Fri, 2 December 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Wed, 23 November 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Wed, 16 November 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Wed, 9 November 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Mon, 31 October 2016
The countdown has begun! Nintendo announced that the NX is now the Switch, and gamers are in full on speculation and hot takes mode. Between the Switch, Pokemon, Red Dead Redemption 2, and PS VR, this was a crazy week for gaming. Comics: Detective Comics #943: 53m33s/ Teen Titans #1: 55m21s/ Civil War II #6: 56m27s/ Ms Marvel #12: 58m31s/ Vision #12: 59m51s/ Descender #16: 1h01m40s/ Jughead #10: 1h03m10s/
Wed, 26 October 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Wed, 19 October 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Mon, 10 October 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Fri, 7 October 2016
The NOLAnerdcast is the premiere Louisiana Pop Culture, Gaming and Comics podcast. Every week we discuss the latest and hottest news from around the internet. The show is broadcast live on youtube every Wednesday at 8 PM CST
E-mail us at Find the live broadcasts at
Fri, 30 September 2016
As a group we discuss the hottest video games, comic, movies, and pop culture news each and every week. This is the audio component of the video show which is live on youtube every wednesday at 8 at
Tue, 20 September 2016
This week we talk about sick side flips, our picks for the game most likely to be delayed until next year, and what is actually coming out in October. (Hint: no Saw this year) E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at and
Wed, 14 September 2016
Episode 36 was an amazing, all encompassing experience. Seriously it bordered on the transcendent. Listen if you want to have your mind and heart blown away by all the sincerity of our hosts.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at live every wednesday! Watch our let's plays on
Wed, 7 September 2016
This week our special guests include the fine folks at Dead Lizard Comics as they discuss their work and we talk about the usual games and comics news. E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at and on Twitch at
Mon, 29 August 2016
This week we are joined by accomplished cosplayers Cat and Grace Davidson (with Engineering Dad!) as we discuss the benefits of making impossible things, the cuteness of Playstation robots, and the best way to "remove" a human body. Plus the highlights of comic news and video games and all points in between.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast, View us at and
Mon, 22 August 2016
Episode 32 is NOT lost. It is located video only on Check it out there. This week we test the brand new mic (Let us know how it sounds!) Discuss No Man's Sky, and discuss all the comics and video game news we can possibly sink our teeth into.
Mon, 8 August 2016
This week we regale the guys with tales of Mechacon, discuss foam sword fighting, mention the Suicide Squad issues, and remind ourselves that petitions never ever work.
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at and
Mon, 1 August 2016
This week Matt returns from SDCC to regale us with tales of the fabled "west coast", a metric crap ton of news drops and we dig into that. Civil War II rolls on and changes the landscape of the Marvel Universe, and as always video games galore!
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast, View us at www.
Wed, 20 July 2016
Welcome to a special early and truncated episode of the NOLAnerdcast! No guest star. No comics news. Not even a full roster of NOLAnerds. What gives? Well, Matthew is leaving for San Diego Comic Con to take the NOLAnerdcast cross country and will be providing coverage of the event from there. So we had to record early! Which means no comics came out yet. But we do talk Ghostbusters, Pokemon GO, toxic Twitter behavior, EVO 2016, and so much more!
Fri, 15 July 2016
We once again welcome a new guest, Michelle Badeaux from a neighboring podcast called the Nerdy Gras! We ask her about how she started her show, what it's all about, and discover all the awesome things she loves that our own Chris doesn't because he isn't as cool apparently. We also discuss the worldwide addiction that is Pokemon GO, brand new comic debuts from DC's Rebirth line, Marvel's own horribly upsetting Vision series, and more!
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth: 1h06m05s/ New Super-Man: Rebirth: 1h09m33s/ Nightwing: Rebirth: 1h13m57s/ Civil War II #3: 1h15m55s/ Vision #9: 1h20m49s/ Old Man Logan #8: 1h27m22s/ Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #6: 1h32m39s/
E-mail us questions at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at or
Fri, 8 July 2016
The NOLAnerds return with another round of absurdity, comic book discussion, and game chatter. However this time they are joined by the creators of the local comic property Goofy Froot! What do you get when you mix gangsta grapes, weed addicted chili peppers, a banana CEO, and more? A whole lot of ridiculousness. So join us as we interview them, talk new Rebirth comics and Marvel Civil War tie ins, and talk about the gaming news that came out over the week.
