Sun, 22 September 2013
We are so precariously close to episode 100 it is starting to border on the absurd. We have no idea how to even honor such an occassion...but we still have three weeks left to worry, so that is a problem for Future Matt and Future Chris. This week brings us to the penultimate week of DCs villains month, as well as showing us several high quality Marvel books and a great issue of Fables. We talk Dickwolves. We talk Black Dynamite. And we talk comics. So join NOLAnerds Matt "Rogue Lover" Finneman and Chris "McCoy Hater" Robinson as they talk about stuff and junk. Books of the Week Email: 02m35s/ Corporate Sponsors: 08m51s/ Current Events: 09m34s/ Action Comics #23.3: 12m00s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman '66 #3: 13m05s/ Chris: 3.5/ Batman #23.3: 16m10s/ Chris: 3.0/ Batman and Robin #23.3: 17m22s/ Matt: 2.5/ Batman Dark Knight #23.3: 18m59s/ Chris: 2.0/ Batman Beyond Universe #2: 21m13s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.5/ Detective Comics #23.3: 23m58s/ Matt: 2.5/ Flash #23.3: 26m01s/ Matt: 4.5 Chris: 4.0/ Green Lantern #23.3: 29m45s/ Matt: 2.5 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League #23.3: 32m45s/ Matt: 2.0 Chris: 1.5/ Justice League of America #7.3: 35m21s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Justice League Dark #23.2: 37m41s/ Matt: 3.0 Chris: 2.5/ Superman #23.3: 41m28s/ Chris: 1.0/ Swamp Thing #23.1: 44m26s/ Chris: 3.0/ Teen Titans #23.2: 46m08s/ Matt: 2.5/ Wonder Woman #23.1: 48m12s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Fables #133: 50m46s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 4.0/ Cable and X-Force #14: 53m10s/ Chris: 3.0/ Daredevil #31: 55m33s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 3.5/ Superior Spider-Man #18: 58m52s/ Matt: 3.5 Chris: 3.0/ Thor God of Thunder #13: 1h00m33s/ Chris: 3.0/ Uncanny X-Men #12: 1h03m40s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Adventure Time #20: 1h07m51s/ Matt: 4.0 Chris: 4.0/ Bounce #5: 1h10m42s/ Matt: 3.0/ Mega Man #29: 1h12m31s/ Matt: 3.5/ E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nola Nerd Cast. View us at