butler as they break down a truly exhaustive week in comics. Books of the Week Email: 01m57s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m47s/ Current Events: 09m00s/ Adventures of Superman #2: 09m50s/ Chris: 3.0/ All-Star Western #21: 12m03s/ Matt: 4.0/ Aquaman #21: 15m07s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 2.5 Ashley: 3.0/ Batman Superman #1: 18m46s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 3.5 Ashley: 4.0/ Flash #21: 23m45s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Green Team #2: 28m21s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Justice League #21: 32m58s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Justice League of America #5: 37m38s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 4.0/ Justice League Dark #21: 43m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Age of Ultron #10 AI: 47m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 3.5/ All-New X-Men #13: 52m41s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 4.0/ Daredevil #27: 56m35s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0 Ashley: 4.5/ Larfleeze #1: 1h01m04s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 2.0/ Red Lanterns #21: 1h09m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.0/ Talon #9: 1h13m18s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.0/ Teen Titans #21: 1h15m24s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 1.5/ Unwritten #50: 1h19m37s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Wake #2: 1h24m07s/ Chris: 3.0/ Hawkeye #11: 1h26m04s/ Matt: 3.0/ Uncanny X-Men #7: 1h28m37s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 2.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #32: 1h31m06s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ X-Men #2: 1h33m55s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Young Avengers #6: 1h36m10s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.0/ Adventure Time #17: 1h39m53s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Bounce #2: 1h43m04s/ Matt: 3.0/ Ghostbusters #5: 1h45m11s/ Chris: 3.0/ Lazarus #1: 1h46m33s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Think Tank #8: 1h49m11s/ Matt: 4.0/
Thu, 20 June 2013
This episode is brought to you by Naughty Dog's The Last of Us, because it is super awesome and I kept playing it during the podcast, much to my cohost's chagrin. But that is neither here nor there. This is all about comics! This week we delve into the finale of Age of Ultron, discuss the ramifications for Marvel as a whole due to it, see what Green Lantern New Guardians is like post finale, love the hell out of Wonder Woman, and debut our new scoring system! That's right. We are now working on a 5 Star system to better show our love for books. So without further ado, join NOLAnerds Matt "Loves The Last of Us" Finneman and Chris "Hates Good Things and Ruins Matt's Fun" Robinson as they talk comics. Books of the Week Email: 01m29s/ Corporate Sponsors: 03m14s/ Current Events: 05m25s/ Animal Man #21: 09m54s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Batman and Robin #21: 13m04s/ Matt: 3.0/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #17: 18m47s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Batwoman #21: 22m55s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #21: 25m09s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Vibe #5: 28m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Wonder Woman #21: 31m43s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Fables #130: 35m33s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 3.5/ Age of Ultron #10: 38m00s/ Matt: 1.5 Chris: 1.5/ Cable and X-Force #10: 44m59s/ Chris: 3.5/ Indestructible Hulk #9: 47m47s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Superior Spider-Man #12: 50m35s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #24: 54m47s/ Chris: 4.0/ Sonic Universe #53: 57m18s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and view us at
Sat, 15 June 2013
Now, I know what you are thinking. NOLAnerds, why is there a missing week in your podcast? Why that is a wonderful question. While we pride ourselves in doing this every week since we started, one of us was in Canada Land last week, and thus we could not do the show =/ Its ok though! This week we talk a bit about last week anyway. One big ol happy comic book family. This week we talk about the two big guns of DC, Superman Unchained and the start of Scott Snyder's Batman: Year Zero arc. We also discuss the X-Men Hellfire Academy saga and many other things, such as the always wonderful Mega Man/Sonic crossover. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Refuses to Keep His Pants On" Finneman, Chris "Continuously Thrown Under the Bus" Robinson, and Ashley "Throws Chris Under the Bus" Butler as they talk one good week in comics. Previously On Books of the Week Books of the Week Previously On: 01m10s/ Email: 03m48s/ Corporate Sponsors: 11m25s/ Current Events: 12m02s/ Batgirl #21: 15m17s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 8.0/ Batman #21: 18m47s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 9.0/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #3: 25m47s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Constantine #4: 28m51s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 8.5/ Demon Knights #21: 33m14s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Dream Machine #2: 37m01s/ Ashley: 7.5/ Green Lantern Corps #21: 41m02s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Ashley: 8.5/ Nightwing #21: 47m55s/ Matt: 8.5 Ashley: 9.5/ Suicide Squad #21: 52m26s/ Matt: 8.5/ Superman: Unchained #1: 55m36s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 8.0/ Guardians of the Galaxy #3: 1h05m01s/ Ashley: 8.5/ Thor: God of Thunder #9: 1h08m37s/ Chris: 9.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #31: 1h11m05s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 8.0/ Bravest Warriors #9: 1h18m10s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ Mega Man #26: 1h21m52s/ Matt: 8.5/ e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at Facebook us at Nola Nerd cast
Tue, 4 June 2013
This was an odd week. It was a notorious fifth week, which meant vastly fewer books to read than usual, as well as another round of annuals. But this also marked the very first NOLAnerdcas where Chris was absent! I would have cried myself to sleep had it not been for the always wonderful Ashley stepping in to save the day! So jump right on in to one of the quickest shows we've done - minus all of the random tangents we go off into. Join NOLAnerds Matt "MEGA MAN SONIC CROSSOVER" Finneman and Ashley "Could Not Care Less About Your Dumb Crossover" Butler and listen to them chat about comics and junk! Books of the Week Corporate Sponsors: 02m30s/ Current Events: 03m20s/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #2: 12m21s/ Matt: 7.5/ Justice League of America #4: 15m07s/ Matt: 8.5 Ashley: 8.5/ Indestructible Hulk #8: 23m59s/ Matt: 6.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #30: 27m05s/ Matt: 8.0 Ashley: 8.0/ X-Men #1: 32m33s/ Matt: 8.0 Ashley: 8.5/ Adventure Time Annual #1: 38m46s/ Matt: 7.0/ Sonic the Hedgehog #249: 41m03s/ Matt: 8.5/
Tue, 4 June 2013
Sometimes you get a month that has few notable releases, but a ton of information. That, was this month. The bulk of what we learned about the industry this month was contained in the Microsoft reveal of the XBox 1, and we have an entire show dedicated to just that (Ep18) But there was a lot more to get excited about this month! Star Wars got a new master. DC met Scribblenauts. Nintendo scored a Sonic coup. Tim Schafer wowed us with his newest Kickstarter pitch. Far Cry entertained us with Blood Dragon. The iPad became the newest home to Star Wars: KOTOR. All of this and more gets discussed on this, our May video game podcast! Gaming News of May: 0m45s/ Nintendo Corner: 29m18s/ Game Releases of May: 47m08s/ Massive Chalice Discussion E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 24 May 2013
She's back folks! For a bit at least. Newest NOLAnerd correspondent Ashley has returned, and brings with it a fresh outlook on a lot of ongoing books. Just how easy is it to jump into a series in the middle of a story? She helps us find out! Also on the docket, a tribute and a fond farewell to the Geoff Johns era of Green Lantern which ended this week after over 100 issues and nearly a decade of good times. The finale is here, and the other books bring us nice epilogues. This is also one of the biggest weeks we have ever had, with well over 20 books to review! It got crazy up in here folks! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Goodbye Hal" Finneman, Chris "Surly As Fuck" Robinson, and Ashley "Leaving for...Reasons" Butler as they try and tackle the biggest storm of books they have ever done! And completely out of our normal order due to the fact that Ashley had to leave early. Books of the Week Daredevil #26: 04m04s/ Matt: 9.0 Chri: 8.5 Ashley: 8.5/ Superior Spider-Man #10: 10m33s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 8.0/ Young Avengers #5: 17m30s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Ashley: 9.5/ Uncanny X-Men #6: 23m52s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5 Ashley: 6.5/ All-Star Western #20: 29m32s/ Matt: 7.5/ Aquaman #20: 31m53s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5 Ashley: 6.0/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #16: 36m24s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 5.0/ Flash #20: 40m36s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Justice League #20: 44m23s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Ashley: 8.0/ Justice League Dark #20: 51m50s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 7.0/ Green Lantern #20: 58m06s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ Green Lantern Corps #20: 1h09m52s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #20: 1h12m04s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Red Lanterns #20: 1h14m36s/ Matt: 8.0/ Green Team #1: 1h17m41s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Talon #8: 1h22m55s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Teen Titans #20: 1h25m42s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.5/ Unwritten #49: 1h28m20s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Adventure Time #16: 1h31m10s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5/ Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake #5: 1h34m41s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0/ Ghostbusters #4: 1h37m45s/ Chris: 6.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast View us at Be friends with us on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast
Thu, 23 May 2013
Big day in gaming news folks. So big that we are dedicating a whole show to it! Microsoft finally unveiled the next generation XBox, the XBox One. Along with the new name, we were hit with a ton of information about the console, some good, some divisive, and some downright bad to many. The internet exploded with a mixture of anger and confusion, and we were there to sort through it all and give our opinions. What do we think about Kinect 2.0? About TV Connectivity? About Call of Duty Ghosts? About Always On and Used Game Fees? What about the new controller, or the games that were shown? What did we like? What did we dislike? What were we indifferent on? Will we buy one? Did we enjoy this conference more than Sony's reveal for the PS4? All these questions answered and more on this very special video game episode of the NOLAnerdcast. So join NOLAnerds Matt "TV!" Finneman, Chris "Sports!" Robinson, and Andy "Call of Duty!" Niemann as they break down the press conference in the nerdiest ways possible.
Sat, 18 May 2013
Today is a special episode for all of us here at the NOLAnerd compound. As the weeks tick by and the impending departure of Andy looms over us, we tentatively greet a possible new member into the fold, Ashley. Will she become NOLAnerd Ashley? Will she prove to be as awesome as we think she is? Does she think Nightwing's ass is all that and a bag of chips? Answers to all of these and more, coming at you! This week we discuss the merits of Age of Ultron, a time jump in two Marvel books, get surprised by a major game changer in Fables, and many more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Genesis Unit" Finneman, Chris "Cancelpocalypse" Robinson, and introducing Ashley "Nightwing's Butt" Butler as they break it all down like only they can! Books of the Week Email: 01m12s/ Corporate Sponsors: 09m16s/ Current Events: 11m02s/ Arrow Watch Finale: 21m18s/ Batgirl #20: 30m30s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 8.0/ Batwoman #20: 36m18s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Nightwing #20: 40m45s/ Matt: 8.5 Ashley: 9.0/ Vibe #4: 46m21s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ Wonder Woman #20: 51m22s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Ashley: 6.5/ Fables #129: 57m58s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Age of Ultron #8: 1h01m23s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.5 Ashley: 6.0/ Cable and X-Force #8: 1h10m12s/ Chris: 7.5/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23: 1h12m14s/ Chris: 8.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #29: 1h15m17s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0 Ashley: 6.5/ Regular Show #1: 1h23m17s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 5.0/ Sonic Universe #52: 1h26m40s/ Matt: 8.0/ Think Tank #7: 1h29m49s/ Matt: 9.0/ e-mail us at Follow us on Social Media @nolanerdcast and Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 10 May 2013
What a strange week this was. Normally the second week of the month is a major outing with a ton of books, but this week seemed positively mild. Maybe it is because Marvel blew their load last week with all of their biggest books. Maybe it is because DC managed to somehow screw up the shipping order of their Green Lantern mega finale. Maybe it is because hey, sometimes things don't always work like clockwork. I blame Brian K Vaughn for not having Saga come out again until August. Anyway! This week the NOLAnerds discuss all there is to talk about in the week that was. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Green Lantern Woes" Finneman, Chris "Suicide Squad Virgin" Robinson, and Andy "Still About to Ditch Us" Niemann as they talk nerdy, just for you. Books of the Week Email: 02m01s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m26s/ Current Events: 08m10s/ Arrow Watch: 10m08s/ Batman #20: 13m04s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Batman and Robin #20: 18m26s/ Matt: 8.5 Andy: 7.5/ Constantine #3: 24m38s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.5/ Demon Knights #20: 29m44s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.0/ Justice League of America #3: 34m51s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 9.0/ Suicide Squad #20: 41m10s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Team 7 #8: 46m50s/ Matt: 7.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #8: 51m47s/ Chris: 8.5/ Bravest Warriors #8: 57m24s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Mega Man #25: 1h01m20s/ Matt: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Star Wars #5: 1h05m15s/ Chris: 7.0 Andy: 7.0/ e-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Thu, 9 May 2013
The name pretty much says it all folks! The NOLAnerds were on site at local comic book shop and friends of the show BSI Comics to do a live recording of the NOLAnerdcast! We sat, watched, listened, and bullshitted with each other as well as the loyal comic loving customers! We review a large amount of the books on hand this year, including a new Avatar: The Last Airbender tale, offerings from DC and Marvel, books about the new animated blocks featuring Beware the Batman and Hulk Agents of Smash, a Mass Effect title and more! We also interview several local artists and even meet back up with the infamous Monty and the Mongoose! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Move over Monty, We Want to Speak to Mongoose" Finneman, Chris "Seriously Monty, Stop Saying Black Hitler" Robinson, and briefly featuring Scott "New Baby Overlord" Brehm as they take you on a journey through the wonder that was Free Comic Book Day 2013 at BSI Comics.