Aquaman #2: 36m15s/
Batman #2: 39m38s/
Green Arrow #2: 43m05s/
Green Lanterns #2: 44m51s/
Justice League: Rebirth #1: 47m59s/
Superman #2: 49m49s/
Captain Marvel #6: 53m03s/
Spider-Man #5: 55m02s/
Totally Awesome Hulk #8: 57m10s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #9: 58m51s/
Uncanny Inhumans #11: 1h00m01s/
X-Men: Civil War II #2: 1h04m40s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at www, and
Mon, 4 July 2016
Matt joined the fine folks at the Rumor Files podcast to talk about fan theories from a variety of different topics! What's the true, secret origin of Ditto? How dark was the Ed, Edd, and Eddy universe? Why was Darth Jar Jar the best? was Joker truly the hero of The Dark Knight? Join Matt and find out together! E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @NOLAnerdcast. View us at and
Direct download: Rumor_Flies_Fan_Theories_Nolanerdcast_Version.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:03pm EST
Wed, 29 June 2016
Due to real life (!) intruding on the podcast, we were forced to record a day earlier than normal. So no new comics this week. I mean the last time we did this, it's not like Captain America came out as a Nazi right? ...Right?.....Anyway we delve into the gaming news of the week, discuss cosplay with our favorite award winning cosplayer Remy Symons! and I guess make fun of each other? It's kind of our schtick.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at
Sun, 26 June 2016
The streaming age of NOLAnerdcast continues unabated! Undeterred by a never ending stream of technical issues, the NOLAnerds nonetheless trudge along, bringing you the comics and gaming news of the week! Rebirth #1s? We got em. Civil War tie in book hot takes? We got em. Mass Effect Andromeda info dumps? You betcha. NPD sales figures? You know it. Way more stuff than should be presented here? Yup!
Action Comics #1: 15m50s/
Aquaman #1: 18m40s/
Detective Comics #935: 21m07s/
Flash #1: 23m54s/
Wonder Woman #1: 25m10s/
Ms. Marvel #8: 27m35s/
Totally Awesome Hulk #7: 30m10s/
Thu, 16 June 2016
E3 is here! So get ready for a special extra length episode dedicated to all of the news and conferences that came out of gaming's largest celebration. But we haven't forgotten about comics! We chat about the new DC #1's and new Rebirth one shots, as well as the latest issue of Civil War II. But this week is all about the games. EA. Bethesda. Microsoft. Ubisoft. Sony. Nintendo. We tackle them all, in depth. Check it out!
Comics Batman #1: 11m30s Green Arrow #1: 14m11s Justice League #51: 17m40s Superman #1: 19m12s Titans: Rebirth #1: 21m25s Civil War II #2: 22m46s
E3 Conferences
EA Conference: 21m53s Bethesda Conference: 35m06s Microsoft Conference: 44m00s Ubisoft Conference: 1h10m05s Sony Conference: 1h25m02s Nintendo "Conference:" 1h47m06s
Sat, 11 June 2016
Welcome to the episode of the NOLAnerdcast where we find out firsthand two things: 1) Twitch difficulties make live streaming super difficult. 2) Our followers are awesome and will wait while we tried to fix it time and time again! This week we welcome Turtle Girl, the most intense lover of TMNT you'll ever meet! She breaks down her love of the turtles, ranks the movies and TV shows, and showers us in a ton of information that we never knew about. We also tackle the next round of DC Rebirth titles AND the unprecedented wave of pre E3 2016 gaming leaks!
Action Comics: Rebirth #1: 44m32s/
Aquaman: Rebirth #1: 46m44s/
Detective Comics: Rebirth #1: 49m11s/
Flash: Rebirth #1: 50m55s/
Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1: 52m46s/
Howard the Duck #8: 55m16s/
Rate and review us on iTunes. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast/ View us at or
Thu, 2 June 2016
Welcome to an episode all about Rebirth! This week we tackle two weeks worth of awesome comics, most notably tackling all of the new DC Rebirth issues! We might have had to say goodbye to Gail Simone's Secret Six, but we welcomed home Ollie the Green Arrow with open arms. Civil War II kicked off, and Deadly Class continued the Era of Upsetting Comics. We chat about the rumored new XBox consoles, new E3 leaks, and more!
