We're just a couple of guys from New Orleans who like talking about comics, video games, anime and movies! know how we are lile, totally professional and stuff? Not this time! Well I mean, we weren't any more or less professional while we recorded the new episode. I meant more as I type up this description. I've been drinking. I know, I know. We will all find the strength to carry on. MOVING ON! We have some great emails this week and the Nola Nerds really go in depth for them. We also talk about the next wave of crossover books - both for DC's Night of the Owls and Marvel's Avengers vs. X-Men. All of this and more with a healthy dose of snark and irreverance. Join Matt "My Favorite Doctor is Doctor Light" Finneman, Chris "Deleted our Last Podcast Cause He is a Big Ol Bully" Robinson, Barbie "Fastest Comic Review Record Holder" Cure, and Andy "New Scott" Niemann as they break down this new week in comics! Time stamps below:

Email: 06m10s/

Corporate Sponsors: 27m08s/

Current Events: 27m50s/

Mystery in Space #1: 28m58s/

Ultimate X-Men #11: 30m12s/

Batgirl #9: 32m20s/

Batman #9: 36m32s/

Demon Knights #9: 40m46s/

Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #9: 44m35s/

Green Lantern #9: 48m15s/

Fairest #3: 51m12s/

New Avengers #26: 55m03s/

Punisher #11: 59m31s/

Uncanny X-Force #25 1h03m07s/

Wolverine and the X-Men #10: 1h07m50s/

Suicide Squad #9: 1h12m28s/

Resurrection Man #9: 1h16m13s/

Superboy #9: 1h18m41s/

Legion Lost #9: 1h22m35s/

Batman and Robin #9: 1h25m52s/

Dominique Laveau: Voodoo Child #2: 1h30m10s/

Buffy: Season 9 #9: 1h33m20s/

Night of 1000 Wolves #1: 1h35m20s/

Mega Man #13: 1h36m00s/

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Direct download: Episode_28.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01am EST

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