Thu, 9 May 2013
It always seems that the months with fewer actual game releases are always the ones chock full of video game news. Take April for instance - not much in the way of games, but man did we get a lot of movement in the industry. We got a lot of rumors made true news on the XBox Durango. We witnessed the death of a major game company. We got more dire news on the Wii U alongside a handful of new 3DS announcements. We learned of multiple major games hitting later this year. And we also got a few notable titles to play this month, from indie powerhouses to AAA flagship fighting games. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Guacamelee" Finneman, Chris "Doesn't Understand the Greatness of the Name Guacamelee" Robinson, Ronald "Wii U? More Like P-U" Bienemy, and Andy "Injustice Lord" Niemann as they break down April for all its gaming goodness. April 2013 Gaming News: 02m34s/ April 2013 Game Releases: 41m14s/ Chris' Star Trek Fiasco: 58m00s/ NOLAnerd Roundtable - Injustice: Gods Among Us: 1h04m33s/ Matt Breaks Down Guacamelee: 1h10m47s/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Thu, 2 May 2013
We find ourselves at the beginning of an end of an era - we start the countdown to the goodbye of a valued member of Team NOLAnerdcast - Andy! Each week will bring us closer to his leaving us for that whore of a state Texas, so let's enjoy him while we can! This week the NOLAnerds debate the various intricacies of Marvel books, we tell you our thoughts on DCs new 99%er book The Movement, lament various tonal shifts in comics, and enjoy some more Mega Man goodness. So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Thor Hater" Finneman, Chris "Trigger Temper" Robinson, and Andy "Ultron 180" Niemann as they once more taken you into the week of comics that was. Books of the Week Email: 02m12s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m49s/ Current Events: 08m21s/ Animal Man #20: 14m07s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5/ Aquaman #19: 17m20s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Earth 2 #12: 20m42s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 8.0/ Green Arrow #20: 26m10s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5/ Movement #1: 30m22s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Phantom Stranger #8: 35m51s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Stormwatch #20: 40m01s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0/ Swamp Thing #20: 44m43s/ Chris: 7.0/ Fairest #15: 47m34s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Age of Ultron #7: 50m22s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 7.5/ All-New X-Men #11: 57m30s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ Hawkeye #10: 1h02m29s/ Matt: 7.5/ Indestructible Hulk #7: 1h04m17s/ Matt:: 6.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.5/ Superior Spider-Man #9: 1h08m40s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ Sonic the Hedgehog #248: 1h15m49s/ Matt: 8.0 Andy: 7.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Podcast. View us aw
Thu, 25 April 2013
Welcome to another installment in what we like to call, the NOLAnerd OG Saga! That is where we cut out the riff raff and only shower you with the dulcet tones of the original co-creators of the NOLAnerdcast! Prepare to be amazed! Or at least, relieved. Because with only two of us the show really kind of moves along at a brisk pace. It's almost refreshing. This week we bid farewell to the Before Watchmen saga, lament the lack of a lot of competition in 4th week books, discuss the simply horrendous new animated Iron Man movie: Rise of the Technovore, and more! So join the OG NOLAnerds, Matt "Loki-isms" Finneman, and Chris "Die Hard Flash" Robinson and take this journey with us! Books of the Week Email: 01m03s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m15s/ Current Events: 05m46s/ Before Watchmen: Comedian #6: 12m16s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.5/ All-Star Western #19: 15h50s/ Matt: 8.0/ Flash #19: 19m12s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Justice League Dark #19: 22m58s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Red Lanterns #19: 27m03s/ Matt: 7.5/ Talon #7: 30m26s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0/ Teen Titans #19: 33m20s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0/ Unwritten #48: 38m14s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #22: 41m10s/ Chris: 8.5/ Uncanny X-Men #5: 44m05s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #28: 48m56s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.5/ Young Avengers #4: 54m27s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Sat, 20 April 2013
Episode 77 suckers! 77 weeks of pure unadulterated joy. 77 weeks of hard hitting comics based journalistic integrity. 77 weeks of random. 77 weeks of Chris hating. All for you fans! All for you. This week the NOLAnerds tackle more Age of Ultron in its best week yet, fall in love with the latest Justice League, and enjoy hands down one of the best Daredevil issues around. All of this and more comics fans! So join this weeks NOLAnerds, Matt "Brandish" Finneman, Chris "Bitter Man" Robinson, Scott "OctoPop" Brehm, and Andy "BMO Hater" Niemann as they take you for a journey! Books of the Week Email: 00m52s/ Corporate Sponsors: 05m39s/ Current Events: 06m45s/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #15: 12m35s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.0 Andy: 6.5/ Batwoman #19: 17m21s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #19: 23m36s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 5.5 Scott: 7.0/ Justice League #19: 28m12s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ Nightwing #19: 35m17s/ Matt: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Vibe #3: 39m16s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Wonder Woman #19: 43m46s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 9.0/ Fables #128: 50m15s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Age of Ultron #6: 53m34s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ Cable and X-Force #7: 1h01m05s/ Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.0/ Daredevil #25: 1h03m31s/ Matt: 9.5 Chris: 9.5/ Superior Spider-Man #8: 1h08m17s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #27AU: 1h13m17s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 6.5 Andy: 6.0/ Adventure Time #15: 1h17m05s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Ghostbusters #3: 1h22m27s/ Chris: 6.0 Scott: 6.0/ Sonic Universe #51: 1h26m22s/ Matt: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ E-mail us at follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and follow us on facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Sat, 13 April 2013
Sat, 13 April 2013
It's always a bit sad the week after a big milestone episode. 76 doesn't have nearly the same charm to it as 75 does. But this week is almost even MORE special! It's one of our biggest weeks yet! A huge slew of quality books including Saga, more Age of Ultron, another round of Batman books introducing new villains and new characters, and part one of the epic Mega Man and Sonic crossover! We also have a special treat, our first call in to the show! Mega fan Paxson calls in to discuss with us why he isn't particularly keen on Saga - see how we agree and disagree in a special segment! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Sonic Man" Finneman, Chris "Food Poisoned" Robinson, Scott "Goldballs" Brehm, and Andy "Saga Defender" Niemann as they break it all down for you, issue by issue! Books of the Week Email: 01m27s/ Corporate Sponsors: 28m00s/ Current Events: 29m10s/ Ultron #1AU: 36m05s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.0/ Batgirl #19: 38m44s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Batman #19: 45m13s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Batman and Robin #19: 52m10s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.0 Scott: 7.0 Andy: 9.0/ Batman: Li'l Gotham #1: 58m31s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 7.5/ Constantine #2: 1h02m41s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 7.0/ Demon Knights #19: 1h07m17s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Green Lantern Corps #19: 1h10m22s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0 Andy: 7.0/ Suicide Squad #19: 1h15m27s/ Matt: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Team 7 #7: 1h19m40s/ Matt: 6.5/ Age of Ultron #5: 1h24m07s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 5.0/ Hawkeye #9: 1h31m00s/ Matt: 8.5/ Thor: God of Thunder #7: 1h33m56s/ Chris: 8.0/ Uncanny X-Men #4: 1h36m04s/ Matt: 6.0 Chris: 6.5 Scott: 6.5/ Adventure Time: Fiona & Cake #4: 1h42m14s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 8.0 Bravest Warriors #7: 1h45m24s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.0/ Mega Man #24: 1h48m54s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 6.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Saga #12: 1h55m16s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Star Wars #4: 2h01m02s/ Chris: 7.5 Andy: 7.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and on facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 5 April 2013
Episode Seventy Five people! EPISODE 75! That is one milestone greater than 50, which is apparently a point of contention and we actually discuss that for some reason during the show. But I digress. Matt here, back in charge of our super witty and cool episode breakdowns. I'm not even sure people read these. Do they? Does it matter? Let's just talk comics people! This week we have several email questions to tackle, a ton of juicy industry news, and quite a few brand new creative teams tackling some DC books. All of that plus a new Marvel NOW launch, the penultimate Green Lantern issue, and more! So join NOLAnerds Matt "Age of Ultra Boring" Finneman, Chris "75 is the New 50" Robinson, and Andy "Worse Pick Than Shots Shots Shots" Niemann on this, our 75th episode! Books of the Week Email: 05m22s/ Corporate Sponsors: 22m47s/ Current Events: 24m29s/ Thanos Rising #1: 30m46s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0 Andy: 7.5/ Age of Ultron #4: 33m23s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 4.0/ All-New X-Men #10: 44m30s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Indestructible Hulk #6: 49m28s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #7: 53m14s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ Animal Man #19: 1h00m44s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Earth 2 #11: 1h04m31s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 8.5/ Green Arrow #19: 1h08m36s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Green Lantern #19: 1h13m29s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Phantom Stranger #7: 1h18m10s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 9.0/ Stormwatch #19: 1h21m59s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.5/ Swamp Thing #19: 1h26m01s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.5/ Fairest #14: 1h30m29s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Sex #1: 1h33m00s/ Andy: 7.0/ Steam Wars #1: 1h34m53s/ Chris: 7.0 Andy: 9.0/ Arrow Watch: 1h38m58s/ E-mail us at Follow us on social media @Nolanerdcast and on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast, View us at
Fri, 5 April 2013
MARCH MADNESS! IT'S MADNESS Y'ALL! Seriously though video game industry, you have to start accepting the fact that there are months that exist between March and October. March has become a second holiday time for gaming, where all of the AAA titles that didn't launch for November all crash into one another. Great for gaming, bad for a gamer that wants them all! This month the NOLAnerds tackle the month of crazy releases and even more news. Video game announcements! PC launch clusterfucks! More next gen rumor mills! PAX East and the indie revolution! And a surprise Best of the Month game you won't see coming! Unless you know us. So join the NOLAnerd crew, Matt "Believe It!" Finneman, Chris "Booker" Robinson, Ronald "Samurai Lord" Bienemy, Andy "Tomb Raiding" Niemann, and Mason "Pikachu 3DS XL" Maldonado as they discuss everything possible and then some. March Gaming News: 01m25s/ March Video Game Releases: 41m43s/ Tomb Raider: 1h02m47s/ BioShock Infinite: 1h05m03s/ Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3: 1h14m04s/ Ending: 1h23m11s/
Fri, 29 March 2013
Hi! This is episode 74! Of the NOLAnerdcast. This is Chris. I get to type the intro this week! Now I get to be the one who makes bad jokes and gives Matt a stupid nickname. Let's see. Comics jokes. Guardians of the Galaxy? More like, Avengers in Space am I right? That is comedy gold. And comedy platinum. Hell, its the comedy Metal Men! This week we talk about more Age of Ultron, more Marvel NOW goodness, and more. Pretty light week overall, so let's jump right in! Join the NOLAnerds Matt "Is a Big Jerk Face" Finneman, Chris "Dietary Restrictions" Robinson, and Scott "Meh, Guess I am Here" Brehm as we talk about another week in comics! Books of the Week Email: 01m46s/ Corporate Sponsors: 03m12s/ Current Events: 05m50s/ Guardians of the Galaxy #1: 13m19s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.0/ All-Star Western #18: 17m53s/ Matt: 7.5/ Aquaman #18: 21m00s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Flash #18: 25m31s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Justice League Dark #18: 32m38s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Red Lanterns #18: 36m31s/ Matt: 7.0/ Talon #5: 38m43s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Teen Titans #18: 40m52s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.0 Scott: 7.5/ Unwritten #47: 45m19s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Age of Ultron #3: 48m38s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.0/ Fantastic Four #5AU: 54m12s/ Chris: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #6AU: 56m31s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 5.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #27: 59m29s/ Matt: 6.0 Chris: 6.5/ Young Avengers #3: 1h03m06s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ Think Tank #6: 1h07m22s/ Matt: 8.0/ Arrow Watch: 1h10m35s/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Thu, 21 March 2013
