We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies!

The Nola Nerds go back to basics this week, with the original core group tackling this weeks' emails, current events, and bevy of quality books. This week we pay respect to the victims of the tragic Dark Knight Rises victims, discuss Grant Morrison's surprising plans for the future, and revisit a fan-favorite email fan. But this week was also all about the comics. Because you know, comics podcast and whatnot. Join the OG Nola Nerds Matt "President of the World" Finneman, Chris "Poops Poison and Dies" Robinson, and Scott "Back From Assignment" Brehm. Time stamps below:

Email: 02m24s/

Corporate Sponsors: 09m04s/

Current Events: 11m40s/

X-Treme X-Men #1: 19m13s/

Axe Cop: President of the World #1: 22m10s/

Before Watchmen: Comedian #2: 26m04s/

Aquaman #11: 29m42s/

Eternity #1: 34m27s/

Flash #11: 39m53s/

Green Lantern #11: 44m48s/

Green Lantern: New Guardians #11: 49m33s/

Justice League Dark #11: 52m37s/

Teen Titans #11: 57m27s/

Wolverine and the X-Men #14: 1h01m09s/

Uncanny X-Force #28: 1h04m10s/

All-Star Western #11: 1h08m50s/

Ghostbusters #11: 1h12m42s/

Mass Effect: Homeworlds #3: 1h15m34s/

Superman Family Adventures #3: 1h19m13s/

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Direct download: Episode_39.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST