Fri, 23 March 2012
The Nola Nerds are at it again! Featuring the first ever "Nola Nerd Prediction" and a bevy of comic reviews, this is your one stop shop for a spoiler free in depth look at the week in comics. This week welcome Matthew "Not Going to Flash Anyone This Week" Finneman, Chris "Still Can't Tell the Difference Between Warhammer and Warcraft" Robinson, Scott "Huh. I Have a Smoker's Voice" Brehm, and Barbie "I Just Want to Read Your Comics for Free" Cure as they break it down issue by issue. Four Nerds, but only three books of the week! Which nerds actually agreed with one another? Find out! Time stamps below: Email: 01m30s/ Corporate Sponsors: 06m00s/ Current Events: 10m18s/ Hoax Hunters #0: 14m20s/ Rocketeer Adventures Book 2 #1: 15m40s/ Super Crooks #1 Mini Review : 18m10s/ Tiny Titans #50 Mini Review: 20m30s/ Batman #7: 22m37s/ Batman Beyond Unlimited #2: 28m30s/ Green Lantern Corps #7: 33m04s/ Justice League #7: 37m04s/ Wonder Woman #7: 43m09s/ Fables #115: 47m50s/ Kick-Ass 2 #7: 49m48s/ Catwoman #7: 52m00s/ Nightwing #7: 55m03s/ Dominique Laveau #1: 59m02s/ Generation Hope #17: 1h02m30s/ Red Hood and the Outlaws #7: 1h05m44s/ Supergirl #7: 1h10m16s/ Uncanny X-Men #9: 1h13m02s/ Birds of Prey #7: 1h17m15s/ Scarlet Spider #3: 1h19m57s/ Blue Beetle #7: 1h22m35s/ Ghostbusters #7: 1h25m25s/ Invincible Iron Man #514: 1h28m00s/ E-mail us at Twitter @nolanerdpodcast. Like us on Facebook NolaNerdPodcast