Ever wondered what it would take to get NOLAnerd Chris to give up? Well look no further, because it happens in this very episode! This week is chock full of comicy goodness, and we even have a lot of juicy industry news as well for you! This week brings us a new chapter of the steller Saga, the sad demise of our favorite DC Nation shows, a digital first comic definitely worth checking out, the debut of a new series starring a NOLAnerd favorite, and a triple helping of Justice League! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "#Burden" Finneman, Chris "#FriendHater" Robinson, and Andy "#HeelTurn" Niemann as they awkwardly and hilariously bring you the week in comics. Books of the Week Email: 01m36s/ Corporate Sponsors: 03m34s/ Current Events: 05m39s/ DC Nation Watch: 10m10s/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #14: 18m36s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ Batwoman #18: 22m41s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Constantine #1: 25m13s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #18: 28m19s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Justice League #18: 32m41s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Justice League of America #2: 38m55s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.0/ Justice League: Vibe #2: 42m51s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Nightwing #18: 46m28s/ Matt: 7.5 Andy: 7.0/ Wonder Woman #18: 49m37s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Fables #127: 53m37s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ All-New X-Men #9: 56m31s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Cable and X-Force #6: 59m07s/ Chris: 8.0/ Daredevi; #24: 1h01m04s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 9.0/ Indestructible Hulk #5: 1h03m29s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #6: 1h06m09s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 9.0/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #21: 1h11m12s/ Chris: 7.5/ Adventure Time #14: 1h13m15s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 7.5/ Saga #11: 1h16m46s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast and Facebook Nole Nerd Cast. View us at
Sat, 16 March 2013
March Madness Continues! (Get it? GET IT? No? Really? See, cause it's March, know what, nevermind. Let's move on) The NOLAnerds gear up to tackle yet another week of comic books for the public at large. We read them, so you don't have to! Actually scratch that. We want you to read them as well. Comics need our support folks! So I guess we should say, we read them, so you know which ones are worth reading and are super awesome? Yeah, that'll work. This week join the NOLAnerds Matt "Bachalo Hater" Finneman, Chris "Lover of John Stewart" Robinson, Scott "Lil Bit Sexist" Brehm, and Andy "Heel Turn" Niemann. Books of the Week Email: 03m09s/ Corporate Sponsors: 19m49s/ Current Events: 21m40s/ Wolverine #1: 28m33s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 6.5/ Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #6: 31m51s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Batgirl #18: 34m22s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Batman #18: 37m47s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Batman and Robin #18: 43m54s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.5 Andy: 9.0/ Demon Knights #18: 47m42s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 7.5/ Green Lantern Corps #18: 50m46s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.0 Scott: 7.0/ Suicide Squad #18: 56m19s/ Matt: 7.5 Scott: 8.0 Team 7 #6: 1h00m24s/ Matt: 5.0/ Age of Ultron #2: 1h03m41s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 6.0/ Fantastic Four #5: 1h11m10s/ Chris: 6.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #6: 1h14m56s/ Chris: 8.0/ Uncanny X-Men #3: 1h17m26s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.0 Scott: 7.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #26: 1h23m45s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 8.0/ Bravest Warriors #6: 1h26m24s/ Matt: 8.5/ New Ghostbusters #2: 1h28m44s/ Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Mega Man #23: 1h32m10s/ Matt: 9.0/ Star Wars #3: 1h25m47s/ Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ DC Nation Watch: 1h39m34s/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @Nolanerdcast and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Mon, 11 March 2013
March Madness has begun! The March Madness of Comics that is. Not so much March Madness per se. Well, there was some madness involved. Did you know that we people actually LIKE Bachalo's art on stuff? Crazy I tell you, crazy. Next you'll tell me there are people out there that are actually non ironic fans of Ramos drawing Spider-Man. What a world we live in. This week, the NOLAnerds discuss the newest Marvel event, say goodbye to another Before Watchmen tale, laugh at Chris for his terrible choice in comics, and much more! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Dr. Fate" Finneman, Chris "Stupid Pick of the Week" Robinson, Scott "Massacre" Brehm, and Andy "Crying Cop" Niemann as they take you into the wonderful world of comics. Books of the Week Email: 03m51s/ Corporate Sponsors: 07m51s/ Current Events: 09m20s/ Before Watchmen: Rorschach #4: 16m14s/ Matt: 5.5 Chris: 5.0/ Animal Man #18: 19m32s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Swamp Thing #18: 23m00s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0/ Earth 2 #10: 26m40s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Green Arrow #18: 30m33s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.5/ Green Lantern #18: 35m01s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Phantom Stranger #6: 42m00s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 9.0/ Stormwatch #18: 47m18s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Fairest #13: 50m50s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Age of Ultron #1: 55m09s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 7.0 Andy: 5.0/ All-New X-Men #8: 1h05m10s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Cable and X-Force #5: 1h10m02s/ Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0/ Iron Man #7: 1h13m26s/ Chris: 6.0 Scott: 6.0/ Superior Spider-Man #5: 1h16m02s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.5/ Adventure Time: Fiona & Cake #3: 1h24m33s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.0/ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #4: 1h28m40s/ Matt: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ DC Nation Watch: 1h31m17s/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter @nolanerdcast. View us at
Mon, 11 March 2013
What a month in gaming folks! There are few times more exciting and packed with news in the gaming industry than when a new system is on the horizon. But when there are TWO coming out, with one just recently out? News abounds folks. News abounds. This month gave us the opening salvo in the next gen war between PlayStation and XBox, with Sony holding a conference chock full of news for gamers to speculate and debate on. We also got several high profile game releases, as well as a hodgepodge of other news! So tune in and join the NOLAnerds Matt "PS4Life" Finneman, Chris "Fire Emblem" Robinson, Scott "Devil's Advocate" Brehm, Ronald "Puss Cake" Bienemy, Mason "Watch Dogs" Maldonado, and Andy "Late to the Party" Niemann as they break down the games and news of February 2013! 01m04s - Gaming News Feb 2013 14m15s - Games of Feb 2013 31m32s - Discussion on Sony's PlayStation 4 Press Conference E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @nolanerdcast
Fri, 1 March 2013
Seventy episodes baby! Each time we hit a nice even number with a 0 in it, I stand back and am impressed that a group of notoriously procrastination prone nerds can actually stick with this. Kudos to us I guess. This week is a relatively light week in comics considering what came from us last week, but we had a lot of gems! This week we bid farewell to Greg Rucka's Punisher, end several story arcs from books like Flash and Aqua Man, revel in the glory of Kieran Gillen, and more! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Punisher Beard" Finneman, Chris "Loki Bacon" Robinson, Scott "Joker Grin" Brehm, and Andy "Huck Finn" Niemann as they talk to you for an hour or so about comics! Books of the Week Email: 02m24s/ Corporate Sponsors: 07m30s/ Current Events: 09m33s/ Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan #4: 19m40s/ Matt: 7.5/ All-Star Western #17: 21m29s/ Matt: 8.0/ Aquaman #17: 23m46s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Flash #17: 28m27s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Justice League Dark #17: 33m09s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Red Lanterns #17: 37m51s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ Talon #5: 40m39s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5/ Teen Titans #17: 43m04s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5/ Unwritten #46: 48m07s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Deadpool: Killustrated #2: 50m46s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ Gambit #9: 54m21s/ Matt: 7.5 Scott: 7.5/ Hawkeye #8: 57m58s/ Matt: 8.5/ Punisher: War Zone #5: 1h00m28s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0/ Uncanny Avengers #4: 1h05m40s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.0/ Young Avengers #2: 1h09m58s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 9.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on twitter @Nolanerdcast and Facebook at Nola nerd Cast. View us at
Fri, 22 February 2013
This one goes out to alllll the ladies. Or gentleman. We don't discriminate here at the NOLAnerdcast. Episode 69 is upon us and that means a show with two key features - tons of discussion and insight into this weeks comics, and a lot of terrible puns about sex. This was a massive, massive week of books. We got the opening salvo of the Wrath of the First Lantern crossover. We got new Marvel NOW and DC New 52 launches. We got the finale of Throne of Atlantis. We got Saga. We got all ages goodness. We got it all here folks! So join the NOLAnerds Matt "Volthoom" Finneman, Chris "Lover of the Breakdance" Robinson, Scott "Lying Cat" Brehm, Andy "Hates Team Building" Niemann, and Barbie "Saga Crush" Cure as they hold your hand and lead you into the wonderful world of comics. Books of the Week Email: 01m35s/ Corporate Sponsors: 02m10s/ Current Events: 03m40s/ Nova #1: 08m38s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 5.0/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #13: 11m25s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Batwoman #17: 15m54s/ MattL 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.5/ Birds of Prey #17: 20m16s/ Matt: 7.5/ Green Lantern #17: 22m11s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Green Lantern Corps #17: 26m18s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #17: 28m44s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.0 Scott: 8.0/ Justice League #17: 32m57s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 7.5/ Justice League of America #1: 39m36s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.5 Barbie: 8.0/ Nightwing #17: 50m18s/ Matt: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.0 Barbie: 8.5/ Vibe #1: 55m46s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0 Barbie: 8.0/ Wonder Woman #17: 1h05m52s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Barbie: 8.5/ Fables #126: 1h11m19s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Daredevil #23: 1h14m10s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Indestructible Hulk #4: 1h17m31s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8/0 Andy: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #4: 1h20m41s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #5: 1h25m52s/ Chris: 8.5/ Adventure Time #13: 1h26m55s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Saga #10: 1h32m13s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.0 Barbie: 9.0/ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #3: 1h37m46s/ Matt: 8.0 Andy: 8.0 Barbie: 8.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast and on Twitter @Nolanerdcast. View us at
Mon, 18 February 2013
Holy Climax Batman! This week brought us the epic finale to the crossover that has been all the rage lately - Death of the Family! The NOLAnerds are here to break down this monumental issue as well as many other things in the world of comics! We talk about the latest TV shows - Arrow, Young Justice, and Green Lantern, we talk new Marvel NOW launches as well as a new DC launch. We even talk about several indie gems! We are all over the place! So join NOLAnerds Matt "HaHaHa" Finneman, Chris "Healing Bullets" Robinson, and Barbie "Joker's Gal" Cure and let their luscious tones wash over you. Books of the Week Email: 0m34s/ Corporate Sponsors: 08m49s/ Current Events: 10m15s/ Katana #1: 20m57s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.5/ Secret Avengers #1: 23m39s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 7.5/ Uncanny X-Men #1: 26m38s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 6.0/ Before Watchmen: Comedian #5: 30m28s/ Matt: 6.0 Chris: 5.0/ Batman #17: 32m09s/ Matt: 9.5 Chris: 9.5 Barbie: 9.5/ Batgirl #17: 37m30s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Barbie: 7.0/ Batman and Robin #17: 41m46s/ Matt: 7.5/ Demon Knights #17: 43m59s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Barbie: 7.0/ Suicide Squad #17: 46m28s/ Matt: 7.5 Barbie: 8.0/ Team 7 #5: 48m58s/ Matt: 7.0/ Cable and X-Force #4: 50m55s/ Chris: 7.5/ Fantastic Four #4: 53m07s/ Chris: 7.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #25: 54m19s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 8.0 Barbie: 7.5/ Bravest Warriors #5: 1h00m22s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ New Ghostbusters #1: 1h03m12s/ Chris: 8.0/ Mega Man #22: 1h05m30s/ Matt: 8.0/ Star Wars #2: 1h07m27s/ Chris: 8.0/ DC Nation Breakdown: 1h10m46s/ E-mail us at Follow us on social media at Nola Nerd Cast and @nolanerdcast. View us at
Mon, 18 February 2013
Kicking off the new year in style, here come the NOLAnerdcast nerds to get you up to date on the world of video games for the month of January. This month we talk about many thing. Most of them were even related to video games! Stuff like the impending announcements of the next Playstation and XBox. Rumors, leaks, the whole shebang. We also go in depth with a mini review of the months biggest game for us - Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch! We also hit you up with the other news tidbits and game releases ranging from mobile to handheld to console to PC. So join the NOLA Nerds Matt "Mr. Drippy" Finneman, Chris "Shadar" Robinson, Ronald "DmC" Bienemy, and Andy "Talking Cave" Niemann as they take you down short term memory lane! E-mail us at Follow us on social media at Nola Nerd Cast and @nolanerdcast. View us at