Justice League #50/DC: Rebirth #1: 20m17s/
Secret Six #14: 27m20s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #8: 28m26s/
Batman: Rebirth #1: 30m17s/
Green Arrow: Rebirth #1: 32m41s/
Green Lantern: Rebirth #1: 35m00s/
Superman: Rebirth #1: 37m25s/
All-New Wolverine #9: 39m20s/
Civil War II #1: 41m19s/
Old Man Logan #7: 44m44s/
Deadly Class #21: 46m44s/
Fri, 27 May 2016
A special early bird episode that completely skips the most dramatic and important week of comics all year. So forget about DC: Rebirth (Again) and Captain America is a Nazi I guess? (I'm sure that's the title) and sit with us as we again go through the usual video game goodness. Also our initial reactions to the Preacher pilot and more! E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at And watch the live version of this show every wednesday at
Fri, 20 May 2016
Welcome to another episode of the NOLAnerdcast, brought to you in both audio AND video over on the Youtubes! This week we tackle a bunch of great comics, ranging from the finale of Sinestro, to the beginning of Marvel's Civil War II, to the ending of the first arc of Jughead, to the debut of the omega crossover Future Quest, and more! We also chat games and the gaming industry, discussing Uncharted 4, what could have been with Fable 4, thoughts on how to improve Xbox in America, among many other topics! So join the NOLAnerds as we chit chat the night away!
Sinestro #23: 23m20s/
All-New Wolverine #8: 24m51s/
Civil War II #0: 28m37s/
Spider-Man #4: 31m30s/
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #5: 34m49s/
Future Quest #1: 36m35s/
Jughead #6: 39m35s/
Mon, 16 May 2016
The new era has begun! Join the NOLAnerds as they bring you their weekly look at nerd culture through TV, movies, games, and live on video via Twitch! Each week we will have our audio podcast joined by a live broadcasting of the show for fan engagement! This week we talk about comics, watch Scott's arms flail about, discuss guest Mason's trip to Japan, the release of the GOAT Uncharted 4, and so much more!
All-New X-Men #9: 26m15s/
Black Panther #2: 29m49s/
Vision #7: 32m51s/
Archie #8: 35m15s/
Sat, 7 May 2016
This week the NOLAnerds discover Chris' one weakness, say goodbye to the greatest book of the short lived DC You era, revel in Howard the Duck's mistreatment of Captain America and Spider-Man, discuss the merits of a full blown sci fi Call of Duty game, and so much more it'll make your head spin!
Midnighter #12 - 15m34s/
A-Force #5: 19m02s/
Black Widow #3: 22m13s/
Howard the Duck #7: 25m29s/
Unfollow #7: 28m40s/ E-mail us at Follow us on Social Media at NOLAnerdCast. View us at
Fri, 29 April 2016
So fun story: It is super easy to frustrate Matthew because he has the thinnest skin ever. Chris exploits that knowledge and makes Matt pout for what seems like 75% of the entire episode. What a baby. Get over it you big baby. Besides that, we talk Nintendo's baffling business moves for 2016, the announcement of the death of the Wii U, and...oh yeah, comics. This was one of the best weeks ever for comics. Like, ever. In the history of us reading. It was awesome. We cherry pick the best for you! AND THERE IS SO MUCH MORE! Comics Time Stamps:
Batman #51: 23m50s/
Secret Six #13: 26m28s/
All-New Wolverine #7: 29m00s/
Avengers: Stand Off Omega #1: 32m45s/
Daredevil #6: 35m43s/
Old Man Logan #5: 37m48s/
Saga #36: 41m40s/
Mon, 25 April 2016
Because SOMEBODY, who shall remain nameless. was busy tom-catting around the city, I now have to throw together this weeks description. We talk about what makes a valid top ten list, bunch of good comics from this week, and we continue harping on about VR, which we will continue to do until the heat death of the universe.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NOLAnerdcast. View us at
Thu, 14 April 2016
Join us for a special episode of the NOLAnerdcast! Featuring Dr. Cody Louviere PhD* of King Crow Studios, creators of the currently on Kickstarter game Quest of Souls, the NOLAnerds present one heck of an interview! We chat with Cody about his dream of devving for Nintendo, the origins of the dragon slaying Corgi, the ideas behind his twin stick shooter RPG, and how he was able to stay true to his Louisiana roots, and so much more! And that isn't all! The NOLAnerds also discuss comics, including the single most haunting issue of comics they have read in ages. They also discuss just what it will take for Nintendo to win them over with the NX. Matt tries to talk about VR, but he gets shot down until Dr. Cody PhD* jumps in to save the day!
*Cody is not a doctor. Why would we make that up? WHO KNOWS
Comics Time Stamps:
All-New X-Men #8: 42m24s/
Deadly Class #20: 44m52s/
No Mercy #9: 46m21s/
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @NOLAnerdcast View us at
Fri, 8 April 2016
Comics man. They are a thing that seems to happen every week. But you know what doesn't happen every week? A 50th issue of Batgirl. You know what else? An American soldier turning into Godzilla and fighting a giant Avengers robot. Turns out that doesn't happen too often. The NOLAnerds also discuss their favorite generations of the video game industry, chat about the recent Xbox One release Quantum Break, and give their thoughts on the new Black Panther book, alongside so much more!
Batgirl #50: 07m14s/ Black Panther #1: 12m23s/ New Avengers #9: 16m51s/ Old Man Logan #4: 21m20s/ Vision #6: 25m35s/
Fri, 1 April 2016
![]() So this week, a pretty big movie came out. You might have heard of it. Something about a dark knight versus a man of steel. But then a wondrous woman shows up. And they fight against the doom of the day. And some dude with hair is evil or something.
But hey! Other stuff happened too! Like, DC made huge waves comics wise with their massive announcement of all of the DC Rebirth titles and creative teams. And we read some comics! Batman & Robin Eternal came to a conclusion. Saga continues to be awesome. Squirrel Girl teams up with Howard the Duck, and Chip Zdarsky sanctioned buffoonery ensues. Speaking of Chip Zdarsky buffoonery, Jughead is amazing.
But that's not all! Josh flips out over Slain and Hyper Light Drifter, Scott continues to love wrestling fanfic, Chris ignores the rest of us for Avengers Academy, and so much more!
Batman & Robin: Eternal #26: 06m21s/
All-New X-Men #7: 09m09s/
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #6: 11m22s/
Jughead #5: 15m51s/
Saga #35: 18m27s
Fri, 25 March 2016
Well the gang is all here and growing by the week! The conversation takes a sad turn when we discuss the video game industry's penchant for closing studios this past week as well as Chris' inability to ever watch anything good in a timely fashion. And we find out that there are strong opinions to be had about the Wii U's failure to make a dent in the market. There are comics too. You know, those things we also read? Turns out Batman hit a milestone issue today.
Batman #50: 17m12s/
Batman & Robin: Eternal #25: 27m30s/
Secret Six #12: 45m54s/
Birthright #15: 48m06s
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Wed, 23 March 2016
This week many voices decrying VR and only one brave soul standing up for it. Who you ask? The answer may surprise you (It's Matt. It's always Matt) Also Division Talk, Comics and other coolish things
Mon, 14 March 2016
Comics! Games! Stuff! Coming at you faster than the Flash was when he destroyed the anti-monitor's cannon! References abound! This week the end of magic? Are people still playing Destiny? Whats the proper length for a weekly series? This and more today!
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast. View us at
Thu, 3 March 2016
Man, what an exciting week we had. Some of us had. Ok, maybe only one of us had an exciting week and the other stayed at home and did nothing but it's not your job to judge our life choices. Anyway comics are good, we learned about VR and maybe even a little bit about ourselves. Maybe. Comics: Batgirl 49: 4:07 Green Lantern 50: 14:22 Midnighter 10: 20:31 Black Widow 1: 24:48 Old Man Logan 3: 33:10 Spider-man 2: 45:18 Unfollow 5: 53:30
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at Nolanerdcast. View us at
Mon, 29 February 2016
Who's hyped for another full week of more of the nonsense you come to expect from us?!? Is it you?! Yay!!! This week comics, the first look at Far Cry Primal, Matt shuts off the recorder half way through, the usual stuff. Plus E-mails!! I don't think I've ever been happier. Except for that one time at the fireworks factory, that was top. Comics times: Aquaman: 13:13 Batman and Robin Eternal: 16:00 All New X-men: 25:03 Karnak: 28:16 Unbeatable Squirrel girl: 42:37 Saga: 48:14 E-mail us questions! Seriously! at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Fri, 19 February 2016
This week the NOLAnerds sit back, relax, and chat it up about a variety of stuff. Chris drones on about how much he loves Reggie from the new Archie comic, Matt laments his addicted to Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Digimon: Cyber Sleuth continues to dominate the mindshare, and so much more! Do we discuss the Daredevil Season 2 trailer? How about a brief review and discussion of Deadpool's new movie? Do we manage to find time to get to some comics before binge watching more episodes of Naruto: Shippuden? The answer to all of these questions is an emphatic "probably!"
Comics Time Stamps:
Sinestro #20: 11m07s/
Huck #4: 24m49s/
Sex Criminals #14: 39m07s/
Avengers: Standoff #1: 47m08s/
Sun, 14 February 2016
When we first made episode 5, we were constrained by the technology of the era we made it in. Now that tehcnology has caught up with our vision, I am happy to present to you the new and improved episode 5. Including beloved characters digitally placed into frames, more lens flair, and 50% less white noise. A gift for you and for your family.
Sun, 14 February 2016
Do you remember that episode of Clone High where Abe tries not to sleep to impress Cleo? Yeah picture Matt as sleepy Abe and then you have a clearer picture of what we are working with over here at NOLANerdHQ. Anyway we talk about comics, and Clone High and Digimon and just how startlingly tired Matt looks.
Comics time stamps:
Miss Marvel 4: 8:51 Avengers: 20:21 All New X-men 4: 23:17 Old Man Logan 2: 35:13 Batman 49: 41:28
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at
Sat, 30 January 2016
Are you ready for some comics? What about TV? What about VIDJA GAMES?! What about assorted other musings about nerdy things in general? Well have we got a brand new episode for you! We discussed the ramifications of Kickstarter games being delayed thanks to Mighty No 9, we chat about the woes Xbox One continues to face in Japan, we chat about how sexy Chris is (probably)...we basically chat. And comics? Boy howdy do we have some comics for you!
Unfollow #3: 06m43s/
Ringside #3: 19m21s/
Grayson #16: 27m26s/
Saga #33: 34m21s/
Old Man Logan #1: 47m32s/
Deadly Class #18: 55m03s/
Fri, 22 January 2016
BOOM! The new era continues! The NOLAnerds bring you their new fusion of comics and gaming chat with a healthy dose of random tangents and general awesomeness sprinkled in. This week they discuss who their new dream team of comics writers would be for a modern day 52 event, talk about what about the current day gaming industry would've blown our minds back in 2005, breakdown the final NPD numbers of 2015, and so much more! We of course also chat about comics, because that's just how we roll.
Lucifer #2: 03m51s/
Batgirl #47: 07m49s/
Doctor Fate #8: 21m16s/
Secret Six #10: 30m41s/
Batman #48: 37m39s/
Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat #2: 40m37s/
Thu, 14 January 2016
The brand new era of podcasting continues on. This week we are joined by the once thought lost Scott and the owner of the BonaFried Food Truck Stephen as we discuss the value of subs vs. dubs, nerdy things you can do with 500 million dollars and how many movie theater hot dogs can Chris eat in a single sitting. Plus the harrowing tale of how we almost died seeing Batman Begins. I mean kind of harrowing. I didn't even know this story until it was mentioned. Oh and Secret Wars is great. That's another thing we talked about.
E-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @NolaNerdCast. View us at
Fri, 8 January 2016
After 300 episodes, a change was needed. We have reset the clock and renumbered ourselves in the finest comic book tradition. The All New All Different NolaNerdCast is now a variety show talking about video games, movies, anime and of course comic books. If you just found us, Welcome! If you've been with us since the beginning, thank you for your continued support! Let us ring in this new era together!!
E-mail us at Follow us on twitter and Facebook at NolaNerdCast. View us at