Wed, 13 February 2013
After last weeks sheer amount of books we covered, this weeks return to a normal amount of books was a refreshing change of pace. Only one new Marvel NOW book shipped this week, but we had plenty of other things to discuss. We talk about the end of the Rotworld crossover, the latest episodes of comic book TV shows, the shockingly great new creative team for a previously laughably bad DC main title, and continue our coverage of some excellent Marvel books. So join Nola Nerds Matt "Arrow Lover" Finneman, Chris "Superior" Robinson, and Andy "Lover of the Strange" Niemann as they once more take you into the world of comics. Books of the Week Email: 02m44s/ Corporate Sponsors: 04m31s/ Current Events: 05m48s/ Defenders #1: 17m44s/ Matt: 6.5 Chris: 6.5/ Animal Man #17: 22m07s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Swamp Thing #17: 25m19s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Earth 2 #9: 29m29s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Green Arrow #17: 35m23s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Phantom Stranger #5: 40m19s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 9.0/ Stormwatch #17: 44m54s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Fairest #12: 49m36s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ All-New X-Men #7: 54m13s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Iron Man #6: 58m20s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #3: 1h01m54s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 8.5/ Thunderbolts #4: 1h06m23s/ Matt: 5.5 Chris: 6.0 Andy: 6.0/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20: 1h09m29s/ Chris: 7.5/ Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake #2: 1h11m56s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ Think Tank #5: 1h14m56s/ Matt: 8.0/ E-mail us at Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @nolanerdcast and Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Mon, 4 February 2013
Order, I mean, Episode 66 is now live and running! In a month featuring five weeks of comics, we find ourselves revisiting books we talked about at the start of the year, but with much more to go around. This was simply a massive week of releases, most of them of high quality. We got the end of a major Green Lantern crossover, a major Image Comics milestone, more Before Watchmen, new entries in Spider-Man and Punisher and more! So join the NOLA Nerds Matt "Hurricane Sandy" Finneman, Chris "Punisher's Beard" Robinson, and Andy "He-Man Hero" Niemann as they discuss the week that was. Books of the Week Email: 0m36s/ Corporate Sponsors: 04m16s/ Current Events: 06m10s/ Batman: Dark Knight #16: 23m20s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill #1: 25m30s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #5: 28m34s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ All-Star Western #16: 31m52s/ Matt: 8.0/ Aquaman #16: 34m18s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Batman and Robin Annual #1: 37m35s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #12: 40m59s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Flash #16: 46m47s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0/ Green Lantern Corps Annual #1: 49m30s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ Justice League Dark #16: 54m20s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Red Lanterns #16: 58m46s/ Matt: 7,5/ Talon #4: 1h01m10s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Teen Titans #16: 1h04m29s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5/ Unwritten #45: 1h07m42s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5/ Hawkeye #7: 1h10m54s/ Matt: 8.5/ Punisher War Zone #4: 1h13m34s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0/ Superior Spider-Man #2: 1h17m20s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 9.0/ Adventure Time #12: 1h21m41s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Andy: 8.0/ Invincible #100: 1h26m36s/ Matt: 8.0/ He-Man Origins #1: 1h29m16s/ Andy: 7.0/
Mon, 28 January 2013
Welcome to yet another thrilling installment of the NOLAnerdcast! Have you ever wondered what it sounds like when someone has shockingly strong opinions about 90's Storm and her mohawk? Well good news! Now you can know! Seriously, that turned into quite the kerfuffle. This week the Nola Nerds discuss new Marvel NOW books, the ending of the current Green Lantern storyline, as well as a new beginning for an epic Fables arc. All of this and more as they also discuss the industry as a whole. So join the Nola Nerds Matt "Fucking Mohawk" Finneman, Chris "Deadpool is my Book of the Week" Robinson, Scott "Deadpool Pusher" Brehm, Andy "Mohawk Lover" Niemann, and Barbie "Tired Hippie" Cure as they talk about comics! Wooo! Books of the Week Email: 01m37s/ Corporate Sponsor: 05m48s/ Current Events: 08m08s/ Uncanny X-Force #1: 16m15s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 4.5/ Before Watchmen: Minute Men #6: 21m05s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ Batwoman #16: 24m42s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Birds of Prey #16: 30m36s/ Matt: 7.5/ Green Lantern #16: 34m16s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.5/ Green Lantern Corps #16: 39m57s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians #16: 43m30s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5/ Justice League #16: 47m34s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Nightwing #16: 51m57s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 8.5 Barbie: 8.5/ Red Hood & The Outlaws #16: 55m34s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Wonder Woman #16: 1h02m24s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Barbie: 8.5/ Fables #125: 1h06m32s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Deadpool: Killustrated #1: 1h10m45s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 7.5 Barbie: 8.0/ Uncanny Avengers #3: 1h15m20s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 6.5/ Wolverine and the X-Men #24: 1h20m08s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 9.0 Barbie: 9.0/ Young Avengers #1: 1h28m29s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Barbie: 8.0/ E-mail us at View us at Follow us on social media at Nola Nerd Cast.
Mon, 21 January 2013
I have got to tell you...not much really happened in December of aught 12. Like, at all. Sure, there were a few highlights like the Spike VGAs giving us new games to look forward to, or a free fan game celebrating two Capcom mega franchises, but for the most part? Nothing. So for what it's worth, join the Nola Nerds Matt "Mega Man Deserves Better" Finneman, Chris "Komodo Acid Trip" Robinson, and Andy "X-Play was Doomed" Niemann as they briefly chat about the month of December in gaming. E-mail us at View us at Folllow us on Social media at Nola Nerd Cast.
Mon, 21 January 2013
It's everyone's favorite time of year! When pretentious internet nobodies decide that hey, my opinion truly matters and I must spread it to the masses via my blog and/or podcast! Well now it's our turn to honor the tradition by doing our own end of the year Best of 2012 Comics podcast! Here us talk about the best, the worst, and everything in between! Join the Nola Nerd Cast Original Duo Matt "Saga-riffic" Finneman and Chris "Saga-tastic" Robinson as the recall the year that was. Misc. Categories: 01m29s/ Best of Categories: 27m42s/ Top Tier Categories: 39m58s/ E-mail us at View us at Folllow us on Social media at Nola Nerd Cast.
Mon, 21 January 2013
64 seems like such a nerdy number. I blame Nintendo, but when I heard 64 my mind jumps to gaming and computing and whatnot. So when we hit episode 64 of our podcast, I knew we had to bring everyone on board! This week the full crew talks about everything from the latest debuts from DC and Marvel, to the penultimate chapters of the Death of the Family crossover, to the sad farewell of a Nola Nerd Cast favorite. So comic fans, join the Nola Nerds Matt "Larfleeze Backup" Finneman, Chris "Revised Scoring System" Robinson, Scott "Murder is Funny" Brehm, Andy "Gwendolyn" Niemann, and Barbie "Luxurious Beard" Cure as they break down the week in comics for you! Books of the Week Email: 03m05s/ Coprorate Sponsors: 19m26s/ Current Events: 20m47s/ Threshold #1: 30m17s/ Matt: 5.0 Chris: 4.0/ Savage Wolverine #1: 31m46s/ Matt: 6.0 Chris: 5.0/ Batgirl #16: 33m40s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.5 Barbie: 8.5/ Batman and Robin #16: 39m05s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.5/ Batman #16: 42m26s/ Matt: 9.5 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.0 Barbie: 9.5/ Demon Knights #16: 50m50s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #16: 55m08s/ Chris: 7.0/ Suicide Squad #16: 58m24s/ Matt: 7.5 Barbie: 7.5/ Team 7 #4: 1h02m36s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 6.0/ Wolverine and the X-Men #23: 1h06m12s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ All-New X-Men #6: 1h09m55s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 9.0/ Daredevil #22: 1h16m02s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5/ Indestructible Hulk #3: 1h19m40s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Saga #9: 1h23m40s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 9.5 Barbie: 8.5/ E-mail us at View us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at Nola Nerd Cast
Mon, 14 January 2013
Let's see folks, what is on the docket today for the NolaNerdCast's newest episode? Well, looks like we have some new Marvel NOW debuts, another segment in the "Watch Chris Hate Life as he Reviews Avengers Arena," new parts to the epic Rotworld crossover, the launch of the hugely controversial Superior Spider-Man and much more! So why don't we just dive right in and join the Nola Nerds Matt "Rotling" Finneman, Chris "Terrible Review Score Giver," Scott "Not Reading Threshold" Brehm, and Andy "Loves the Phantom Stranger" Niemann as they tell us all about the week that was in comics. Books of the Week Email: 01m10s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m07s/ Current Events: 08m00s/ Avengers Arena #3: 11m19s/ Chris: 7.0/ Animal Man #16: 13m24s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0/ Swamp Thing #16: 19m10s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.5/ Earth 2 #8: 23m33s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ Green Lantern: New Guardians Annual #1: 29m17s/ Matt: 7.0 Chris: 5.0 Scott: 5.0/ Phantom Stranger #4: 33m46s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Andy: 8.0/ Stormwatch #16: 38m33s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 7.5/ Fairest #11: 42m03s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Cable and the X-Force #3: 45m45s/ Chris: 7.0/ Fantastic Four #3: 49m55s/ Chris: 7.5/ Punisher: War Zone #3: 52m38s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0/ Superior Spider-Man #1: 57m52s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0 Andy: 9.0/ Thor: God of Thunder #4: 1h06m15s/ Chris: 8.5/ Thunderbolts #3: 1h08m17s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 7.5/ Adventure Time #11: 1h13m19s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Bravest Warriors #4: 1h18m38s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0/ Mega Man #21: 1h22m53s/ Matt: 8.5/ E-mail us at View us at Find us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast
Mon, 7 January 2013
Very first show of the year! Woo! 2013 is the year of the Nola Nerd Cast! Or not. Time shall tell. January may not be a big time for movies or games, but comics come out as if nothing ever changes, so let us ring in the new year with a week in comic bookery! Join the Nola Nerds Matt "Tech Mage" Finneman, Chris "Brony 4 Life" Robinson, Scott "Extremis" Brehm, and Andy "Titans" Niemann as they start 2013 off in style! Books of the Week Email: 01m17s/ Corporate Sponsors: 08m25s/ Current Events: 10m08s/ Morbius #1: 14m27s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ New Avengers #1: 16m42s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.0/ All-Star Western #15: 20m10s/ Matt: 8.0/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #11: 22m53s/ Matt: 8.5 Chris: 8.0 Andy: 8.5/ Flash #15: 29m06s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.0/ Justice League Dark #15: 35m09s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 8.5 Scott: 8.5 Andy: 8.5/ Red Lanterns #15: 42m53s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.0/ Talon #3: 47m14s/ Matt: 7.5 Chris: 7.5/ Teen Titans #15: 52m33s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 7.5 Scott: 7.5 Andy: 7.5/ All-New X-Men #5: 58m00s/ Matt: 9.0 Chris: 9.0 Scott: 9.0/ Iron Man #5: 1h06m18s/ Chris: 7.5 Scott: 8.0/ Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #19: 1h10m10s/ Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0/ Adventure Time: Fiona and Cake #1: 1h14m48s/ Matt: 8.0 Chris: 8.0 Scott: 8.0 Andy: 8.0/ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #2: 1h20m12s/ Matt: 8.0 Andy: 8.0 E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at
Mon, 7 January 2013
Our second annual video game blowout has arrived! The Nola Nerds have spent 2012 playing all manner of video games, from traditional hardcore AAA console games, to indie darling PC games, to portable addiction handheld games, to time sink mobile games and more all for you! The Nerds are here to let you know what games came out on top and which ones crashed and burned on the cutting room floor. Join the Nola Nerds Matt "Hardest of the Hardcore" Finneman, Chris "Choices Matter" Robinson, Scott "Master Chief" Brehm, and Andy "Revolutionary" Niemann as they let you know what they thought were the best gaming offerings of 2012. What game ended up picking up the highest honors? For once, all of the Nola Nerds were in agreement. Find out now! E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at